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50 votes

Is this an invitation to submit or a polite rejection?

In my experience, this would indicate that your submission does meet a certain minimal standard... so it is not getting a "desk rejection". Getting "quick opinions" is meant to be ...
paul garrett's user avatar
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36 votes

The Zentralblatt asked me to review a worthless paper, what to do?

Zentralblatt as you know is a repository of short reviews used as a way to find articles. As a mathematician, you are supposed to scan the Zentralblatt (or reviews) to identify papers in your field. ...
Thomas Schwarz's user avatar
33 votes

Is this an invitation to submit or a polite rejection?

Here is my interpretation of what the email is saying: I had a quick look at the paper. The editor looked at your paper, probably for about 5-10 minutes, reading the abstract and parts of your ...
Dan Romik's user avatar
  • 193k
26 votes

I found a counterexample to an assumption in a proof but not to its result – how to publish this?

Yes. For example, in 1966, Lander and Parkin published a counterexample to Euler's conjecture on sums of like powers in the Bulletin of the American Mathematical Society, which is somewhat famous for ...
Daniel R. Collins's user avatar
20 votes

If a reference is no longer publicly available, should you include the proofs of the results you cite from it?

Yes. If you claim a mathematical result, you must provide readers of your paper a means to establish the correctness of the result. If your proof relies on other people’s work, the details of that ...
Dan Romik's user avatar
  • 193k
17 votes

I found a counterexample to an assumption in a proof but not to its result – how to publish this?

Yes, counter examples are welcome to be published as they correct the record. They are especially important if they give insight into why the original fails. Adding that insight would be helpful and ...
Buffy's user avatar
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15 votes

I found a counterexample to an assumption in a proof but not to its result – how to publish this?

People here are referring to OP's discovery as a "counterexample", but I think it's useful to point out that "counterexample" can be used to refer to three distinct types of things:...
Dan Romik's user avatar
  • 193k
9 votes

If a reference is no longer publicly available, should you include the proofs of the results you cite from it?

You don't have to do this, but it is not a bad idea. My suggestion would be to include rewritten proofs of what you need in your own paper, or at least the version on the arxiv, and include them there....
JoshuaZ's user avatar
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8 votes

Is this an invitation to submit or a polite rejection?

To me that sounds like they welcome you to submit it and at the least you might get a quick feedback on your paper.
Anutah's user avatar
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8 votes

If a reference is no longer publicly available, should you include the proofs of the results you cite from it?

Take care in what you include. Even though the original can't be found, someone, probably the original author, holds copyright to what you have. If you publish it verbatim it will be a copyright ...
Buffy's user avatar
  • 375k
6 votes

How to find gaps in mathematics/theoretical physics/mathematical physics ? How to proceed after that? (Undergraduate research and Publications)

The sane answer is as already suggested get a PhD in the subject you want to do research in. Doing useful research is really hard. (Getting a job in doing it is even harder!). But I know someone who ...
Kvothe's user avatar
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6 votes

How to find gaps in mathematics/theoretical physics/mathematical physics ? How to proceed after that? (Undergraduate research and Publications)

You have asked two questions - how to find gaps and what to do when you find one. If you know that a gap you have found is real (not just something known that you do not happen to know) and you have ...
Ethan Bolker's user avatar
  • 37.5k
6 votes

How to find gaps in mathematics/theoretical physics/mathematical physics ? How to proceed after that? (Undergraduate research and Publications)

You can only be an independent researcher, i.e., a researcher without an affiliation with a research institution, if you are already a researcher. For this you should enrol in a PhD program to be ...
The Doctor's user avatar
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5 votes

Is it possible to go from art school to a graduate school in mathematics?

Regarding your first question, each grad school will have its own policies, but I would say that, at any of them, it will be much harder to get into grad school with an art degree rather than a math ...
Peter Flom's user avatar
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5 votes

How can I find which US graduate programs in math require the GRE General Subject Test and which require the Mathematics Subject Test?

I'm not big on link-only answers, but since this was reopened I'll put this in as an answer. At time of answering, this resource is fairly current.
user176372's user avatar
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3 votes

I found a counterexample to an assumption in a proof but not to its result – how to publish this?

The paper where you generalize the results would be the best place to point out the error/mistake in the older paper from the 1980s. Others can then cite your work as a reference for the correct proof,...
testaccount's user avatar
3 votes

Is it possible to go from art school to a graduate school in mathematics?

Going straight to a PhD program is both not likely to be possible and even if it is, is unlikely to succeed. But many Masters programs at smaller schools which don't have PhDs are setup specifically ...
JoshuaZ's user avatar
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2 votes

How can I get scholarships to study a Master in Europe?

I don't know how it works in Chile, but many countries' education ministries and universities' international departments keep a record of scholarships that their students can apply for. For instance, ...
the_DJDJ's user avatar
1 vote

How to guide Junior Lecturers in teaching a short Mathematics course

I suggest that, rather than "telling them what to do" you hold a "round table discussion" with a few sessions in which people, including yourself, can offer suggestions and can ...
Buffy's user avatar
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1 vote

As a Computer Engineering / Computer science major, i am quite anxious and embarrassed of my mathematical aptitude

I'm going to try to say this in the nicest way possible, but have you ever considered that maybe Academia isn't for you? The reason why I say this is because I see the younger me in you. When I was ...
anon_user123456's user avatar

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