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Strategizing Post-Undergraduate Career Path for Aspiring Physics Doctoral Student [closed]

I'm a senior undergraduate physics student who hoped to attend graduate school starting next fall, but who was unfortunately not admitted to any in this admissions cycle. I remain very interested in ...
10GeV's user avatar
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-3 votes
2 answers

Is there any chance I can be accepted into a good graduate physics program without any bachelor's? [closed]

I am someone who did plenty of self-study in physics and has learned pretty much the entire undergraduate physics curriculum by himself. I have plenty of evidence to prove this (including a physics ...
Don Al's user avatar
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3 votes
4 answers

What are the criteria for a student from a weaker university to be accepted to elite graduate school?

I would like to generalize this question by asking for the general circumstances under which a strong university (in physics) like Harvard would accept a student from a much smaller/weaker ...
David Raveh's user avatar
0 votes
7 answers

Is it possible to do a masters in CS and a PhD in physics at the same time?

I’m a freshman in college and I’m a non-traditional student. I’m 45 years old with no previous degree other than high school here in the US. After college, I want to pursue a Ph.D. in physics, however,...
Andre Jones's user avatar
1 vote
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Is a late switch in your PhD topic detrimental to an academic career?

I did my undergraduate in math and physics with equal coursework from both. I am now a PhD student in a physics department with an advisor who is a faculty member in both the math and physics ...
user471239's user avatar
1 vote
2 answers

Changing fields from Computer Science to Physics or Mathematics

Recently, I graduated with a bachelor's degree in computer science from Hong Kong. Even though I enjoy computer science, there was a field that I always loved and wanted to be a part of: astronomy (or ...
Srijan's user avatar
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changing groups in grad school

I am going to apply for a physics PhD in the fall of 2024. I have trouble finalizing the main research area to mention in SOP because I am interested both in HEP experiments and theory. Suppose I ...
meow007's user avatar
13 votes
5 answers

Ph.D. rejection from German University due to citizenship and gotten degree from my previous institute by BAFA

This spring I ran away from Russia due to increasing repressions and other risks. Long story short, I got a Ph.D. position in quantum computing at Stuttgart University in the state of Baden-...
Evgenii's user avatar
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23 votes
7 answers

As a PhD student in theoretical physics, what fraction of my time (if any) should I spend on background material rather than my research problem?

I am a theoretical physics PhD student in the initial years. There is something which has been bothering me ever since I have started my PhD till today i.e whether one should completely focus on ...
Vash Arry's user avatar
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13 votes
8 answers

How important is attending graduate school for a PhD for physics/mathematics/astrophysics research?

Is it possible for one to publish high quality research papers in the aforementioned fields without attending a graduate school? I feel that you can read online material and books about research/...
PutnamLegend's user avatar
0 votes
3 answers

Switching from physics to math PhD with NSF GRFP

I will graduate this semester with a bachelor's degree in physics (in the US). I applied for PhD programs in physics, but have come to realize (rather late in the process) that I want to pursue a PhD ...
Joe's user avatar
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1 vote
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Transitioning to pure research in physics after an electronics engineering degree

I have always been a lover of physics but due to certain circumstances I was unable to take up a physics degree in my undergrad. I was aimless for a while but have now again decided to take a shot at ...
curious's user avatar
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Is it OK to propose to present research in a conference as a grad student?

I am a first year grad student, studying abroad, and there is a conference in the country where I am from which I think can be a good experience (I have never presented in a serious conference) to ...
Bohm Arahnmob's user avatar
1 vote
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What physics background is necessary for pursuing a PhD in Mathematical Physics? [closed]

If I wanted to do research related to the topology and geometry of space or their applications in quantum mechanics or general relativity, would it be possible to do that from a Mathematician’s POV ...
Epsilon_Delta's user avatar
1 vote
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How to study applied physics in graduate school from applied math

Upon doing background research and looking at faculty in my department, it seems that it is easy to move from studying physics to studying applied mathematics. However, I have seen few, if any cases ...
user918212's user avatar
4 votes
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How can I pursue my intellectual ambitions in physics (specifically quantum foundations) without favorable conditions? [closed]

I'm in a bit of a tricky situation and I'm not sure how to proceed forwards in accomplishing my goals. I think I am a bit of an information addict especially in regards to physics. I can't stop ...
K Pomykala's user avatar
4 votes
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Switching Topics Once in Graduate School

I plan to pursue a graduate school "career" in theoretical condensed matter physics in the US; however, getting into a grad program as a theory student is quite difficult due to limited ...
Debbie's user avatar
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Advisor gives me no choice on research topics - should I tell him my real feeling?

