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60 votes

Is there a RAID 0 Equivalent for RAM?

Dual-channel. Consumer-grade computers have supported this for years now. You don't have to enable it explicitly, but you have to install RAM sticks into the correct slots. Those are usually color ...
gronostaj's user avatar
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18 votes

Is there a RAID 0 Equivalent for RAM?

It's called interleaving. Simple implementations use two banks of RAM (two separate RAM sticks) but I've seen motherboards with up to four banks interleaved. Like Raid 0, it exploits the fact that ...
slebetman's user avatar
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9 votes

Is there a RAID 0 Equivalent for RAM?

Yes, there's indeed an equivalent. But generally you just need to follow the instructions for your motherboard when adding RAM, and the setup will be automatic. Technically this depends on your CPU, ...
MSalters's user avatar
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5 votes

Is there a RAID 0 Equivalent for RAM?

As the other answers have covered, this has already been available for over a decade. The Core i7-920 was launched in Q4 2008 and supported tri-channel memory.
MonkeyZeus's user avatar
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4 votes

What happens when you remove a drive from linux raid?

RAID 0 will implode as soon as a single disk fails, as the data is spread across the disks, regardless of the size the the partition/volume in comparison to the array (a volume that's 1/10th the size ...
Ƭᴇcʜιᴇ007's user avatar
3 votes

Raid 0 life expectancy and how to access 2 disks from Raid 0 outside of original computer

RAID0 Life Expectancy First off, the math for life expectancy of a RAID0 array is actually pretty straightforward. It's: According to the spec sheet for your drives those drives have a life ...
Cliff Armstrong's user avatar
2 votes

If I remove one HDD from a RAID0-with-striping, is it impossible to read data from remaining HDD?

It's true that the array cannot be rebuilt with half of the data missing. However, depending on the stripe size (4, 8, 16, 64kb etc), some data will still be visible on the remaining drive. Even the ...
CConard96's user avatar
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2 votes

Rebuilding a RAID 0 array (no drives failed) if I know the block size and start offset?

I have fully recovered my colleague's data in the same situation (dead motherboard). The tool was dmsetup in Linux. If you don't have Linux installed then use LiveCD e.g. Knoppix. I don't know whether ...
Kamil Maciorowski's user avatar
2 votes

Any advantages of having Raid0 with single drive?

Oddly, I was just forced to do exactly this as the only means to get Windows 10 to see the hard drives on out-dated server hardware. For whatever reason the passthrough mode would not function so I ...
Atlas's user avatar
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2 votes

Recovering data from a dismantled raid 0

(I don't have one but) QNAP apparently uses Linux, and presents as "Software RAID" using standard "mdadm". DO A BITCOPY BACKUP OF YOUR DISKS BEFORE TRYING THE BELOW - THERE IS ALWAYS RISK WHEN ...
davidgo's user avatar
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2 votes

Recovering data from a dismantled raid 0

While I have not attempted to recover from a broken Raid-0 I have used this to recover a raid-5. Beware of similarly-named software! One thing nice about it is that it has a demo mode that does ...
Loren Pechtel's user avatar
2 votes

When a RAID0 fails, can you still see all the file/folder names?

Probably not. Raid 0 stripes data across two drives - this increases speed (since you're roughly splitting disk accesses across two drives), and in a sense lets you use all of the capacity of the two ...
Journeyman Geek's user avatar
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2 votes

Combining SSDs using RAID-0

does it make sense to combine them using RAID0? No. The complexity of setting this up outweighs its usefulness. If you want to achieve a major speed increase, upgrade to a motherboard with a new M.2 ...
zx485's user avatar
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2 votes

Repairing Windows installation that can't boot

Please invest a little bit more into a better case description. There are thousands of laptops around and you can't expect others to know that the computer model you are mentionning is one. Instead of ...
r2d3's user avatar
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2 votes

Repairing Windows installation that can't boot

This sounds like an UEFI/BIOS config problem. If you see all your files on both C: and D: then you must have been in RAID1, not RAID0. The BIOS/UEFI config should reflect this. I suspect the CMOS was ...
Jack Wasey's user avatar
2 votes

Repairing Windows installation that can't boot

Your laptop is beyond the point where trying to repair the OS makes sense. Obtain a >=500GB external USB drive, boot up your live system, and backup your files off the borked laptop. When the ...
hanshenrik's user avatar
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1 vote

Repairing Windows installation that can't boot

RAID0 Striping In RAID0 arrays data is striped. This means that data is split across the drives and reading/writing is a lot faster because all the drives are used in parallel. Data It also means that ...
svin83's user avatar
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1 vote

Repairing Windows installation that can't boot

SATA configuration in the BIOS where its set to RAID is not directly relevant to a supposed RAID configuration of your SSDs. If you can see the data in C: which should have the Windows Folders and D: ...
Repaird's user avatar
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1 vote

Mounting RAID0 system with an Intel Controller with Linux

Does the mount failure indicate a problem with the RAID, or is that just the wrong way to go about mounting it? There are two problems with it: -t hpfs is wrong. What fdisk shows as "type" ...
grawity_u1686's user avatar
1 vote

How to create raid1 mirror for existing mdadm raid0 - without overwriting data

Linux Software RAID member devices do not have filesystems, they are block devices. Once you create the RAID1 using the two underlying devices, the existing ext4 filesystems on those devices are ...
Dan Stoner's user avatar
1 vote

Does RAID 0 increase the latency of the volume on HDD?

RAID0 should either do nothing or decrease the impact of latency and increase performance depending on the configuration and load. I would expect it would have a positive effect for small random read ...
davidgo's user avatar
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1 vote

Mount existing 2-HDD RAID 0 on a new machine

Finally, this was not so "impossible" to retrieve, even without "vital" informations... As I said, my two disks are clean and 100% works. I re-put them in my USB RAID controller using JBOD ...
CloudCompany's user avatar
1 vote

Disk Was Part of RAID, Now Won't Even "Initialize" In Windows

Try the following on windows. Open CMD as admin. diskpart list disk select disk 2 (Where 2 is the disk that you want to wipe) clean (This can take a while) Now windows disk management should see it ...
Dr. Banana's user avatar
1 vote

Motherboard RAID support or Hardware RAID controller?

None of these answers is true or accurate. A true hardware raid has it's own caching memory, Its own processor, and often boots itself into a Linux based o.s. that detects and manages the devices and ...
guard65's user avatar
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