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Questions tagged [regex]

Also known as regular expression or regexp, a description of a set of strings, often used for searching and validating strings.

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Add an underscore after numbers in Notepad++

I have a scenario where I have list with some numbers in Notepad++. Here is the sample text: 1-This is item one 2_This is item two 3This is item three 4_This is item five 5This is item six 6 This is ...
Shahid's user avatar
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Insert a char just before a particular set of words using Regex

I want to use GREP/Regex in Adobe InDesign. Following is the sample data: Rat: a mammal. Camel: an animal who lives in desert. An aeroplane: a machine that flys. The muddy water: water full of mud and ...
Shahid's user avatar
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Find regex pattern and use it in the next set of repeating lines until another like it replaces it

I'd like to find a pattern that rapeats every few sets of the second where I'd like to move it to. The only example I could think of right now is a file listing; but I've needed this so many times. ...
Vita's user avatar
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regexp multiple lines grep

I am looking for a correct regexp to return the first match and the new line. Let's say the logfile is like: Warning-[ABC] blablabla$ /path1/path2/path3/file The dollar at the end of the first line ...
Ste3191's user avatar
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3 answers

Which regex can I use to replace Greek capital vocals with tonos to ones without it, in Bulk Rename Utility application?

I would like to replace in a lot of filenames, the Greek capital vocals with tonos, with the ones without it: Ά > Α Έ > Ε Ή > Η Ί > Ι Ό > Ο Ύ > Υ Ώ > Ω I know how to replace them ...
geotso's user avatar
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Apple Numbers RegEx not working as expected (Negative lookahead)

RegEx.Extract Negative lookahead help needed due to what works in RegEx Support website does not work in Apple Numbers (?<=XYZ((?!\d+).)*)\d+ This is invoice from company XYZ - 1234545 product name ...
sit123's user avatar
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regex to find non-price consecutive digits not immediately after certain word for Apple Numbers

0 How to find invoice number from different companies which may have different order of invoice number, unit cost and total cost? Following is specific example of a company XYZ which I need to get ...
sit123's user avatar
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2 answers

adding quotes to set of comma separated IP addresses in notepad++

Please, I have a set of comma separated IP addresses and I want to add quotes to each IP addresses to that I can assign the set a powershell variable and parse each IP address strings in the variable ...
rmon's user avatar
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How to extract a text in between two patterns (potentially containing floating lookbehind) with only one invocation?

I'm trying to match any characters (except line break characters) in between xxx<1+ whitespaces>" and whitespace. The format of the input string is the following: xxx<1+ whitespaces>&...
pmor's user avatar
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Match a User That Starts With a Single Letter

I've been handed a script written by another and been asked to modify it according to their needs. There's one line that needs to be altered: if [ "$user" == "nobody" ] This ...
user2090974's user avatar
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Notepad++ Regex search with characters before and after IP address

I have a huge file with text before and after many IP addresses. I'm trying to extract just the IP addresses that fall within x.x.x.x. The unique characters in the line look something like this: |SIP=...
AxelKong's user avatar
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Using VS Find & Replace Regex across lines

I have multiple instances of code that looks like... if (condition) { statements } else if (different condition) { statements } ad nauseum (probably, honestly about 100+ different times, and ...
Musical Coder's user avatar
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Custom Fail2Ban regex not working as expected

Using the regex filter below: [Definition] failregex = ^<HOST>.*Priority: 0 ignoreregex = Fail2Ban does not detect any of these log entries below. Mon Apr 1 21:11:29 2024 [**] [1:1000002:1] ...
nexdev's user avatar
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Search and replace doesn't work with sed busybox. getting sed: unmatched '/' error

I am trying to search a particular string and replace all occurrences within a file. sed -i -e "s/$search_string/$replace_string/g" $filePath I keep getting sed: unmatched '/'error on ...
aelor's user avatar
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3 answers

Powershell $idValue doesn't write the extracted ID, but writes "TRUE" instead -- why?

I am writing a Windows PowerShell script to split a text file based on a delimiter, and create output filenames with an incrementing number and a captured identifier string. I've checked for syntax ...
IanS's user avatar
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