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13 votes

LUKS on top of BTRFS raid array

You can't do that, because Btrfs isn't a block-device RAID array, it is a file system that happens to include data mirroring. First of all though, by doing what you did (i.e. trying to luksFormat the ...
grawity_u1686's user avatar
5 votes

MD Raid 1 read balancing algorithm

Linux implementation of RAID1 speeds up disk read operations as long as two separate disk read operations are performed at a time. That means reading one file won't be any faster on RAID1 than on ...
Overmind's user avatar
  • 10.2k
4 votes

Ubuntu server remove extra partition and resize current larger in mdadm RAID1

Something is unclear in your description: how can /dev/sda1 be both in /dev/md2 and /dev/md3? Also, is this RAID1? What devices make each array? To give you an idea of a possible sequence of steps, I ...
Luca Citi's user avatar
  • 474
4 votes

RAID hardware upgrade without reinstalling Windows?

I would go about it this way: 1) Break the mirror, and designate one of the two drives as your boot drive. Reboot into Windows to ensure that your OS partition is still viable. 2) Change your ...
George Erhard's user avatar
3 votes

MD Raid 1 read balancing algorithm

If you only have a single stream of sequential I/O the md RAID1 algorithm will keep picking the same disk. From the mdadm man page: [On md RAID1] a single stream of sequential input will not be ...
Anon's user avatar
  • 1,389
3 votes

How to convert a software RAID 1 partition to non-RAID partition?

mdadm --zero-superblock may not be enough, the partition information may need to be updated, too. What worked for me to successfully convert an 8TB drive with one mdadm RAID1 GPT partition /dev/sda1 ...
legolas108's user avatar
3 votes

Does software RAID 1 in Windows 7 improve read speeds?

Just tested, 2-120GB SSD on windows 10. RAID 0 increased both read and write dramatically (non-raid read was 450MB/s, raid-0 read was 820MB/s). Raid 1, write speed is the same, read speed increased ...
Daniel's user avatar
  • 31
2 votes

RAID 1 Mirror Error with Two Western Digital 500GB Drives

The problem is that fsutil does not really report everything as some "helpers" and KB articles tell you. I just had that case: Combining a WD-RED 3 TB with an Seagate Barracuda XT 3 TB. fsutil fsinfo ...
Joachim Otahal's user avatar
2 votes

RAID 1 using Dell PERC H330, with no cache and no battery

You are right saying that controller does not have memory cache nor battery. But the only thing that happens when you do not have those components is the controller works with the "Pass-Through" ...
Guido Gariup's user avatar
2 votes

Linux mdadm does not assemble array, but recreation of array does it

Resolution 𝕎𝔸ℝℕ𝕀ℕ𝔾: The instructions below delete your existing RAID setup and create a new md RAID 1 array with two entire block devices, /dev/sdc and /dev/sdd. Ensure that your kernel has ...
Deltik's user avatar
  • 19.7k
2 votes

How do you increase hard drive space on an Intel hardware RAID 1 with larger disks?

During the BIOS boot cycle you should be presented with the option to enter into the RAID settings. From there you should be able to extend the size and then grow the filesystem once it's booted back ...
Simon Ling's user avatar
2 votes

SSD TRIM support on RAID-1 array through Intel RST

Intel RST RAID1 still does NOT support TRIM. Test with Driver version TrimCheck: i waited 60 minutes, reboot did not help.
DiRoSVK's user avatar
  • 31
2 votes

Add redundacy disk to Synology Hybrid Raid

According to the Synology documentation you can add a disk to add redudnancy. Here it documents the process The process is as below: Install an additional hard drive in your Synology NAS. Go to ...
djsmiley2kStaysInside's user avatar
2 votes

df is not listing one RAID device (RAID1) on Ubuntu 18.04. fdisk -l lists both

I would have expected to see two entries in df output. One for /dev/md1 and another for /dev/md0. df shows mounted filesystems. Not all of them, but it certainly doesn't show filesystems that are not ...
Kamil Maciorowski's user avatar
2 votes

RAID1 in Linux makes HDD light always on?

