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Questions tagged [pid]

PID (Process IDentifier) is the number that identifies a process running on an operational system.

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Is it possible to create a non-forking vnc service?

I followed this article to create a vnc service. The service is forking and uses a PID-file. My version of the service description — [email protected] — looks like this: [Unit] Description=Start ...
ElToro1966's user avatar
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RHEL + kill -9 not really killing the process

We have around 85 running process with lshw Since these process increased the CPU load average , We tryed to kill them with kill -9 but without success root 3275 0.0 0.0 131720 8992 ? D ...
King David's user avatar
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how to send multi video in udp protocol with in single ip/port?

According to the ffmpeg documentation using UDP protocol i need send multi input to local network in single IP/Port and received from VLC Player each video can choose with Program number and show it ! ...
user2687117's user avatar
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How to recover text typed into a text box on chrome after the browser refreshed and cleared all information (mac)?

I had a job application completely typed out after hours of hard work, and used the website's 'save' feature - however to my despair the website randomly refreshed and I lost all my answers! I've been ...
Sampall's user avatar
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How to get PID of python3 working program

I want to write a program on bash that will restart my script once every some time. The program runs in an infinite loop and launch like this: Python3 So to restart it, I need to do Kill [pid]...
ASDORDSAUSER's user avatar
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WMIC ProcessID does not get parsed within the same command instance

I've got a batch script that I'd like to capture its Process ID but the PID is not being parsed from within the same command instance. For example, running the batch script with the following code ...
Joseph Karkar's user avatar
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How can i dump the contents of a file that was opened with nano in a running process? (Linux)

I have run the command ps -ef and found the following : UID PID PPID C STIME TTY TIME CMD root 1 0 0 12:30 ? 00:00:00 socat tcp-l:1024,reuseaddr,f root ...
Astral Wanderer's user avatar
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Is it possible to retrieve the PID number of a specific chromium tab?

I'm trying to introduce a solution to a problem and in order to achieve that, I need to get the PID number of the Chromium process that displays a specific webpage (ie. http://localhost:4025). Is it ...
ceremcem's user avatar
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Sysinternals procmon "Process Active Summary" is missing most processes

I am trying to track CPU usage of our build script and of all the processes it spawns to accomplish the task of creating a release. I ran a procmon64.exe (with profiling) session during the course of ...
David I. McIntosh's user avatar
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$ps -ax shows long-running "windows server"

When executing the ps -ax command, I see the following: 158 ?? 294:09.79 /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/SkyLight.framework/Resources/WindowServer -daemon It is far and away the longest ...
Liam White's user avatar
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Terminal on Mac not providing responses using various PID related commands

When I try and find the PID of a port using a command such as any of the following (where xxxx is the port number): lsof -i tcp:xxxx netstat -vanp --tcp | grep xxxx sudo lsof -i -P | grep LISTEN | ...
macuser's user avatar
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Clamav-Daemon Does Not Write Pidfile

I am trying to configure Monit to monitor clamav-daemon. However, it appears that the /etc/init.d/clamav-daemon script does NOT actually write the pdifile to /var/run/clamav /etc/init.d/clamav-daemon:...
mjones's user avatar
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Find path of a PID process

I want to get the path of a PID. For example the PID is 8036, I want to get the path of it. Like this: Get-Path -pid 8036 Output: C:\Windows\svchost.exe How can I do that? Or can I?
TheCodeExpert's user avatar
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How do I know which Command Prompt is related to a specific PID?

I have multiple Python programs running in separate Command Prompt windows in order to find a memory leak (the specifics are irrelevant). While watching the processes on Task Manager > Resource ...
ihavenoidea's user avatar
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su processes spawning with high CPU (Debian 9)

I am running a VM on Google Cloud with Debian 9. I should be the only user with access to the VM. Every so often the Web application I am running (phpbb) becomes very slow. When I log into to look at ...
badroit's user avatar
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