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3 votes
1 answer

Strategizing Post-Undergraduate Career Path for Aspiring Physics Doctoral Student [closed]

I'm a senior undergraduate physics student who hoped to attend graduate school starting next fall, but who was unfortunately not admitted to any in this admissions cycle. I remain very interested in ...
-3 votes
2 answers

Is there any chance I can be accepted into a good graduate physics program without any bachelor's? [closed]

I am someone who did plenty of self-study in physics and has learned pretty much the entire undergraduate physics curriculum by himself. I have plenty of evidence to prove this (including a physics ...
3 votes
4 answers

What are the criteria for a student from a weaker university to be accepted to elite graduate school?

I would like to generalize this question by asking for the general circumstances under which a strong university (in physics) like Harvard would accept a student from a much smaller/weaker ...
0 votes
7 answers

Is it possible to do a masters in CS and a PhD in physics at the same time?

I’m a freshman in college and I’m a non-traditional student. I’m 45 years old with no previous degree other than high school here in the US. After college, I want to pursue a Ph.D. in physics, however,...
1 vote
2 answers

Changing fields from Computer Science to Physics or Mathematics

Recently, I graduated with a bachelor's degree in computer science from Hong Kong. Even though I enjoy computer science, there was a field that I always loved and wanted to be a part of: astronomy (or ...
1 vote
1 answer

Is a late switch in your PhD topic detrimental to an academic career?

I did my undergraduate in math and physics with equal coursework from both. I am now a PhD student in a physics department with an advisor who is a faculty member in both the math and physics ...
0 votes
2 answers

changing groups in grad school

I am going to apply for a physics PhD in the fall of 2024. I have trouble finalizing the main research area to mention in SOP because I am interested both in HEP experiments and theory. Suppose I ...
13 votes
5 answers

Ph.D. rejection from German University due to citizenship and gotten degree from my previous institute by BAFA

This spring I ran away from Russia due to increasing repressions and other risks. Long story short, I got a Ph.D. position in quantum computing at Stuttgart University in the state of Baden-...
23 votes
7 answers

As a PhD student in theoretical physics, what fraction of my time (if any) should I spend on background material rather than my research problem?

I am a theoretical physics PhD student in the initial years. There is something which has been bothering me ever since I have started my PhD till today i.e whether one should completely focus on ...
13 votes
8 answers

How important is attending graduate school for a PhD for physics/mathematics/astrophysics research?

Is it possible for one to publish high quality research papers in the aforementioned fields without attending a graduate school? I feel that you can read online material and books about research/...
4 votes
2 answers

Currently with a research group for my Master's degree, but am receiving no directions. Is this normal?

I have recently become a Master's student that is in a research group on theoretical elementary particle physics. The program lasts for 2 years and I am expected to have a Master's thesis written up ...
0 votes
3 answers

Switching from physics to math PhD with NSF GRFP

I will graduate this semester with a bachelor's degree in physics (in the US). I applied for PhD programs in physics, but have come to realize (rather late in the process) that I want to pursue a PhD ...
1 vote
1 answer

Transitioning to pure research in physics after an electronics engineering degree

I have always been a lover of physics but due to certain circumstances I was unable to take up a physics degree in my undergrad. I was aimless for a while but have now again decided to take a shot at ...
3 votes
2 answers

Is it OK to propose to present research in a conference as a grad student?

I am a first year grad student, studying abroad, and there is a conference in the country where I am from which I think can be a good experience (I have never presented in a serious conference) to ...
1 vote
2 answers

What physics background is necessary for pursuing a PhD in Mathematical Physics? [closed]

If I wanted to do research related to the topology and geometry of space or their applications in quantum mechanics or general relativity, would it be possible to do that from a Mathematician’s POV ...

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