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22 votes

SSL_ERROR_BAD_CERT_DOMAIN but name is correct

Firefox has a new policy that certs issued after 2016-08-23 have to have a SubjectAltName field.
Gary van der Merwe's user avatar
21 votes

How do I use the openssl command to decode a certificate/public key .PEM file?

If you want to view a public key in PKCS#1 format, you can use: openssl rsa -pubin -in <file> -text
garethTheRed's user avatar
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16 votes

Specifying minor TLS version when using curl

Curl's behavior has changed! For versions prior to 7.54.0, RedGrittyBrick's answer remains correct. For version of curl after 7.54.0 the options --tlsv1.0, --tlsv1.1 and --tlsv1.2 set the minimum ...
nelsonda's user avatar
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16 votes

Does AES 256 GCM have any restricted byte sequences imposed on its cypher text?

Except for some special (and very rare) 'format-preserving' modes, all modern encryption algorithms, including AES-GCM, can handle any byte sequence in plaintext and produce any byte sequence as ...
dave_thompson_085's user avatar
15 votes

Why are Root CAs with SHA1 signatures not a risk

Am I mistaken with understanding that were one to find a collision, they could impersonate the Verisign root CA, and use that to generate an intermediate and then server cert that would be trusted by ...
Steffen Ullrich's user avatar
14 votes

How do I use the openssl command to decode a certificate/public key .PEM file?

how do I use the oppenssl command to decode it into a list of human-readable fields. openssl x509 -in NAME.pem -text -noout Replace 'NAME' with whatever filename your .pem file has.
fuzzydrawrings's user avatar
11 votes

Prevent users from ignoring certificate warnings

You can use Chrome's Enterprise Management System to set these policies. On Windows, these are typically rolled out via GPO. On MacOS and Linux, there are other mechanisms, that can be found on the ...
MechMK1's user avatar
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10 votes

In Wireshark where can I find the TLS Server's Certificate

In TLS 1.3, all messages after ServerHello are encrypted – the actual Certificate message is hiding in the "Application Data" packet in line 3. The ChangeCipherSpec message is meaningless in ...
grawity_u1686's user avatar
10 votes

Does AES 256 GCM have any restricted byte sequences imposed on its cypher text?

Any block cipher that can encrypt arbitrary binary data must be able to produce all byte sequences in its output, or its output must be larger than its input for at least some inputs. But AES-GCM ...
Peter Cordes's user avatar
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9 votes

HSTS not working with Chrome

For others who are seeing a similar issue - it may be because your browser has not yet accessed the site over HTTPS. Try accessing it over HTTPS and then again over HTTP. If HSTS is correctly ...
sfarbota's user avatar
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9 votes

How do I list the SSL/TLS cipher suites a particular website offers?

This answer summarizes best given answers sofar and argues why to choose an alternative (or not!). To find the best solution, we should first answer 'why do we want to enumerate all supported ciphers?...
Yan Foto's user avatar
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8 votes

Is there any reason to verify a download checksum over HTTPS

I wouldn't think HTTPS would catch either of those. AFAIK HTTPS offers no additional protection from corruption over TCP. I'm no security expert, but I know that TLS (HTTPS) does these 2 things: ...
Ian's user avatar
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8 votes

What is the purpose of chain.pem files?

Your Certbot output is slightly unusual. You should've received a "fullchain.pem" file containing everything in the correct order, not as several separate files. (Not to mention the manual ...
grawity_u1686's user avatar
7 votes

SSL Unsupported protocol error

The problem is that the Linux ncat server will only use TLS1.2 for SSL connections. The Windows ncat is not using TLS1.2. This causes the unsupported protocol error. I can replicate this issue using ...
ztk's user avatar
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6 votes

Why might Amazon login result in the error "SSL_ERROR_RX_RECORD_TOO_LONG"

You are connecting to Your browser expects a SSL handshake to take place because of the https protocol part. But the website actually serves a plain HTTP response because ...
Arminius's user avatar
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6 votes

Thunderbird: error 'Peer using unsupported version of security protocol.'

