
I have been looking around the internet for a solution, but nothing seems to work for me. I have got this model that I am going to 3d print, but at the scale that I am printing the edges are too coarse. I have tried playing around with modifiers but nothing seems to be working. The outer edges need to stay sharp. Any help would be appreciated!

edge closeup

full model (size is 2.2x2.6x0.05 m


1 Answer 1


Prepare your topology with some inner edges:

enter image description here

Give your object a Subdivision Surface modifier to have a round shape (increase the subdivision up to what you want):

enter image description here

As it is too round, give it a Bevel modifier (that you put above the Subdivision Surface), increase the Angle value up to around 80°, set the Amount and Segments values, it will sharpen the edges. Apply the modifiers:

enter image description here


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