I am a graduate student and just had my first abstract accepted for an oral presentation at a conference. We have been notified by email about our acceptance. Wheb I checked the preliminary programme today I couldn't find my name in any session. Does that mean I can't attend the conference or have been removed from the presentation list? I am really nervous about it since this is my first time presenting at a conference.


I have contacted the organizers, and there was indeed a problem. They replied me that they made a mistake. And the automated system sent all accepted authors an acceptance for Oral Presentation. I am one of those poster presenters.

I am fine with poster presentation. But sadly, I still missed this chance. Just 2 days before the conference, I was informed that my registration is withdrawn because of some regulation issues. I was really looking forward to it before.

2 Answers 2


In my field, it's common that the preliminary program includes the plenaries and symposia (where the authors are chosen ahead of time), but not the research sessions (where the presentations are chosen from the abstracts submitted). I suspect that's what's happening here, but it's fine to contact the organizers for clarification.

  • This is the most likely scenario. The final program should include more detail.
    – Buffy
    Commented Mar 14 at 14:43
  • Thank you for ansewing me. I contacted the organizers, and there was indeed a problem. They replied me that they made a mistake. And the automated system sent all accepted authors an acceptance for Oral Presentation. I am one of those poster presenters.
    – banana
    Commented Jun 3 at 11:12

You need to contact the organizers of the conference and ask for clarification. It's unlikely that they canceled your talk without notifying you, but there is a problem and only the organizing committee can figure out what actually happened.

  • Thank you for ansewing me. I contacted the organizers, and there was indeed a problem. They replied me that they made a mistake. And the automated system sent all accepted authors an acceptance for Oral Presentation. I am one of those poster presenters.
    – banana
    Commented Jun 3 at 11:11

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