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43 votes

permission denied on AWS Transfer on SFTP server

User Role should be: { "Version": "2012-10-17", "Statement": [ { "Sid": "AllowListingOfUserFolder", "Action": [ "s3:ListBucket", ...
Algeriassic's user avatar
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35 votes

Windows SSH server refuses key based authentication from client

As of Windows 10 v1809, the default config (found in %ProgramData%/ssh/sshd_config) defines a separate AuthorizedKeysFile for administrator users: Match Group administrators AuthorizedKeysFile ...
Bob's user avatar
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35 votes

How ca I make CentOS 7 accept SSH while denying SCP?

It wouldn't help you because the user could trivially do: ssh user@host "cat /path/to/file" > /local/path/to/file cat /local/path/to/file | ssh user@host "cat - > /path/to/file&...
Gordan Bobić's user avatar
23 votes

Windows SSH server refuses key based authentication from client

OpenSSH on Windows 10 requires additional configuration to recognize authorized_keys: Save your authorized_keys into the file C:\ProgramData\ssh\administrators_authorized_keys with no extension Use ...
Stephen Quan's user avatar
20 votes

Windows: Connect to SFTP server using Windows File Explorer

SFTP is supported on the command-line only via the Win32-OpenSSH sftp.exe, which is built-in on Windows 10 version 1803 or newer. sftp.exe [email protected] But the GUI File Explorer does not support ...
Martin Prikryl's user avatar
20 votes

Windows: Connect to SFTP server using Windows File Explorer

Using WinFsp and SSHFS-Win together, you can map network drives over SHTP to Windows Explorer. Additionally, you can use sshfs-win-manager, a GUI tool to manage your connections, together with WinFsp ...
surjit's user avatar
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20 votes

How do I connect to SFTP with provided SSH Key?

if you use a sftp client to connect to a sftp server, you should generate a ssh keypair (ie on unix: ssh-keygen) and provide your public key (ie .ssh/ or .ssh/ to the sftp-...
nikiwaibel's user avatar
19 votes

How to find public key of the server using any SFTP/SSH client

The only correct way is to ask the server administrator to provide you the host key. If you retrieve the host key remotely yourself, you cannot really trust the key, as you can be under a Man-in-the-...
Martin Prikryl's user avatar
18 votes

How can I set in the bitvise ssh client, the tunnel automatic connect if open windows or restart windows?

The Bitvise SSH Client user interface does not provide an option to start the profile automatically when Windows 10 starts up. Instead, you can create a shortcut to Bitvise with the -loginOnStartup ...
humbads's user avatar
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15 votes

How do I connect to SFTP server with web browser?

SFTP and FTP are two completely different and incompatible protocols. Do not mix those two. No major web browser supports SFTP (at least not without any addin). The "third party" need to use ...
Martin Prikryl's user avatar
14 votes

Which internal-sftp options are available?

The internal-sftp supports the same set of options as the sftp-server: Both are built from the very same code. See also Difference between OpenSSH internal-sftp and ...
Martin Prikryl's user avatar
14 votes

Getting `sshfs` working on WSL or finding an alternative

So I have a workaround that you might like. I installed SFTP Net Drive 2017 and then remotely connected to the file system I wanted. I mapped it (via the GUI) as R:\. From WSL, you can then map R:\ ...
chris's user avatar
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13 votes

Get file from remote over ssh, with simple "get file"?

If you can connect to the original client host via SSH, then you can use the scp command to copy the file. An example session could look something like this. barry@earth:~$ ssh pi@raspberrypi pi@...
Omar and Lorraine's user avatar
12 votes

No supported authentication methods available in FileZilla

I had similar issue error was Error: Disconnected: No supported authentication methods available (server sent: publickey) Ans: Simply go to filezilla-Edit-settings-sftp-Add key file--add your ppk ...
rohit dixit's user avatar
12 votes

How to install public key in host windows server 2012

The public key must go into authorized_keys file (not just to some text file) in the .ssh subfolder of user's home directory. The public key entry must have a correct format like: ssh-rsa ...
Martin Prikryl's user avatar
12 votes

Using sftp like scp

Since OpenSSH 8.7, scp can use SFTP protocol. Just add -s switch: scp -s ./myfile myserver:/home/myfile Since OpenSSH 9.0 the scp uses SFTP by default. sftp command is indeed built around commands (...
Martin Prikryl's user avatar
11 votes

Copy file on SFTP to another directory without roundtrip

A core SFTP protocol does not support duplicating a remote file. There's draft of the copy-file and copy-data extensions to the protocol. As of 2024, it's supported by only some SFTP servers and ...
Martin Prikryl's user avatar
11 votes

How to import .ppk file in WinSCP?

