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35 votes

My result is accepted in a journal as an errata, but the editors want to change the authorship

Short answer/summary: I take it that you felt as if you were submitting more or less an "original work", even though it's very much based on correcting an error in a published paper. I think ...
Bryan Krause's user avatar
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27 votes

I feel guilty about past behavior in my college

This sounds like one of the rare cases where I suggest to actually go to a specialist to find out what's going on and how to fix it. Especially your loss of attention indicates that something is going ...
Captain Emacs's user avatar
13 votes

Is it madatory to obtain an ethical clearance from my affiliated institute for an interview that is to be presented in a conference?

At a typical US institution you would be expected to either A) get IRB agreement that you do not need IRB approval (typically through an expedited review process) or B) get IRB approval. There is no ...
Bryan Krause's user avatar
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12 votes

My result is accepted in a journal as an errata, but the editors want to change the authorship

You cannot force a journal to publish your paper if it doesn't want to. Perhaps they were wrong to reject your paper, but it's their decision and there's no point in dwelling on it. There are many ...
Dan Romik's user avatar
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11 votes

Submitting 2 manuscripts explaining the same scientific fact but by two different methods

Is this allowed? In theory and practice, yes, there are many mechanisms which would allow you to do it. Is it ethical? It depends on perception. In my opinion, this qualifies as "salami slicing&...
R1NaNo's user avatar
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10 votes

My result is accepted in a journal as an errata, but the editors want to change the authorship

Let me put my Editor's hat on...and for clarity I'm not affiliated with the journal you're dealing with. First, an Errata is generally sent by the authors of the original paper to point out an error ...
Eric Bittner's user avatar
10 votes

My result is accepted in a journal as an errata, but the editors want to change the authorship

First off, based on your responses to all the comments, I think you have a very mistaken view about the prestige of being an author of this errata. This is not something to be proud of or to put your ...
R1NaNo's user avatar
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9 votes

Crazy emails from superstar professor

It's difficult to know for sure without having a clearer picture of what is in the crazy emails, but my suggestion would be to politely push for clarification. Something like: Apologies, I found your ...
user2390246's user avatar
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9 votes

Crazy emails from superstar professor

If everyone agrees that the emails are “crazy”, perhaps he is struggling with mental health issues. Some conditions, like schizophrenia and other illnesses that cause psychosis, can have “crazy emails”...
Significance's user avatar
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6 votes

My result is accepted in a journal as an errata, but the editors want to change the authorship

Your description lacks details, so this answer also draws on generalizations based on what you described. The editor chose to publish an erratum. Errata are minor, almost by definition. Here's how ...
Allure's user avatar
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6 votes

My result is accepted in a journal as an errata, but the editors want to change the authorship

I guess that this question relates to the same paper as your earlier question (An editor thinks a correction should be posted on the author's website rather than published. Is he sticking to the ...
avid's user avatar
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6 votes

I feel guilty about past behavior in my college

Is there really a way to even slightly change what has happened? Obviously not, but given your higher-ups are professionals they will not overreact over what I read as juvenile behavior. am I done ...
enzo's user avatar
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6 votes

Should I ask permission from my former PI after finishing my contract when I'm sole author of the paper?

From what you say, you already have his "permission" to publish as a sole author or otherwise exclude him. From what you say, you are ethically the sole author of the paper in its current ...
Buffy's user avatar
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5 votes

I feel guilty about past behavior in my college

What stands out in your narrative is your confusion and anxiety around relationships and your own behavior and the recent change in your focus. Not everyone questions their own behavior. Some people ...
Eggy's user avatar
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5 votes

I feel guilty about past behavior in my college

Your point 4 is the one you should be concerned with and seek professional help to overcome it. Perhaps your university has an office that can provide help. What you experience isn't uncommon at all. ...
Buffy's user avatar
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4 votes

Submitting 2 manuscripts explaining the same scientific fact but by two different methods

There is no ethical concern as long as you have cross-cited the papers if necessary to avoid self plagiarism. That is probably not an issue given what you say, but I haven't seen the two papers. ...
Buffy's user avatar
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3 votes

Should I ask permission from my former PI after finishing my contract when I'm sole author of the paper?

In my opinion it is best to confirm, especially if all you have is a verbal agreement, I would get it on the record via email (if you already have that, then that is fine). Further to that, you may ...
R1NaNo's user avatar
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3 votes

Crazy emails from superstar professor

This sounds not so much like a "superstar" but an aspiring "supernova" professor. However, after reading your overview, it is not really clear if that prof did something outright ...
Captain Emacs's user avatar
2 votes

How to address past academic misconduct as a new faculty member?

I suggest that you let the past be the past and just let it go. You seem to have moved beyond where you were years ago, and as an undergraduate, no less. Any fault in that episode is primarily that of ...
Buffy's user avatar
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2 votes

I feel guilty about past behavior in my college

and not paying attention to them feels like I'm disrespecting them. You are not. If you do not disturb the class (which includes things like your "silent" attitude, e.g. sleeping in class) ...
WoJ's user avatar
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2 votes

I feel guilty about past behavior in my college

I suggest writing your professors an email. They might not remember any of the incidents you mentioned, but if it bothers you, then for yourself write an email to each and apologize and tell them how ...
Anutah's user avatar
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2 votes

My result is accepted in a journal as an errata, but the editors want to change the authorship

It looks to me like you have different expectations than the course of action they took in response to your paper. I have two ideas for you: Contact them about it and explain your situation. There ...
Arek Kubiński's user avatar
2 votes

Can my grant pay for a conference marginally related to award?

Expenses charged to a grant are supposed to specifically "benefit" (i.e., help advance) the aims of that particular project. Whether attending a particular conference does so is essentially ...
Matt's user avatar
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