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Questions tagged [anonymity]

Questions concerning systems where the identity of those involved is intended to be unknown, such as in double- or single-blind peer review.

6 votes
1 answer

Contacted by COI PC

I have a little bit of a weird situation. In a submission to conference (which is anonymous), I marked a member from the PC as conflict of interest (COI) due to personal reasons (rivalry). The chairs ...
Vikram Malek's user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

Ask Area Chair/Editor to reveal one of the reviewers of my paper [duplicate]

We submitted a paper to a venue and got accepted. The venue is single-blind, reviewers know our names, but we don't know who they are. During the review process one reviewer made very good suggestions ...
Carlos Mougan's user avatar
7 votes
5 answers

A journal asks me "Do you want to get recognition for this review on Web of Science?" Anonymity and benefits?

Recently, I submitted a review to a major journal in my field. They asked me during the submission process, "Do you want to get recognition for this review on Web of Science?" How does this ...
dmt's user avatar
  • 429
4 votes
1 answer

How to approach a continuation paper in such a way that promotes / ensures anonymity

I recently had a paper accepted into a conference, and am now working on a continuation of that paper. In the first paper I used one tool, while in this second paper I will use two tools. In the new ...
MyName's user avatar
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15 votes
2 answers

Is it appropriate to try to contact the referee of a paper after it has been accepted and published?

I have a paper that was refereed, accepted, and published. The referee's report was overwhelming positive and enthusiastic about my paper and results. Now that the paper is fully published, is it ...
XYZT's user avatar
  • 253
3 votes
0 answers

How would using pseudonym for an article impact career? How can I still gain credit? [duplicate]

I am a student in the humanities and for my Masters degree dissertation I did an ethnographic research on a rather politically sensitive topic. I would love to publish an article or two about my ...
Huzo's user avatar
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4 votes
1 answer

How to reference a pilot study in an academic paper written in a foreign language?

I presented a paper at a conference and later the conference published it in the (non-academic) conference journal. It was done in a foreign language. Afterwards, I used the same idea but a different ...
penandpaper's user avatar
-4 votes
1 answer

What is the purpose of making authorship of scientific papers public? [closed]

Anonymity has the advantage of removing unnecessary bias. It draws the reader's attention on the subject without allowing it to check the authors' affiliations out. Public display of authors' names ...
user43012's user avatar
3 votes
2 answers

Conference optionally requests prior versions and reviews - should I submit this info?

Besides the anonymized manuscript of the paper, a conference in my field (HCI) "highly encourages" to also submit the venue and ID where the paper was previously submitted (and rejected) a ...
reggie's user avatar
  • 132
0 votes
4 answers

Is it fine for an author to ask the editor to disclose the name of an anonymous peer-reviewer if the review was exceptionally helpful?

I teach a seminar where I organize an anonymous peer review procedure among the students. One of my students gave another colleague an exceptionally helpful feedback. The recipient was so grateful and ...
anpami's user avatar
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18 votes
5 answers

How to deal [as a reviewer] with a paper in peer review that breaks anonymity

I work in the field of organization theory and labour sociology and to this point of my career, I have reviewed about 4-6 papers. I have been asked by a journal to review a paper. The journal's scope ...
HATEthePLOT's user avatar
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3 votes
2 answers

How to cite statements in book based on unverifiable sources

While reading books on Indian politics (not aware if this happens outside as well), frequently the citations for a particular claim is some interview with a person being talked about. In this case, ...
Kutsit's user avatar
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6 votes
1 answer

Handling collaboration requests from the authors of double-blind reviewed papers (after submitting the review)

(I apologize if this is a duplicate, but I was not able to find any similar case on AcademiaSE) I am finding myself in a very odd and unpleasant situation. The subject is "ethical" peer ...
P. Shark's user avatar
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0 votes
5 answers

My paper has been criticized by an anonymous commenter online; what can I do?

There are many websites who let people anonymously attack studies just to disparage the authors. An example is Pubpeer (I confess that I had never heard of it before being warned by a colleague). If I ...
Worried's user avatar
  • 296
2 votes
0 answers

How to deal with blinding when the new paper is a continuation of one's own prior research? [duplicate]

I wrote a paper (P1) which went through peer review and got published. The paper introduced a new graphical user interface (GUI) primitive. I then wrote P2, which extends P1, turning it into a new ...
ralien's user avatar
  • 145
0 votes
3 answers

How to report a misconduct in methods in an article published by a top journal anonymously?

