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g2mk's user avatar
  • Member for 9 years, 4 months
  • Last seen more than 1 year ago
9 votes

How to exit a "virsh console" connection?

8 votes

How to find *all* startup programs on Windows 10?

5 votes

Split a string up into rows by delimiter in Notepad++

4 votes

Is GWX technically malware?

4 votes

Is there a clipboard manager for Windows that recognizes ALL formats in the clipboard?

3 votes

Why can I listen but cannot talk with my headphones?

3 votes

Bind application to a specific network interface

2 votes

Open file in Notepad++ as a tab without closing launched process

2 votes

Windows 10, change size options when connected to External Monitor Macbook Pro

2 votes

Windows 8.1 DPI per monitor: In which situations does it interpolate?

2 votes

Notepad++ grouping/capture not working

2 votes

How to restart TortoiseGit?

2 votes

Replace Windows 8.1 with Ubuntu

2 votes

How to copy multiple-line-regex outputs into clipboard using Notepad++

2 votes

Use two network interfaces simultaneously

2 votes

Is it possible to create a User account that has access to a share, but won't show up on the Login screen?

2 votes

Total Commander go to directory

2 votes

Troubleshooting port forwarding

1 vote

Windows 10: Fastest way to Switch Resolutions

1 vote

Running a script when I exit a program

1 vote

Wireshark - How to export the info column of all packets to plain text

1 vote

Add brackets and comma

1 vote

Grep colorize complete line

1 vote

Forward ports to different subnetworks

1 vote

Auto-login with Putty.exe

1 vote

Regular expressions - Excel - Get matched value

1 vote

Detecting ADSL modem hijacking

1 vote

Move /home on Centos 7

1 vote

Wireless driver for mouse movement on LInux/windows (with the help of interactive board)

1 vote

Is there a general rule of thumb regarding max RAM on old laptops?