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100 votes

Why does my browser think that is secure?

The GoDaddy documentation is mistaken. It is not true that Certification Authorities (CAs) must revoke certificates for all IP addresses… just reserved IP addresses. Source:
Deltik's user avatar
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99 votes

Why does my browser think that is secure?

English is ambiguous. You were parsing it like this: (intranet names) or (IP addresses) i.e. ban the use of numeric IP addresses entirely. The meaning that matches what you're seeing is: intranet (...
Peter Cordes's user avatar
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78 votes

Is "HTTPS Everywhere" still relevant?

HTTPS Everywhere certainly used to be more necessary during the days of mixed content and half-hearted website configurations. The web is certainly more mature nowadays, with technologies like HSTS ...
BoffinBrain's user avatar
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70 votes

How can I get Firefox to prefer HTTPS over HTTP?

Another alternative is HTTPS Everywhere. It's available for Firefox, Chrome and Safari. Since it is developed from the collaboration between EFF and the TOR project, I tend to believe this plugin ...
Sibi's user avatar
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60 votes

cURL on Ubuntu 14: all Let's Encrypt certificates are expired (error 60)

The reason is that the "DST Root CA X3" certificate has expired yesterday. To fix it, just disable the certificate on your server. Run: sudo dpkg-reconfigure ca-certificates On the first ...
Finesse's user avatar
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58 votes

Are there well known HTTP-only sites?

A well-known public HTTP only site will resolve this You can use What? This website is for when you try to open Facebook, Google, Amazon, etc on a wifi network, and ...
DavidPostill's user avatar
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45 votes

Why does my browser think that is secure?

Looks like the Certificate Subject Alt Name includes the IP address: Not Critical DNS Name: * IP Address: IP Address: DNS Name: IP Address: 2606:...
Michael Frank's user avatar
31 votes

How do I view Current User Certificates, and not Local Machine Certificates, on Windows?

That's because you have opened the Certificate Manager for the local machine - certlm.msc. If instead, you open the Certificate Manager for the user - certmgr.msc you should see your certificates. On ...
garethTheRed's user avatar
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31 votes

cURL on Ubuntu 14: all Let's Encrypt certificates are expired (error 60)

Edit the file /etc/ca-certificates.conf Find and comment with ! the line like this !mozilla/DST_Root_CA_X3.crt Save the file and update certificates with command sudo update-ca-certificates
mikep's user avatar
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26 votes

Get a server's SSL/TLS certificate using "openssl s_client"

After a while I figured it out: this particular load balancer was configured to use only TLSv1.2, which the version of openssl included in OS X (0.9.8) does not understand. I installed a newer version ...
Daniel Serodio's user avatar
25 votes

Why is SSH safer than HTTPS on direct connections to a Git Repository with Credentials

It's not clear to me if you were told that SSH is more secure than HTTPS in your particular case (where we don't have all the details), which may be absolutely correct, or whether you've been given ...
cjs's user avatar
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24 votes

nginx http to https proxy with self-signed certificate

nginx allows usage of self-signed certificates by default: Syntax: proxy_ssl_verify on | off; Default: proxy_ssl_verify off; Context: stream, server Enables or disables verification of the ...
unNamed's user avatar
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24 votes

Why does Chrome say "Your connection to this site is not secure" even if the certificate is valid?

I found what it was. After updating Chrome and restarting it, the lock sign was fine. Chrome did not mark my site as insecure anymore. However, as soon as I accessed my server on another port with a ...
Jean-François Beauchamp's user avatar
17 votes

How can I get Firefox to prefer HTTPS over HTTP?

Firefox addon "HTTPS by default" works:
Ian Kelling's user avatar
15 votes

This site can’t be reached: " is currently unreachable"

I'm one of the people working on SSL/TLS for Chrome. We're experimenting with draft versions of TLS 1.3, the next revision of the TLS protocol. Unfortunately, we're seeing issues with buggy ...
David Benjamin's user avatar
15 votes

How do I show www. and https:// in Chrome 79?

