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Questions tagged [subiquity]

Subiquity is an installer framework for Ubuntu, providing the Ubuntu Server text UI installer, and Ubuntu Core first boot configuration. It also functions as the backend for other Ubuntu install cases such as the flutter-based Desktop installer and as part of WSL configuration.

25 votes
2 answers

Automated 20.04 Server Installation using PXE and live server image

How to do an fully automated Ubuntu 20.04 Server install using PXE and the live server image? Reason With the 20.04 release, it seems clear Ubuntu is further pushing the live server installer (...
Andrew Lowther's user avatar
1 vote
2 answers

My Ubuntu 20.04 auto install is failing - how can I open a shell?

I have an autoinstall on a custom 20.04 ISO I'm building using Cubic. Subiquity is the Curtin log below and providing a path but I can't work out how to break into a shell. This happened after cloud-...
Alex Turner's user avatar
7 votes
1 answer

Curtin error on autoinstall Ubuntu 20.04.1

It fails when I try to use a local focal mirror or if I set a proxy. Here is the install log snippet: 2020-12-01 13:47:16,916 DEBUG root:39 start: subiquity/InstallProgress/install/curtin_install/cmd-...
Joshua's user avatar
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5 votes
1 answer

Ubuntu Server 20.04 LTS: Failed Install (subiquity...install_fail/add_info)

I'm trying to update my home server to Ubuntu 20 however I'm having a bit of a problem. I want to dual boot my current Ubuntu 16 with the new v20. I booted a Live USB and used GParted to shrink my ...
Electr0's user avatar
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10 votes
2 answers

Disable auto update at end of autoinstall/cloud-init

I have a working cloud-init that is deployed using packer. Once the VM is booted and the autoinstall is completed, Ubuntu does the auto update thing. This seems to take forever to complete and is an ...
Pieter De Wit's user avatar
4 votes
1 answer

Ubuntu 20.04 installer downloads ISO more than once

I have been working through the example posted by Andrew Lowther at Automated 20.04 Server Installation using PXE and live server image . For example using a linux cmdline similar to: linux /vmlinuz ...
Matt Causey's user avatar
2 votes
1 answer

20.04 autoinstall ejecting iso after first reboot

I am working on upgrading an offline/disconnected installation of Ubuntu that used to be 18.04 with D-I to 20.04 with autoinstall/cloud-init. I have most everything working out so far, but one of the ...
Nick Case's user avatar
2 votes
1 answer

20.04 live server automated install hangs on "finish: subiquity/Refresh: SUCCESS: completed", not able to login

I try to install 20.04 live server image on bare metal BIOS based device. I'm following this guide. I managed to set up dnsmasq, TFTP and HTTP servers, but after running user-data script booting hangs ...
adacho3000's user avatar
1 vote
3 answers

Server 22.04.1 subiquity autoinstall - system-install command fails after changing NIC name using netplan

Issue: I'm trying to use packer to create an Ubuntu Server 22.04 image and I'm running into issues when it comes to renaming the NIC using a valid netplan config and then also installing one package. ...
Tuxington's user avatar
0 votes
2 answers

Autoinstall local repository

I have my own ISO based on Ubuntu 22.04 that I generated myself. Here is my Autoinstall - #cloud-config autoinstall: version: 1 identity: hostname: foo-ubuntu password: "ToReplace&...
Utz's user avatar
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