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4 votes

lftp how to upload everything new inside a folder but not the folder itself

Specify dist/. as the source: lftp> mirror -R -v localsrc/. remotedst/ lftp will then attempt to upload into remotedst/./ which is just the same remotedst. Also works for local copies: $ cp -r -v ...
grawity_u1686's user avatar
4 votes

Does LFTP support keepalive for FTP/SFTP?

For FTP is there is no keep-alive mechanism, so no, as explained here: However you can try using the net options to ...
djsmiley2kStaysInside's user avatar
3 votes

trust server certificate with lftp

The only solution a year later is still to turn off ssl:verify-certificate for specific certificate fingerprints. set ssl:verify-certificate/{fingerprint1} no set ssl:verify-certificate/{fingerprint2}...
notabot2's user avatar
2 votes

lftp: bash equivalent of command substitution backticks or $()

Not quite what you looking for I guess but you can use -e option like this: $ lftp -e "cd $HOME" <SITE> As explained in man lftp: -e commands Execute given commands and don't exit. So ...
Arkadiusz Drabczyk's user avatar
2 votes

Add time offset for mirroring via lftp

If you look at the manual you've linked lftp has an option that enables you to define the timezone for the remote site. It might be worth it to try to set it and see whenever lftp correctly ...
Seth's user avatar
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2 votes

How do I specify an MVS data set name when using lftp?

For FTP transfers to z/OS there are a few considerations. First, there are two types of files you can send data to: MVS files and USS files. MVS files are the traditional types of files on z/OS and ...
Hogstrom's user avatar
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2 votes

How to log some, but not all, lftp transfers

you should change your configuration to: set xfer:log 1 set xfer:log-file "/Logs/lftp_transfer.log"
BANJOSA's user avatar
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2 votes

Specify key exchange protocol with lftp

Both lftp and sftp use /usr/bin/ssh as the transport – they let the SSH client establish the connection (starting the SFTP responder instead of an interactive shell) and only speak the SFTP protocol ...
grawity_u1686's user avatar
2 votes

Can't delete a hidden file on a linux server

The FTP server looks like it's configured to block commands that refer to certain files, such as ones beginning with dots. You can't do anything about it. You'll need to contact the administrator of ...
LawrenceC's user avatar
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2 votes

"find" using LFTP tries to access arguments

Am I using the find-command wrong, or is this a bug? You're using it wrong because it's not the find-command you think it is. You're inside lftp, not in a general-purpose shell. You're not invoking ...
Kamil Maciorowski's user avatar
1 vote

Lftp --newer-than is downloading empty directories

Because --newer-than affects files only. So when lftp finds a folder on the server that does not exist locally, it creates the local mirror. Only then it enters the folder and searches the files. It ...
Martin Prikryl's user avatar
1 vote

lftp unable to connect to ftp site, but using filezilla can connect successfully

A few minutes after posting the question, looks like I can solved it :D I try to connect using sftp command line, and it ask to save the fingerprint, then successfully connected and work flawlessly. $ ...
Yooza Dirgayuza's user avatar
1 vote

put command work with interactive "ftp", but not with "lftp"

Turns out (by using debug 5), that lftp issues an ALLO command, to which the server replies with the 550 error. lftp then aborts the transfer. By using set ftp:use-allo false I fixed it.
Bart Friederichs's user avatar
1 vote

How to have `lftp` compare directories and only sync changed files?

The lftp has mirror command to synchronize local nd remote folders: mirror [OPTS] [source [target]] You didn't specify in what direction you want to synchronize. The mirror by default synchronizes ...
Martin Prikryl's user avatar
1 vote

A way to stop lftp from issuing "CWD /" when transferring a file

Either append a tilde (~) to the end of the URL: ftps:// or, simply drop the trailing slash: ftps://
kbulgrien's user avatar
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1 vote

trust server certificate with lftp

What worked for me step by step with lftp: get certificate of host with openssl s_client -connect <ftp_hostname>:21 -starttls ftp, at the begining of result I got something like -----BEGIN ...
Philippe Gachoud's user avatar
1 vote

How to copy millions files from dedicated server to AWS EC2?

I would suggest zipping the files in say 1 GB chunks and uploading those. When unzipping each file is checked against a CRC checksum. You can use built-in splitting so zip automatically generates ....
cybernard's user avatar
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1 vote

Prefixing protocol for address in ssh and lftp

The sftp command-line utility only supports one file-transfer protocol, SFTP. Similarly, the scp utility only supports SCP. If you invoke one of those utilities to transfer a file, it's a given that ...
Kenster's user avatar
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1 vote

All Time Lftp Mirroring

Use the mirror function and a cron to trigger it repeatedly. Put this in a script (e.G. ~/ cd [PATH_THAT_YOU_WANT_TO_COPY] lftp -c "open [HOST] -u [USER],[PASSWORD]; mirror -R [...
Angelo Fuchs's user avatar
1 vote

How do I attach running lftp process

There could be a few reasons: Your lftp version is lower than 4.3.0, see Changes. You're using Debian stable version. According to this answer: The Debian stable version might not have the ...
Senki's user avatar
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