
Creating an outline effect on an object is kind of simple with a backface-material assigned to a duplicate of the object with a position set to an offset by the normals:

Geometry nodes

It also works if I create a primitive node (here a cylinder) instead of using an object from the scene:

enter image description here

But if I create an object with "String to curve" and duplicate it to a 3x3 grid of objects, rotate them individually, and then try to apply the offset by normal it stops working:

enter image description here

It doesn't matter what value I scale the normal vector with, the "position"/"resized by normal" stays on top of the unaltered geometry with the SolidColor-material. Anyone have any idea why the Normal-offset applied to "Set position" breaks?


1 Answer 1


I needed to put a Realize Instances node before the Set Position for it to function properly.

enter image description here


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