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20 votes

How to handle a missing author on an ECCV paper submission after the deadline?

You ask if there are circumstances in which conference organizers might be willing to add an author. That's too general a question. You want to know if the organizers of this particular conference ...
Ethan Bolker's user avatar
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13 votes

Is it madatory to obtain an ethical clearance from my affiliated institute for an interview that is to be presented in a conference?

At a typical US institution you would be expected to either A) get IRB agreement that you do not need IRB approval (typically through an expedited review process) or B) get IRB approval. There is no ...
Bryan Krause's user avatar
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8 votes

How to handle a missing author on an ECCV paper submission after the deadline?

You can ask the conference or program chair, but your only ethical option might be to withdraw. The policy is up to them. The ethics is up to you. Explain clearly the importance of adding an author ...
Buffy's user avatar
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4 votes

Which is More Valuable in Computer Science: Conference or Journal Publications?

As far as prestige goes, either at the same "tier" would be valuable in a CV. The advantage of conference publications, however, is at least twofold. First, the time to publication is ...
Buffy's user avatar
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2 votes

Register to 2 conferences at almost the same time with the same talk abstract/paper

There are archival and non-archival conferences. (Extended) abstracts in the former count as publications, while presenting at a non-archival conferences is not immediately associated with a ...
Arno's user avatar
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2 votes

Whether to upload a conference paper?

I would guess that it doesn't really matter unless you discuss things in the paper but anticipate filing a patent (especially in the US, where the rules have changed). Either uploading for conference ...
Buffy's user avatar
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2 votes

Can my grant pay for a conference marginally related to award?

Expenses charged to a grant are supposed to specifically "benefit" (i.e., help advance) the aims of that particular project. Whether attending a particular conference does so is essentially ...
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