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113 votes

Is redirection with `>>` equivalent to `>` when target file doesn't yet exist?

tl;dr No. >> is essentially "always seek to end of file" while > maintains a pointer to the last written location. Full answer (Note: all my tests done on Debian GNU/Linux 9). Another ...
Kamil Maciorowski's user avatar
60 votes

why it is 2>&1 and not 2>>&1 to append to a log file

When you redirect something to &number, you are not opening a new file at all; you're reusing an already open file along with whatever mode it was opened. The numbers refer to "open file" handles ...
grawity_u1686's user avatar
45 votes

How to prevent URL redirects in Chrome?

I realize this is far from a perfect answer, as this will only work for responses that serve up content, but I decided to post it as there are currently zero useful, actionable answers. As a quick-...
snarf's user avatar
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44 votes

Watching something be written to a file live with tail

You may also need to explicitly flush the buffer for it to get piped upon generation. This is because output is typically only printed when the pipe's buffer fills up (which is in kilobytes I belive), ...
Davey's user avatar
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43 votes

Prevent automatic redirects in Firefox

As of Firefox 56, the menu has now been "simplified" and the option is no longer available. To turn on the redirect warning: Type about:config in the address bar Search for accessibility....
rovyko's user avatar
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40 votes

Save the output of command in file MS-DOS 1.x

It seems that [COMMAND]>[FILE] does not work in the early versions of MS-DOS. I am using MS-DOS 1.25 and the above expression gives the statement invalid argument That is correct. What you want to ...
DavidPostill's user avatar
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35 votes

In windows, can I redirect stdout to a (named) pipe in command line?

I am surprised that this has't been answered correctly already. There is indeed a UNC path assigned to named pipes by the system, accessible on any machine in the network, which can be used like a ...
IS4's user avatar
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35 votes

Watching something be written to a file live with tail

Run python with the unbuffered flag: python -u > output.txt Output will then print in real time.
BHC's user avatar
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31 votes

Prevent automatic redirects in Firefox

Go to about:config and set network.http.redirection-limit to 1. At each redirection you will get a message "the page isn't redirecting properly". The address bar will show the next URL in the ...
Steve Pitchers's user avatar
30 votes

How to track url redirects in the browser?

Now, when FireBug is integrated into developer tools you may enable persistent logs by next steps: Open DevTools (F12) Go into Toolbox options (forth icon from right top) Find Common preferences ...
Eugen Konkov's user avatar
22 votes

Chrome keeps redirecting url

Browsers these days often times cache redirects. You need to clear your file cache from before your mistaken change. From Stackoverflow To force clear htaccess/redirect caches in Google Chrome: Go ...
FCTW's user avatar
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19 votes

Watching something be written to a file live with tail

Instead of trying to tail a live file, use tee instead. It was made to do exactly what you're trying to do. From man tee: tee(1) - Linux man page Name tee - read from standard input and ...
n8te's user avatar
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16 votes

How to find out the real download URL on download sites that use redirects

This is the answer you have been looking for! There is only one fool-proof one-click solution: cliget It gives you a curl command with headers, cookies and all, with a copy to clipboard button, right ...
Dagelf's user avatar
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15 votes

Chrome redirecting http -> https

Go to chrome://net-internals/#hsts. scroll down to the Delete domain security policies area. Type in the domain for which you want to prevent redirection. Click on Delete. Then, go to history, and ...
Razetime's user avatar
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14 votes

Chrome persistently redirecting to HTTPS for HTTP site

I found it !! I found it !! For me, I had to perform this extra step : Click on the icon of HTTPS on the left of the URL bar, and choose "Settings for this site". Scroll and find "...
Héraès's user avatar
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14 votes

why it is 2>&1 and not 2>>&1 to append to a log file

The sequence command >> logfile 2>&1 has two redirection stages: command >> logfile will append to the logfile 2>&1 will redirect stderr to stdout (which itself appends to ...
Eugen Rieck's user avatar
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12 votes

How to stop redirect from http:// to https://

Exit Firefox and edit the file /Users/Chloe/AppData/Roaming/Mozilla/Firefox/Profiles/xxxxx.default-999999/SiteSecurityServiceState.txt Delete the line with your domain in it. Then restart Firefox. ...
Chloe's user avatar
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11 votes

How can I prevent Microsoft Online login Portal from redirecting to an old SSO page?