I am a 3rd year physics PhD doing high energy theory. This field has two large communities -- phenomenology and formal theory. I am interested in formal theories. Faculties hired with either ...
ParlorPink's user avatar
1 vote
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Post Undergraduate Research

I am currently an undergraduate student who has a strong interest in becoming a theoretical physicist. I have applied to 4 physics grad schools this year but it seems that my chances for going to grad ...
Debbie's user avatar
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2 votes
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Relevance of Research Papers from another field for Grad Admission [duplicate]

I am a student of Indian nationality, currently pursuing my bachelor's in Electronics and Communication Engineering. I wish to pursue a Ph.D. and later a career in astronomy (with an inclination to ...
nikita0509's user avatar
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Is it normal to not understand things from undergrad?

I graduated from college with a physics degree faster than my peers (because of various reasons: financial constraint and ambitions as well as near-burn-out state). My undergrad is a decent research ...
MoreConfi's user avatar
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Transitioning from Electrical Engineering to Physics *after* graduating

tl;dr: Graduating from EE with Ph.D. offers, but thinking about shifting to physics. Hi Everyone, Background: I'm an Electrical Engineering and Chemistry major (weird combination, I know). I am now ...
Tanuj's user avatar
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Grad School application that's submitted early with a decent LOR vs Application that's submitted rather late but with a better LOR

I am a final year bachelor's student in physics and I am applying to masters programs in physics, in the UK. The places I am applying to have a rolling admissions process and I wanted to submit my ...
newtothis's user avatar
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1 vote
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Physics Courses in Undergrad to Apply for Physics Grad Program [closed]

I am a sophomore physics student with an interest in studying applied physics or engineering in graduate school. I will take as many applied physics courses as I can in undergrad (and CS courses), but ...
Jonathan L.'s user avatar
2 votes
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What factors do I consider before deciding to ask my summer research guide for a recommendation for grad school?

I've currently finished two years of undergraduate study in physics. I'm at the end of a close to two month summer research program in math, at one of the best universities in my country. While I'd ...
newtothis's user avatar
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4 votes
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Graduate courses or research experience for PhD admissions: Which is more important? [closed]

I am currently at a crossroads, deciding between several MS program offers. I have the choice to do a research based masters, where I would take very few graduate courses but focus almost solely on ...
Zelinusa's user avatar
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3.1 GPA, but 2 Ds and a F on transcript [duplicate]

I am graduated in computational physics and from south asian country. i got F and D- grades for elective physics courses in my first and second year. but i didn't retake those classes. another D+ ...
anonymous's user avatar
2 votes
3 answers

Should I look for research internships or stay at my university for the summer? [closed]

I am in my last semester of Physics and Mathematics and, at the same time, my first semester in a MS in Applied Math (which I will finish in two more semesters) in one of the top universities for ...
The Bosco's user avatar
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What happens if my PhD interest has changed after a year?

I have had an admission for Spring semester (2019) with funding for PhD in Physics at a USA university. In my application, I mentioned that my area of interest is biophysics and experimental condensed ...
htr's user avatar
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5 votes
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Do graduate schools dislike when students take 5 years in undergrad?

I am currently a junior Materials Science and Engineering major at a top engineering university, and have done research in a very physics-based materials science lab for the past two years. I love ...
Anne's user avatar
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3 votes
4 answers

Can you get into a top grad school coming from UT Knox? [closed]

I went to the University of Tennessee at Chattanooga where I got a BA in Philosophy and graduated with a 3.4 GPA. During my senior year, I discovered an incessant love of physics. However, I’ve had to ...
Jordan Cox's user avatar
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Having a No Pass in major class for a reason

As a freshman, I NP a physics for engineers class on purpose because I wanted to switch to the physics major, and if I finished that class I would have been unable to take the first two classes in the ...
Fast Carp's user avatar
2 votes
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Benefit of published papers for grad admissions

I'm currently finishing up my 3rd year of undergrad at a large state school and wanted to know how helpful first-author papers are for someone in physics when applying to grad school at a place like ...
user417833's user avatar
2 votes
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PhD in Mathematical Physics

I am currently an undergraduate math major and have hopes of attending graduate school in applied math. I also have a love for physics and thinking of minoring in physics. After some research, I found ...
KGS's user avatar
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Is there something I could do considering I'm not really happy with my master's thesis?