This was fixed by changing the support version of the TLS protocol. The default has changed to TLS version 3. In Linux I go to: Edit Preferences General Scroll all the way to the bottom Config Editor ...
nelaaro's user avatar
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6 votes

How does the Client Hello message choose the Record Layer version?

Or does wireshark sets the version according to what he saw in the server hello? Yes. That title line is Wireshark's summary of the message. You can see in the detailed content of the message that in ...
Gilles 'SO- stop being evil''s user avatar
5 votes

How to view SSL Certificate details on Chrome when Developer Tools are disabled?

As of Chrome 60 it is possible to return certificate details under "lock" menu. This option has to be enabled manually by accessing chrome://flags/#show-cert-link. When you enable it and restart the ...
user765679's user avatar
5 votes

OpenVPN: Options error: "Unrecognized option or missing or extra parameter(s) in client.ovpn:130: tls-remote (2.4.6)"

That particular option was deprecated and removed in OpenVPN 2.4 The new syntax is: verify-x509-name name To solve your problem, you can try Meddling with the client....
Andy's user avatar
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5 votes

Does a cert's filename matter?

The name of the files does not matter at all, only its content. What matters is that the path in the configuration matches the actual path on disk so that the files can be accessed. Of course, if the ...
Steffen Ullrich's user avatar
5 votes

How should I generate a self signed SSL for an intranet server, following these specific requisites?

Self-signed certificates should never be used, as they have no Chain of Trust and are therefore insecure and pointless; the recommended way is to create a self-signed CA, using that CA to sign the ...
JW0914's user avatar
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5 votes

How does the Client Hello message choose the Record Layer version?

Wireshark sees the ClientHello in context of the following packets. If the handshake results in a common version of TLS 1.2 it will show TLS 1.2 record layer, with TLS 1.3 it will show TLS 1.3 record ...
Steffen Ullrich's user avatar
4 votes

Specifying minor TLS version when using curl

Additionally to --tlsvX.Y/--sslvZ, which put a hard limit to what protocols curl would choose, you may use --tls-max x.y to softly control protocol negotiation.
AnrDaemon's user avatar
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4 votes

Why are Root CAs with SHA1 signatures not a risk

Am I mistaken with understanding that were one to find a collision, they could impersonate the Verisign root CA, and use that to generate an intermediate and then server cert that would be trusted by ...
Alexander Higgins's user avatar
4 votes

How do I enable TLS 1.3 in iOS and MacOS?

According to WWDC2017: TLS 1.3 is not enabled by default You can enable this on iOS with this provisioning profile You can enable this on MacOS with this command in Terminal sudo defaults write /...
makerofthings7's user avatar
4 votes

Decrypt SSL traffic with the openssl command line tool

I'm not entirely sure but I think the answer is no. The openssl command line client is a heterogeneous collection of tools. The X.509 commands can be useful to manipulate certificates, but the ...
Gilles 'SO- stop being evil''s user avatar
4 votes

OpenSsl and self-signed certificates - verifying a chain

The -cert cert.pem argument of openssl s_server is used to give the leaf certificate only. If you provide multiple certificates instead it will (usually?) take the first one. If you have chain ...
Steffen Ullrich's user avatar
4 votes

Will Chrome fully remove TLS 1.0?

UPDATE 12/04/2020: The Chrome TLS 1.0 and 1.1 deprecation feature status now reads: Comments The existing enterprise policy SSLVersionMin can be used to override the security indicator downgrade (...
Reddy Lutonadio's user avatar
4 votes

why am I getting an error when trying to generate rsa 128

The limit is hard-coded to a minimum "secure" length, currently 512 bits (see RSA_MIN_MODULUS_BITS below). To circumvent it, for use in an embedded application, for example, you have to ...
sarlacii's user avatar
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