One way that worked for me: delete the cookies for in Chrome. You can go directly to the relevant cookies in Chrome's Settings if you cut'n'paste this into the address bar: ...
searlea's user avatar
  • 271
11 votes

Writing to a file from a udev RUN command

Operators like |, >> etc. mean something while inside a shell, but when sole /bin/echo 1 | … is run, there is no shell and | is just another argument to echo itself. To use these operators you ...
Kamil Maciorowski's user avatar
11 votes

All my Chrome searches are redirected through

A colleague solved it for me. It was a web colour picker extension for chrome: Fortunately it was delisted. Be careful out there guys, it's a bad world...
Bakaburg's user avatar
  • 251
10 votes

Chrome persistently redirecting to HTTPS for HTTP site

I have been able to get around this by deleting the domain security policy for the domain: Go to chrome://net-internals/#hsts Go towards the end and enter your domain in this textbox and hit delete. ...
Sachin's user avatar
  • 109
10 votes

How/why does ssh output to tty when both stdout and stderr are redirected?

How? How is ssh doing this? It opens /dev/tty. The relevant line from strace ssh … is: openat(AT_FDCWD, "/dev/tty", O_RDWR) = 4 The file descriptor 4 is then used with write(2) and ...
Kamil Maciorowski's user avatar
9 votes

How to suppress cUrl's progress meter when redirecting the output?

According to man curl: -s, --silent : Silent or quiet mode. Don't show progress meter or error messages. Makes Curl mute. Example usage: curl -s '' or if you want to capture ...
Venkatt Guhesan's user avatar
9 votes

Fake “.dev” domain added to hosts file for development purposes redirects to HTTPS in Chrome on Windows even when local dev server is not active

Beginning in 2018 Chrome and Firefox now forces HSTS for the .dev top level domain. As explained in this blog post, while desktop developers have been using locally redirected (via hosts) .dev since ...
Giacomo1968's user avatar
  • 56.1k
9 votes

Watching something be written to a file live with tail

Terminology: There is no pipe anywhere in this scenario. (I edited the question to fix that). Pipes are a different type of file (a buffer inside the kernel). This is a redirect to a regular file....
Peter Cordes's user avatar
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8 votes

how do I echo $something >> file.txt without carriage return?

If you are using command's output, you can use xargs in combination with echo /sbin/ip route|awk '/default/ { print $3 }' | xargs echo -n >> /etc/hosts
zainengineer's user avatar
8 votes

Windows CMD Batch, START and output redirection

What did the trick for me was moving the command into a separate batch file: rem this first batch file triggers the second one: start the_second.bat arg1 arg2 out.txt the_second.bat then looks like ...
Florian Straub's user avatar
8 votes

How can I redirect "localhost" to another local IP?

If you’re on Windows, you can use the command: netsh interface portproxy add v4tov4 listenaddress= listenport=21 connectaddress= connectport=21 Replace: 21 with the port ...
Bidanh999's user avatar
8 votes

How to prevent URL redirects in Chrome?

Another temporary way to stop a redirect from happening, is to press esc button before the redirect happens. esc stops the execution of js in the page but also html from rendering, so it it's pressed ...
T30's user avatar
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7 votes

How can I make Chrome stop caching redirects?

.dev domains are forced to use HTTPS on Chrome 63+ Since Chrome 63, out December 2017, all domains ending on .dev (and .foo) are forced to use HTTPS via a preloaded HTTP Strict Transport Security (...
Lucas Bustamante's user avatar

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