These instructions are from The first method, which I prefer, is to add a parameter to your Chrome shortcut inside the target field: --disable-features=...
theggputest55's user avatar
14 votes

Chrome persistently redirecting to HTTPS for HTTP site

I found it !! I found it !! For me, I had to perform this extra step : Click on the icon of HTTPS on the left of the URL bar, and choose "Settings for this site". Scroll and find "...
Héraès's user avatar
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13 votes

Is "HTTPS Everywhere" still relevant?

Speaking as a previous ruleset contributor to HTTPS Everywhere, I have the following to offer. The HTTPS Everywhere project periodically tests all of their rewriting rules and disables those which ...
Bardi Harborow's user avatar
13 votes

git on Debian 10 backports throws fatal: unable to access '': Failed sending HTTP2 data

In other computer with the same system, but with git working normally, I compared the packages not upgraded. Downgrade libcurl3-gnutls to 7.64.0-4+deb10u2 and the problem is solved.
Renato B. Santiago's user avatar
12 votes

Typing "danger" not working in google chrome anymore

In January 2018 the interstitial bypass keyword was changed to the output of... window.atob('dGhpc2lzdW5zYWZl'); If you can't type this into a console, probably you should not use it. It will be ...
sanmai's user avatar
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12 votes

How to stop redirect from http:// to https://

Exit Firefox and edit the file /Users/Chloe/AppData/Roaming/Mozilla/Firefox/Profiles/xxxxx.default-999999/SiteSecurityServiceState.txt Delete the line with your domain in it. Then restart Firefox. ...
Chloe's user avatar
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11 votes

How can I get Chrome accepting self signed certificates?

Is it possible that Clients (Chrome) will accept the HTTPS connection using a self signed certificate? Yes. You need to import the certificate into Chrome (after exporting it to a file, if you have ...
sleske's user avatar
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11 votes

nginx: [warn] "ssl_stapling" ignored, issuer certificate not found for certificate

It's an SSL cert verification since you're using a self-signed cert this validation will not work. References:
RAAD's user avatar
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10 votes

Chrome persistently redirecting to HTTPS for HTTP site

I have been able to get around this by deleting the domain security policy for the domain: Go to chrome://net-internals/#hsts Go towards the end and enter your domain in this textbox and hit delete. ...
Sachin's user avatar
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10 votes

How does my operating system (Linux) make a Security Certificate invalid?

The server isn't sending the "intermediate" certificate (aka the "chain"), so the client simply doesn't have enough information to verify. Your desktop browser and/or your OS papers over this problem ...
grawity_u1686's user avatar
10 votes

In Wireshark where can I find the TLS Server's Certificate

In TLS 1.3, all messages after ServerHello are encrypted – the actual Certificate message is hiding in the "Application Data" packet in line 3. The ChangeCipherSpec message is meaningless in ...
grawity_u1686's user avatar
9 votes

How is ESET Smart Security able to intercept my HTTPS traffic?

How do I disable "Banking & Payment protection"? I don’t want ESET to be able to intercept my HTTPS traffic at all! You can permanently disable "Banking & Payment protection" as follows: ...
DavidPostill's user avatar
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9 votes

Are there well known HTTP-only sites?

These answers came from the comments and I believe they need a separate entry in the answers so they can be easily found. (from @GiantTree) (...
Majal's user avatar
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9 votes

Is "HTTPS Everywhere" still relevant?

While improved awareness of HTTPS and HSTS have certainly brought security standards forward, there is still use for the HTTPS Everywhere extension: HSTS is great at protecting against HTTP downgrade ...
AlphaD's user avatar
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8 votes

This site can’t be reached: " is currently unreachable"

For me. I just disable the tls 1.3 and google mail works again. @_@
Maryadi Poipo's user avatar

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