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Questions tagged [anonymity]

Questions concerning systems where the identity of those involved is intended to be unknown, such as in double- or single-blind peer review.

0 votes
5 answers

My paper has been criticized by an anonymous commenter online; what can I do?

There are many websites who let people anonymously attack studies just to disparage the authors. An example is Pubpeer (I confess that I had never heard of it before being warned by a colleague). If I ...
6 votes
1 answer

Contacted by COI PC

I have a little bit of a weird situation. In a submission to conference (which is anonymous), I marked a member from the PC as conflict of interest (COI) due to personal reasons (rivalry). The chairs ...
39 votes
6 answers

If I publish under a pseudonym, can I still take credit for my work?

Is it possible to publish under a nom de plume (pen name, pseudonym)? ... and still take credit for the work? I may have a chance to publish with the professor I am working with soon and if I am on ...
52 votes
4 answers

Is there any evidence that double blind peer review systems are beneficial?

Every so often, I stumble upon a question concerning "double blind peer review", i.e., the authors don't know the reviewers (as usual) but also the reviewers don't know the identity of the authors. ...
27 votes
4 answers

Is it appropriate as a referee to contact an author after the editor rejected the manuscript?

This is related to this question, but it is more a special case of it. I reviewed a manuscript, which was submitted to a reputable traditional journal. The journal has a single-blind review system. I ...
1 vote
1 answer

Ask Area Chair/Editor to reveal one of the reviewers of my paper [duplicate]

We submitted a paper to a venue and got accepted. The venue is single-blind, reviewers know our names, but we don't know who they are. During the review process one reviewer made very good suggestions ...
7 votes
5 answers

A journal asks me "Do you want to get recognition for this review on Web of Science?" Anonymity and benefits?

Recently, I submitted a review to a major journal in my field. They asked me during the submission process, "Do you want to get recognition for this review on Web of Science?" How does this ...
4 votes
1 answer

How to approach a continuation paper in such a way that promotes / ensures anonymity

I recently had a paper accepted into a conference, and am now working on a continuation of that paper. In the first paper I used one tool, while in this second paper I will use two tools. In the new ...
3 votes
3 answers

Why do some conferences with double blind review ask for author names when submitting the paper for review?

I wonder why some conferences with double blind review ask for author names when submitting the paper for review. Why not asking for author information once the paper has been accepted?
15 votes
2 answers

Is it appropriate to try to contact the referee of a paper after it has been accepted and published?

I have a paper that was refereed, accepted, and published. The referee's report was overwhelming positive and enthusiastic about my paper and results. Now that the paper is fully published, is it ...
30 votes
6 answers

In single-blind peer-review, can you reveal your identity without the editor's consent?

In my field (chemistry), review is always done in a single blind process, i.e. the author does not know who the referees were, but the referees do know who the authors are. In ten years, I have never ...
3 votes
0 answers

How would using pseudonym for an article impact career? How can I still gain credit? [duplicate]

I am a student in the humanities and for my Masters degree dissertation I did an ethnographic research on a rather politically sensitive topic. I would love to publish an article or two about my ...
-2 votes
5 answers

Why don't we mention the names of reviewers?

When a paper appears in a science journal, why do not mention the names of the reviewers so that we, as readers can get an idea about the seriousness of the paper?
5 votes
5 answers

Writing homework essay anonymously to avoid controversy

I am attending a course at a neighboring institute purely out of interest. Neither credits, nor grading of any kind are involved. As part of the course, we are required to work in pairs (assigned, ...
4 votes
1 answer

How to reference a pilot study in an academic paper written in a foreign language?

I presented a paper at a conference and later the conference published it in the (non-academic) conference journal. It was done in a foreign language. Afterwards, I used the same idea but a different ...

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