On the begining of this year I've started a graduate course in Physics to obtain a master's degree. I have a major in mathematical physics and mathematics and wanted to work with General Relativity, ...
Aegon's user avatar
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Currently with a research group for my Master's degree, but am receiving no directions. Is this normal?

I have recently become a Master's student that is in a research group on theoretical elementary particle physics. The program lasts for 2 years and I am expected to have a Master's thesis written up ...
Phyllip's user avatar
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Courses beyond the second year [closed]

Would it be a poor decision to take additional courses (one each in the 5th and 6th semesters) in physics? Should I try to limit myself to taking only courses that are strictly necessary, or is there ...
user81024's user avatar
60 votes
11 answers

Is it frowned upon to go to office hours as a graduate student?

I'm a graduate student (PhD, first year) in physics, and there have been a few times where I just can't figure out something regarding the material/subject of the class. Normally I just tell myself ...
Arturo don Juan's user avatar
0 votes
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Viability: Physics undergrad to Neuroscience/Psychology PhD? [closed]

I'm currently an undergraduate physics major entering my senior year in Fall 2017. However, I've had a change of interests and I wish to pursue something along the lines of psychology or neuroscience ...
ShinyPebble's user avatar
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Improving chances of entering a Theoretical Physics program in the US [duplicate]

I am a current undergraduate student majoring in Physics in a US institution. I am thinking of doing my PhD in Theoretical Physics also in a US institution. I think I know the basic things I should do ...
ace7047's user avatar
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Prerequisite requirments [closed]

I want to start research in the field of Computational Cosmology. It includes the galaxy formation and reionization era. I know it involves extensive computing techniques including parallel and high ...
Sarah's user avatar
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What is the Minimum GPA for admission in a graduate school in a respectable science university in the US? [duplicate]

I am thinking about applying to graduate studies in physics related Phd or master degree in the US, but my GPA is very low, 2.4/4.0 to be specific. I wonder if there are respectable universities in ...
Random_Siriusian's user avatar
5 votes
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Studying for the exam or for learning? Is there time later?

I don't know if there's a correct answer to my dilemma, but I'd like the opinion of other people, in and outside the field, maybe older and more "experienced in life" than me. This is my situation I ...
RenatoRenatoRenato's user avatar
1 vote
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Switch to mathematics [closed]

I am studying physics and mathematics double major at undergraduate level. Recently, I found out I don't have enough eager to pursue my graduate studies in physics which is my main major. I want to ...
user65540's user avatar
1 vote
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Self Studying over lectures [closed]

this is my first post here, I'll copy and paste a recent answer I asked in the physics and resulted a little bit inappropriate. I do physics so I'm mainly looking for answers for people in the field ...
RenatoRenatoRenato's user avatar
0 votes
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Would it be beneficial for me to transfer to a university with a PhD program instead of continuing to study for a MS? [closed]

Here in the southeastern US (if not elsewhere), it is common for students to be admitted to PhD programs in physics after completing a bachelor's, in other words an MS is not generally required for ...
sig_seg_v's user avatar
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Working with a professor who does both mainstream and non-mainstream physics research

I'm currently an undergraduate physics major in my final year at a US institution; I've recently finished applying to physics graduate schools for theory. With one of the schools in particular, I'm ...
FenderLesPaul's user avatar
-6 votes
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Is it acceptable for a professor to claim that his students will never revolutionize the field?

Today, a very respected professor of ours, uttered a scattering reply that instilled within the hearts of my colleagues greasy distaste for him. It all started when one colleague of mine, when the ...
Kalox's user avatar
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4 votes
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Transferring to a Top-10 PhD program in Theoretical Physics from a Top-50 program in US for better job prospects in Academia? [duplicate]

I will be soon joining a Top-50 school for a PhD in High Energy Theory. They have some very good professors who have published top quality journal articles in their area of expertise (even with some ...
singularity's user avatar
9 votes
5 answers

Finishing the physics graduate curriculum as undergrad

I am a year ahead of my physics curriculum, but I plan to stay as an undergrad for the 4th year to increase my chances at top graduate schools in physics. In this 4th year, I will take all the ...
Fineman's user avatar
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