I am managing a workbook with many sheets and I would like to make a separate sheet for navigation.

The sheets' names have a numeric prefix, like:




The sheet names may be subject to changes, so I'd like to use a formula.

What I want:

Number Link
000 ATable(links to 000-ATable)
001 AnotherTable(links to 001-AnotherTable)
002 YetAnotherTable(links to 002-YetAnotherTable)
003 (returns blank if sheet with such prefix does not exist)

How do I do this?


1 Answer 1


So, here is way using Excel Macro 4.0 and with the help of dynamic functions, note that HYPERLINK() will not work with SPILL.

enter image description here

First, need to create a defined names to automatically grab the SHEETNAMES therefore, jump onto Formulas Tab, click on Name Manager and click New, process with the Name as SHEETNAMES and use in refers to :


• Formula used in cell B2

     _SheetNames, "["&INDEX(SHEETNAMES,ROWS(A$1:A2)),

• Formula used in cell C2

     _SheetNames, "["&INDEX(SHEETNAMES,ROWS(A$1:A2)),

Both the above formulas needs to be filled down as well as the workbook needs to be saved as .xlsm or .xlsb

Here is a link one can check

enter image description here

Alternatively, one can get Number as in context of the OP by using SHEETS() function:


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