Recently purchased this 1x11 rebuild. Decals have been removed and it has a fresh powder coat. The stripes are coloured electrical tape so don't go by that... I've heard it could be a Miyata or Nishiki but can't find either that have an exact replica. The lugs seem to be very unique.

Any ideas of the make/model/year?

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  • It is at least somewhat distinctive. A closeup of the rear dropout area might be helpful. But I'm guessing it's later than 1990. Commented Aug 28, 2018 at 2:24
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    Well it started as a multiple chainwheel bike - the extra cable holders suggest that. The yellow is a repaint for sure. The black tape holding the cable on... that's really detracting, would look better with some proper shiny chrome cable clips. Not sure what the big pog of yellow tape is on the seat tube - is it just holding the reflector on? That's a poor place for it cos the seat stays will obscure. I see marks on the bottom of the right side seat stay - are they original decals showing through? Try and read them under a strong light.
    – Criggie
    Commented Aug 28, 2018 at 8:01
  • Oh - its a gorgeous bike too. You should ride it! I'd consider a contrasting bartape though - yellow gets dirty about as fast as white bartape does. Maybe deep red leather-like bartape, to match the front hub?
    – Criggie
    Commented Aug 28, 2018 at 8:02
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    @k102 - Most BMX bikes are generic Chinese things that cannot be differentiated. Commented Aug 28, 2018 at 11:21
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    @k102 several reasons - BMXs tend to be very similar, with no significant distinguishing features. Many "ID my BMX" questions are a bare frame and maybe a fork, will never be reassembled and ridden. This yellow and red bike has features that are distinctive, and can help date it. There's a level of bike archaeology trying to see if it has/had downtube shifters or other dateable features. Finally, OP is actively riding this bike.. That alone makes it more interesting to me so I choose to put more effort into helping. We're diverging from topic, so try Bicycles Chat for less structured things.
    – Criggie
    Commented Aug 29, 2018 at 0:39