Open Winscp Go to Session window, fill the details with Host name Username and password Click on Edit button, then it will highlight the Advanced button. Click on that, select SSH → Authentication on ...
rajeevpunna's user avatar
10 votes

In sftp, how to set the default permission for all files in a folder?

I've spent considerable time searching for a more complete answer to this question. Configuring a different umask for sftp is well and good, but it is not a universal answer, since the umask will only ...
anlag's user avatar
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10 votes

Getting `sshfs` working on WSL or finding an alternative

Since I asked this question, Microsoft has released WSL 2 in its Insiders Preview ring. Since this provides a full Linux kernel to WSL, no more workarounds are necessary to get SSHFS to work. Update: ...
Isaac Corbrey's user avatar
10 votes

Command to copy client public key to Windows OpenSSH SFTP/SSH server authorized keys file

ssh-copy-id script works only against *nix servers (or servers with *nix emulation), as it internally executes some *nix shell commands on the server (like exec, sh, umask, rm, mkdir, tail, cat, etc). ...
Martin Prikryl's user avatar
9 votes

Get file from remote over ssh, with simple "get file"?

No, there isn't. SSH does not have a "client filesystem access" channel the way RDP does. Though, there might be terminals that have built-in support for the ancient BBS file transfer ...
grawity_u1686's user avatar
8 votes

Can /usr/bin/sftp resume file transfers?

You can use the option -a in the get command in sftp to resume a previously aborted download. Example: echo -e "lcd ~/localFolder\nget -ar *" | sftp [email protected]:/some/path Alternatively ...
Lenzoid's user avatar
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8 votes

Host key verification failed

First thing you can do is run sftp with option StrictHostKeyChecking set to "no". sftp -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no -o port="port" -o IdentityFile="private_key_location" "username@remote_host" This ...
olmstad's user avatar
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8 votes

How does an FTP client set file permissions on server?

Your colleague is right, in the sense that October 1985's RFC 959 doesn't seem to provide a command specifically designed for permission changes. RFC 959 does provide specifications of commands to ...
TOOGAM's user avatar
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8 votes

known_hosts file for WinSCP?

WinSCP does not use known_hosts file. Like PuTTY, it stores known host keys into Windows registry (or optionally an INI file) [HKEY_CURRENT_USER\SOFTWARE\Martin Prikryl\WinSCP 2\SshHostKeys] The ...
Martin Prikryl's user avatar
8 votes

How do I setup ftp/sftp on aws

If you don't want to use AWS Transfer for SFTP, it is possible to set up your SFTP server directly from an EC2 instance. If you follow correctly these instructions you should be able to create ...
smallwat3r's user avatar
8 votes

mac cPanel: "puttygen: error loading unrecognised cipher name"

The file is correct, but that's the "new" OpenSSH private key format introduced in version 6.5 (made default in 7.8). It is only supported by PuTTY starting with version 0.68. Because your server ...
grawity_u1686's user avatar
8 votes

How do I restrict users to sftp in OpenSSH on Windows Server?

From Mika-n on the PowerShell-OpenSSH GitHub: This works with OpenSSH-Win64 8.1.x version, but you need to set following sshd_config options (by default in %PROGRAMDATA%\SSH\ folder location in ...
Cpt.Whale's user avatar
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8 votes

How do I connect to SFTP with provided SSH Key?

Adding to the nikiwaibel's answer, some sftp versions won't accept the "-i" so you can use the alternative sftp -oIdentityFile=<privateKey.file> [email protected]
Ion Harin's user avatar

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