The HDD light should only go on when the RAID is being read/written to. If its a newly configured RAID, yes, this is normal as the drive syncs/copies itself (even if it has no data on itself). This ...
davidgo's user avatar
  • 71.4k
2 votes

LUKS on top of BTRFS raid array

You said « almost all guides I find online using btrfs first encrypts the disks/partitions and then creates btrfs array on those disks. »… it would be interesting to know which guide you are talking ...
Frédéric Loyer's user avatar
2 votes

Create a bootable RAID 1 in Windows 10/11?

FYI: Better do not try to make "hardware" RAID with this motherboard. It would be fake-RAID. Also for do it you need to add motherboard RAID-controller driver during Windows installation. ...
Vladimir Kivva's user avatar
2 votes

How to recover data from faulty NAS (2 HDD in RAID 1)

There is a paucity of meaningful information on useful details about this device but it seems that - from your description of the problem the disks are physically Ok. Its extremely likely the issue ...
davidgo's user avatar
  • 71.4k
2 votes

RAID with 3 x 500GB on 3 disks? (9 partitions)

Forget RAID and calculating and matching partition sizes exactly, and "what happens with the extra space." Just use a Windows Storage Space (like a Linux LVM), it doesn't care that much ...
Xen2050's user avatar
  • 14.1k
1 vote

How to decrease the size of an Intel RAID 1?

I used this method added another disks, made them raid1, then cloned from one raid to another, removed the initial disks, made the system boot again (boot repair if needed) and then added additional ...
kps's user avatar
  • 11
1 vote

Unable to configure drives on Intel S500VSA server board.

An existing raid may of been detected - Wipe both partitions with a new partition table on another machine then try again.
JohnnyVegas's user avatar
  • 3,526
1 vote

RAID hardware upgrade without reinstalling Windows?

It's hard to say FOR SURE until you try it (so make a backup) but in general Intel's RST is very resilient about version/controller changes. Since the signatures are stored on the disk, you should be ...
Ƭᴇcʜιᴇ007's user avatar
1 vote

Can I safely use the Windows 7 Disk Management tool to format my hardware RAID 1 setup?

The source of your confusion is your hardware RAID. The hardware RAID is initialized in BIOS before Windows boots. The BIOS presents the RAID to Windows as a single volume and that volume is all ...
Keltari's user avatar
  • 73.6k
1 vote

Can I safely use the Windows 7 Disk Management tool to format my hardware RAID 1 setup?

As you already started formatting the drives it would be too late anyway if it was bad. ;) But you shouldn't run into any problems. Your post suggests you're using a hardware raid controller and as ...
Seth's user avatar
  • 9,213
1 vote

RAID 1 vs background copying daemon

It's not a good idea to use a failing drive, and especially not in a RAID array. It's too easy for something to go wrong. RAID is usually used so that if a drive starts to fail, you can remove it, and ...
edaemon's user avatar
  • 361
1 vote

RAID 1 mirroring

Adding a drive to a RAID 1 should just mirror the data to the new drive, though it will depend on the quality of the RAID device you are using, and if it is hardware or software. It shouldn't matter ...
jandsm5321's user avatar
1 vote

Intel RST/SRT + SSD cache: RAID

Theoretically, yes. Practically, probably not due to an arbitrary limitation. RST, as a hardware RAID, presents RAID volumes to the OS as if they were simple disks. SRT allows to associate one SSD ...
ivan_pozdeev's user avatar
  • 1,910
1 vote

What happens with my pc with RAID 1 just after a single hdd failure?

Will the pc continue to work with only one hdd? Yes, the array will continue to operate so long as at least one member drive is operational. RAID 1 RAID 1 consists of an exact copy (or mirror) of a ...
DavidPostill's user avatar
  • 159k
1 vote

managing zfs + mirroring

In ZFS you always have redundancy of any kind at the vdev level, you cannot have it at the pool level. A vdev can consist of a single disk (1 disk), mirrored disks (2+ disks), Z1 stripe (2+ disks), ...
user121391's user avatar
  • 1,403

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