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50 votes

What do the current, worst, and threshold SMART values mean?

To clarify (since this is one of the top responses on Google for this question, but doesn't actually answer it very well, IMHO): The "Current", "Worst", and "Threshold" ...
Foogod's user avatar
  • 599
19 votes

What do the current, worst, and threshold SMART values mean?

Why is Uncorrectable Sector Count being displayed as caution? You need to look at the raw value (8) in this case. There have been 8 events. The raw value of this attribute indicates the total number ...
DavidPostill's user avatar
  • 159k
15 votes

need to find out if my hard drive is broken - windows corrupted and wont boot

Now I'm trying to find out what the problem is. Is it the hard drive? From your SMART report: ID# ATTRIBUTE_NAME FLAG VALUE WORST THRESH TYPE UPDATED WHEN_FAILED RAW_VALUE ... 184 End-to-...
DavidPostill's user avatar
  • 159k
15 votes

What do the current, worst, and threshold SMART values mean?

As concerns your first question, the three columns together tell you the status of an attribute. Column "current" means the current value. Usually it is at 100 when everything is ok. Higher values ...
Martin Sugioarto's user avatar
12 votes

Why do SSDs tend to fail much more suddenly than HDDs?

The typical reason for SSD "sudden-death" can be attributed to the functional requirements for their operation. @LawrenceC touched on this briefly in their answer, but I'll expand on it here....
Scott's user avatar
  • 121
10 votes

Hard Drive suddenly became unresponsive, recovered on reboot. What to do next?

The command you ran: chkdsk d: /f doesn’t do any checking of the drive surface. The proper command would be: chkdsk d: /r this will perform a full surface scan. If bad blocks are discovered the drive ...
Appleoddity's user avatar
  • 11.8k
8 votes

Should I re-install Windows 10 on my failing hard drive?

Would re-installing Windows 10 fix some of the drive issues? Warning: Do not write to a failing hard drive as this makes it more likely to fail sooner. What's the best way to backup data from a ...
DavidPostill's user avatar
  • 159k
7 votes

Computer doesn't boot up, shows PXE error and/or "operating system not found", "no bootable device", "insert boot media", or other similar error

This error usually indicates a disk failure, but be sure the disk is properly attached to the system This usually happens when the computer cannot find or communicate with the hard drive or SSD where ...
bwDraco's user avatar
  • 46.2k
6 votes

Why do SSDs tend to fail much more suddenly than HDDs?

You have most of the points correct, but here's a few that possibly explains your question: SSDs are only generally faster than HDDs. The largest capacity hard drives actually rival the low and mid ...
user10489's user avatar
  • 1,617
5 votes

Hard Drive suddenly became unresponsive, recovered on reboot. What to do next?

Move on In your question you seem to ask which things you 'can' do, but in the title you ask what you should do. To list the key points: You have a backup The problem only occurred once You did some ...
Dennis Jaheruddin's user avatar
5 votes

Hard Drive Failure? - Reallocated Sector Count

Reallocated sector count is 880. The temperature stays above 50°C. Is this a hard drive failure? 880 reallocated sectors is a sufficient reason to replace the dying disk. For a rotating hard drive 50°...
r2d3's user avatar
  • 3,778
4 votes

Seatool's Short Generic test fails, but Long Generic test passes

I got two identical external Seagate drives. In Seatools, the short generic always fails in Windows 7 but always passes in windows 10 for both drives (and the fail happens at exact same time). Looks ...
Jus12's user avatar
  • 899
4 votes

Hard Drive suddenly became unresponsive, recovered on reboot. What to do next?

If a partition "doesn't show up anymore", the first thing to check would be what diskmgmt.msc sees - is the partition itself gone (which would mean something damaged the partition table - which is a ...
rackandboneman's user avatar
4 votes

Is an intermittently beeping HDD normal?

Please check S.M.A.R.T.. If the data show something wrong, that mean something wrong, simply. The main point if the disk made reallocation of own sectors because some damage. The sound isn't a normal ...
G. Jepax's user avatar
3 votes

My RAID 10 Array has corrupted, how do I get back my data?

First, know that lots of people like to say, "RAID is not backup". The reason why a business should use RAID is to minimize downtime. The reason why a business should back up data is to be able to ...
TOOGAM's user avatar
  • 16k
3 votes

HDD S.M.A.R.T. information

Once it starts to fail, it will never get any better - a hard drive will not "heal". You backup & replace now, or one day your machine simply will not start & then you are in real trouble. ...
Tetsujin's user avatar
  • 50k
3 votes

Hard drive clicking, is my hdd dying?

If it is spin-media, yes, consider it at risk of immediate loss. That being said, I would pull a backup ASAP if you do not have some type of redundancy or DRP in place. Then replace the drive to ...
Benjamin Dean's user avatar
3 votes

My Laptop became extremely slow and found error with hard disk

Do exactly what the error message is suggesting for you to do, sooner rather than later... The more you use the device the more chance of the HDD failing entirely and you losing the data permanently (...
Kinnectus's user avatar
  • 10.7k
3 votes

SSD – smartctl – Status

177 - Wear_Leveling_Count This attribute represents the number of times a block has been erased. This value is directly related to the lifetime of the SSD. The raw value of this attribute ...
greenx's user avatar
  • 31
3 votes

Fedora just warned me hard drive might fail soon

I would first make a backup (it's always a good decision) just to sleep better at night. That being said, from what I can tell by reading the output those 3 errors are quite old: Error 2 [1] ...
AnythingIsFine's user avatar
3 votes

Raid 0 life expectancy and how to access 2 disks from Raid 0 outside of original computer

RAID0 Life Expectancy First off, the math for life expectancy of a RAID0 array is actually pretty straightforward. It's: According to the spec sheet for your drives those drives have a life ...
Cliff Armstrong's user avatar
3 votes

Recovering from "failure reading sector"

The problem seems to be with the superblock of partition /dev/sda1. Selected links on the superblock are listed below. You are in a good position, since the partition of most interest to you (/dev/...
sancho.s ReinstateMonicaCellio's user avatar
3 votes

Effect of HDD age on disk failure

Power cycling causes a lot of strain and wear on the motors and actuators, so many power cycles will do as much to contribute toward disk failure as many power on hours. Regarding the disk's age, ...
Gordan Bobić's user avatar
3 votes

Hard drives seemingly no longer has bad sectors on it after erase and reformat

The short version is that modern hard drives tend to not show their bad sectors anymore. When a physical defect on the disk surface is encountered, the drive will silently mark that specific area as ...
Karu's user avatar
  • 4,772
3 votes

Why do SSDs tend to fail much more suddenly than HDDs?

Since the advent of IDE drives, and likely even before, each hard drive is basically an embedded computer platform--it has a CPU, RAM, runs firmware, the firmware talks to the PC over a bus/port and ...
LawrenceC's user avatar
  • 74.2k
3 votes

Interpret the output of smartctl for SSD and hard drive

With regards to the Crucial_CT240M500SSD3: I think you should pay attention to: 5 Reallocate_NAND_Blk_Cnt 0x0032 100 100 --- Old_age Always - 16384 This (raw) value counts the ...
Joep van Steen's user avatar
3 votes

Should I be worried about my SMART values of my drive?

Yes, if any of the bad sector counters (including pending, reallocated) in the SMART data of a hard disk drive are nonzero, it means the drive is dying, the error rate will only snowball (grow at an ...
Spiff's user avatar
  • 106k

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