I found a potential wrong application of machine learning validation methods in one paper recently published in Nature Energy, which is the best energy journal (>50 impact factors). The authors ...
RSJ's user avatar
  • 47
17 votes
3 answers

Should I suggest my sources as reviewers?

Authors are often asked to suggest reviewers for their article. In my own experience, the principal domain experts I can suggest are often the authors whose work I have cited, but suggesting them ...
user avatar
25 votes
3 answers

Why is peer review anonymous?

There have been a number of questions asked here, such as this question, or this question. The first question asked about how to find the authors of peer reviews. The second discussed the benefits of ...
Viktor's user avatar
  • 385
1 vote
1 answer

'Expert' interviews of academics - Consent and Ethics

I am conducting a research trip to another country where i will meet with academics (individually and as groups), industry professionals and other experts to explore different aspects of a particular ...
doctorer's user avatar
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1 vote
2 answers

Reproducible, open, transparent, ethical Research when confronted to (patient) data anonymization : is it at all possible in practice?

A lot of Hype goes in reproducible, open and transparency for data analysis theses days in some fields mores that other. The code is to be share as well as the dataset. How to achieve this in a ...
Samusz's user avatar
  • 53
16 votes
2 answers

Does the GDPR cover reviewer blacklists, and if so, how? [closed]

I've served as an area chair for several conferences. Following the review period, the program chairs asked the area chairs to submit to them an annotated list of problematic reviewers. Mostly these ...
Psychonaut's user avatar
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-4 votes
2 answers

Ethics of "saving a publication for later" through anonymous submission? [closed]

This is more of a thought experiment than a problem. I just want to know how ethical is it. Suppose a student discovered a very cool theorem/result that would yield a very good academic paper in a ...
Savage Cabbage Rabbage's user avatar
52 votes
5 answers

Can I submit a paper under an alias so as to avoid trouble in my country?

I have done research on a topic that is very sensitive in my original country. I want to submit a paper to a (well-rated) Computer Science conferences, but I do not want to use my real name or ...
N Morad's user avatar
  • 523
1 vote
3 answers

Does posting paper online anonymously prevent me from publishing it in journal?

I am a high school student and I am trying to publish my first research paper in mathematics. However, I have already had my full paper posted without author information on the website of another ...
Yizhen Chen's user avatar
40 votes
8 answers

Reviewer signs name on review. Should the editor censor?

Say a reviewer writes something like This paper is [yada yada blah blah]. Sincerely, Professor John Smith, Big Name University Should the editor just forward the review to the authors because ...
Allure's user avatar
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-2 votes
5 answers

Why don't we mention the names of reviewers?

When a paper appears in a science journal, why do not mention the names of the reviewers so that we, as readers can get an idea about the seriousness of the paper?
Motaka's user avatar
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8 votes
4 answers

Diverging coauthor opinions - publish anonymously or don't publish at all?

This question is a splinter of an earlier question, posted separately upon advice from commenters. The background is: (1) I audited a course at an institute I don't belong to. As part of the course,...
AppliedAcademic's user avatar
5 votes
5 answers

Writing homework essay anonymously to avoid controversy

I am attending a course at a neighboring institute purely out of interest. Neither credits, nor grading of any kind are involved. As part of the course, we are required to work in pairs (assigned, ...
AppliedAcademic's user avatar
6 votes
1 answer

What is "double blind" reviewing?

I have been visiting some journal websites and I found that some of them state that they use a double blind review process. What does it mean?
RTK's user avatar
  • 173
2 votes
1 answer

How to provide an anonymous copy of work online?

It may seem odd, but I need to put an anonymous part of my work (an algorithm) online. Well, it should be available online as I want to refer to it in a single-blind submission (but not as the ...
Bob's user avatar
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2 votes
1 answer

Talking about works under submission without breaching anonymity

I work in a medium/small-sized field within Computer Science. In this field, there are three major conferences. I'm currently submitting my resume/statement to one of these conferences as part of an ...
aedcv's user avatar
  • 434
52 votes
4 answers

Is there any evidence that double blind peer review systems are beneficial?

Every so often, I stumble upon a question concerning "double blind peer review", i.e., the authors don't know the reviewers (as usual) but also the reviewers don't know the identity of the authors. ...
user avatar
6 votes
4 answers

How to acknowledge an "anonymous" referee who identified themselves

I believe that I'm in a rather unusual situation and, as the title suggests, there is some uncertainty about how I should acknowledge a particular referee. This referee was supposed to be anonymous, ...
Tom's user avatar
  • 63
15 votes
1 answer

Before submitting a paper, should I remove acknowledgement for the sake of anonymity?

