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Ask Area Chair/Editor to reveal one of the reviewers of my paper [duplicate]

We submitted a paper to a venue and got accepted. The venue is single-blind, reviewers know our names, but we don't know who they are. During the review process one reviewer made very good suggestions ...
Carlos Mougan's user avatar
7 votes
5 answers

A journal asks me "Do you want to get recognition for this review on Web of Science?" Anonymity and benefits?

Recently, I submitted a review to a major journal in my field. They asked me during the submission process, "Do you want to get recognition for this review on Web of Science?" How does this ...
dmt's user avatar
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15 votes
2 answers

Is it appropriate to try to contact the referee of a paper after it has been accepted and published?

I have a paper that was refereed, accepted, and published. The referee's report was overwhelming positive and enthusiastic about my paper and results. Now that the paper is fully published, is it ...
XYZT's user avatar
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3 votes
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Conference optionally requests prior versions and reviews - should I submit this info?

Besides the anonymized manuscript of the paper, a conference in my field (HCI) "highly encourages" to also submit the venue and ID where the paper was previously submitted (and rejected) a ...
reggie's user avatar
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Is it fine for an author to ask the editor to disclose the name of an anonymous peer-reviewer if the review was exceptionally helpful?

I teach a seminar where I organize an anonymous peer review procedure among the students. One of my students gave another colleague an exceptionally helpful feedback. The recipient was so grateful and ...
anpami's user avatar
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How to deal [as a reviewer] with a paper in peer review that breaks anonymity

I work in the field of organization theory and labour sociology and to this point of my career, I have reviewed about 4-6 papers. I have been asked by a journal to review a paper. The journal's scope ...
HATEthePLOT's user avatar
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Handling collaboration requests from the authors of double-blind reviewed papers (after submitting the review)

(I apologize if this is a duplicate, but I was not able to find any similar case on AcademiaSE) I am finding myself in a very odd and unpleasant situation. The subject is "ethical" peer ...
P. Shark's user avatar
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How to deal with blinding when the new paper is a continuation of one's own prior research? [duplicate]

I wrote a paper (P1) which went through peer review and got published. The paper introduced a new graphical user interface (GUI) primitive. I then wrote P2, which extends P1, turning it into a new ...
ralien's user avatar
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17 votes
3 answers

Should I suggest my sources as reviewers?

Authors are often asked to suggest reviewers for their article. In my own experience, the principal domain experts I can suggest are often the authors whose work I have cited, but suggesting them ...
user avatar
25 votes
3 answers

Why is peer review anonymous?

There have been a number of questions asked here, such as this question, or this question. The first question asked about how to find the authors of peer reviews. The second discussed the benefits of ...
Viktor's user avatar
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Does the GDPR cover reviewer blacklists, and if so, how? [closed]

I've served as an area chair for several conferences. Following the review period, the program chairs asked the area chairs to submit to them an annotated list of problematic reviewers. Mostly these ...
Psychonaut's user avatar
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52 votes
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Can I submit a paper under an alias so as to avoid trouble in my country?

I have done research on a topic that is very sensitive in my original country. I want to submit a paper to a (well-rated) Computer Science conferences, but I do not want to use my real name or ...
N Morad's user avatar
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40 votes
8 answers

Reviewer signs name on review. Should the editor censor?

Say a reviewer writes something like This paper is [yada yada blah blah]. Sincerely, Professor John Smith, Big Name University Should the editor just forward the review to the authors because ...
Allure's user avatar
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Why don't we mention the names of reviewers?

When a paper appears in a science journal, why do not mention the names of the reviewers so that we, as readers can get an idea about the seriousness of the paper?
Motaka's user avatar
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Talking about works under submission without breaching anonymity

I work in a medium/small-sized field within Computer Science. In this field, there are three major conferences. I'm currently submitting my resume/statement to one of these conferences as part of an ...
aedcv's user avatar
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