I have this paper to submit. A professor has given great comments on a previous version of my paper. To submit I need to make it anonymous. Should I also remove my acknowledgement. I think that to ...
Sasan's user avatar
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-1 votes
1 answer

Can an associate editor of a journal see my name?

Recently I received a rejection from a top journal. But when the editor in chief sent me the rejection email, she included the name of the associate editor that handled my paper. This associate editor ...
rr5832's user avatar
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3 votes
1 answer

When does one / who usually anonymizes data?

I'm coding some transcripts at the moment and the data I am working with is not anonymized yet. I'm a research assistant, I did not collect the data and I am obviously not the PI. What strikes me is ...
curious's user avatar
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2 votes
1 answer

Should I preserve anonymity or strictly follow a journal's instructions?

I'm submitting a manuscript to a journal using LaTeX for the first time. This journal is a little unique in that it features open source software packages, and you must provide a link to a public ...
haff's user avatar
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11 votes
3 answers

In a camera ready paper (has been accepted), how to cite my own paper that is still under blind review?

Please Note I am asking how to cite a paper under blind-reviewed in an accepted paper, NOT a new paper to be submitted. Chronologically, First, I submitted paper A that requires double-blind review....
応振强's user avatar
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11 votes
2 answers

Citing own work within a paper and being anonymous

I am reading a paper in which the author cites his paper in a very explicit form. The reformulation of one of his sentence in the paper was in this form: I have already made this point in a few ...
optimal control's user avatar
8 votes
1 answer

FERPA: Can I anonymously quote a student?

Every once in a while, my students write something outrageously funny in their homework, either on purpose or by accident, and I'd love to share these short quotes with a colleague/friend for mutual ...
jvriesem's user avatar
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5 votes
1 answer

Researcher anonymity in fieldwork

Numerous posts on this site address anonymous or pseudonymous publication, but not anonymous or pseudonymous fieldwork. There plausibly exist situations in which a researcher undertaking fieldwork ...
user avatar
4 votes
1 answer

Who is responsible for "blinding" a paper for double-blind review?

Is it my responsibility as author to remove author and affiliation before submitting the paper to a journal? In my opinion it is, but then I read this blog article by an Editor-in-Chief of some ...
Doc Brown's user avatar
  • 289
8 votes
1 answer

Is there such a thing as "open" double-blind peer review?

Is there such a thing as "open" double-blind reviewing, where the author's comments, the reviews, and any interchange between author and reviewer are viewable, not just by the editor but also by the ...
Geremia's user avatar
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7 votes
3 answers

Is it unprofessional for a journal editor to be anonymous?

An editor of a journal asked me to review a paper but did not provide his/her name or institution, signing the e-mail as, essentially, "Editor of ...". The e-mail seems to be based upon a template. ...
Leon Meier's user avatar
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3 votes
3 answers

Can I submit my paper without author list (double-blind) to a conference with a single-blind review process?

I am submitting a paper to a computer science conference, can I submit it without author list? The submission guideline says: "submissions are reviewed following a single blind review process, meaning,...
orezvani's user avatar
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17 votes
1 answer

Revealing manuscript referees' identities after review: Why is this a bad idea?

Motivated by the How can an author get assurance that his work will not be stolen by journal staff or reviewers? question: Authors submit their manuscripts to be reviewed by a journal or conference. ...
Mad Jack's user avatar
  • 12.6k
3 votes
1 answer

Is there data or research on the tradeoffs associated with allowing anonymous posting on forums like Piazza?

A large amount of research from the EdTech world finds that forums that encourage social learning, if used right, can significantly improve learning outcomes. Of course, there are downsides. One of ...
Jedi's user avatar
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-1 votes
1 answer

Why does the paper award jury have access to the author names in some blinded publication venues, prior to deciding to whom the award should go to?

Quite often, in publication venues where the author names are not visible to the reviewers and where some paper award is given, the authors are not blinded to the individuals who decide to whom the ...
Franck Dernoncourt's user avatar
4 votes
2 answers

Affiliation and address when writing under a pseudonym

Quite a few threads have already discussed the issue of publishing articles under a pseudonym, such as Is pseudonymous publication ethical? If I publish under a pseudonym, can I still take credit ...
Pseudonymous's user avatar
4 votes
1 answer

Double blind review: anonymise data source?

Apologies if this has already been answered: but I could only find questions relating to paper citations and grants in relation to double-blind reviews on academia. If you are submitting a paper to a ...
Stumbler's user avatar
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