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7 votes

How do I purchase a license for Gentoo?

You are mistaken. Most Linux distros are totally free and are the assembly of software published under the GPL or other very permissive licenses. So in the general case you don't need any kind of ...
xenoid's user avatar
  • 10.2k
5 votes

List currently installed unstable packages (Gentoo Linux)

Solution using eix, but much much faster than the solution using equery: eix --installed-unstable --only-names
j123b567's user avatar
  • 226
4 votes

Skip a specific upgrade in emerge -auvD world

ThiefMaster's answer is the right way to go, but there is another option, which I think improves upon Keith's answer. Namely, with his answer the emerge will be tried and may take time. In case you ...
equaeghe's user avatar
  • 465
3 votes

How to tell if a distro was made using Gentoo

How do I find out my Linux distribution? The following commands can be used: lsb_release -a cat /etc/*release cat /etc/issue* cat /proc/version Further reading How to Find Your Linux Version or ...
DavidPostill's user avatar
  • 158k
3 votes

Gentoo: how to install binutils from binary package (because I accidentally deleted it)

Probably, portage fails some internal magic because of some missing utilities from binutils. You can just unpack binary package in your root partition with tar -xjf /usr/portage/packages/binutils*bz2 -...
Vadim A. Misbakh-Soloviov's user avatar
3 votes

grub2-install: error: /boot/efi doesn't look like an EFI partition on a fresh Gentoo install

I just had this issue and found that /boot existed but didn't have my boot partition mounted to it. Just had to mount the boot partition to fix this mnt /dev/sda1 /boot
glitchyme's user avatar
  • 269
2 votes

restore /dev after `rm`ing it

Here's an expansion to Alex Martian's answer: I also found out that udevadm won't restore all files. I fell down the rabbit hole with mknod, and wrote a script to do a more complete restore of /dev. ...
user2150119's user avatar
2 votes

restore /dev after `rm`ing it

As seems to be no way to autorestore all files in /dev expect via rebooting, still: # mknod -m 666 /dev/null c 1 3 # mknod -m 666 /dev/ptmx c 5 2 The above two commands restored working terminal (...
Alex Martian's user avatar
2 votes

Use Caps Lock LED as HDD LED (or custom) indicator

Since Linux 4.7: # echo ide-disk > /sys/class/leds/input17::capslock/trigger It requires CONFIG_LEDS_TRIGGER_DISK=y in the kernel config.
atomsymbol's user avatar
2 votes

Don't let the mouse wake up displays from standby

Something similar to MiLo answer but without dbus: MOUSE="Logitech Wireless Mouse" # Disable mouse xinput --set-prop "${MOUSE}" "Device Enabled" "0" # Turn ...
adrianlzt's user avatar
  • 465
2 votes

Is it a good idea to use git for configuration file version controlling?

I also use git to store and maintain my dotfiles, but in a git bare repository. A detailed guide can be found here. I'm using two repositories, one for my users dotfiles named myconf and one for root'...
Chris's user avatar
  • 121
2 votes

How to chroot Arch from a Gentoo live cd?

That’s really easy. The arch-chroot script does the following: chroot_setup() { CHROOT_ACTIVE_MOUNTS=() [[ $(trap -p EXIT) ]] && die '(BUG): attempting to overwrite existing EXIT trap' ...
Daniel B's user avatar
  • 63.9k
2 votes

grub2-install: error: /boot/efi doesn't look like an EFI partition on a fresh Gentoo install

If you are installing this on virtual-box make sure you have the enabled the option of EFI under the category of Setting/System
Aniket's user avatar
  • 21
2 votes

Setting Home Directory to `/home`

See the usermod command: -d, --home HOME_DIR The user's new login directory. If the -m option is given, the contents of the current home directory will be moved to the new home ...
xenoid's user avatar
  • 10.2k
1 vote

Setting Home Directory to `/home`

Warning: one problem with setting /home as a main_user1's HOME is that such user may trample over the content of /home/other_user2/ and /home/other_user3/ Adding to the answer form @xenoid, it is ...
anonymous_wannabe's user avatar
1 vote

Full Linux hard disk backup and restore

You can buy disk-cloning hardware. Pull your hard-drive and plug it in as source. Put your extra one in as the target and push the button.
geru's user avatar
  • 96
1 vote

Is it a good idea to use git for configuration file version controlling?

I also think that Git is a good choice for managing config files. I use a repository for my personal dotfiles in $HOME with symbolic links which point to the working copy of the repository. ...
IngoMeyer's user avatar
  • 111
1 vote

How to change password for Gentoo LiveCD in 2015?

On the 2016 LiveCD, root login is disabled by default. Nano /etc/ssh/sshd_config Find the line that begins "PermitRootLogin". Uncomment the line and set to Yes. Commented lines used to denote ...
Nick's user avatar
  • 11
1 vote

Show disabled preferences in Mozilla Firefox 67.0

Access about:config, sort by the "Status" column, and look for settings where status is 'locked'. In particular, to determine the origin of those settings, look for general.config.filename which is ...
grawity_u1686's user avatar
1 vote

Trying to install Gentoo Linux, stuck at GRUB

I recently ran into this issue. I'm 99% positive that you were trying to boot via UEFI, which the minimal installation media does not support, see
Cescante's user avatar
  • 111
1 vote

bad uid 8 in virtual_uid_maps

"virtual_minium_uid" needs to be set to a value equal or lower than "virtual_uid_maps".
Gooberpatrol66's user avatar
1 vote

gentoo - Disable parallel build for llvm

Even though ninja isn’t make, its ebuild should recognize and respect any -j parameter specified in the MAKEOPTS environment variable. That means you should be able to force a maximum of one job via ...
binki's user avatar
  • 855
1 vote

How do I set a random background image in LightDM GTK Greeter (Gentoo)?

I ended up creating an init script that will run before the DM and edit the gtk greeter config with a random image from /usr/share/backgrounds/xdm/. It's basically a one liner to edit the config ...
Emily L.'s user avatar
  • 534
1 vote

How to configure grub.cfg to decrypt root partition?

First off boot off the install media and chroot into the LUKs LVM. In the file /etc/default/grub you will want to make sure the following line exists GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX="dolvm crypt_root=UUID=...
Citizen Kepler's user avatar
1 vote

Gentoo fstab issues and commented out

Your /etc/fstab does nothing, as every line is a comment (starts with #). Follow the instructions in the Filesystem Information section of the Gentoo Handbook to create an appropriate file for the ...
Steven's user avatar
  • 28.1k
1 vote

Dual Boot Linux Mint and Gentoo

For starters, you need to put Gentoo and Mint on separate partitions. So you will need to resize /dev/sda1 to free up some space and then create a new root partition for the other Linux. This is the ...
Cliff Armstrong's user avatar
1 vote

Why does emerging fail?

The failure occured because the emerge process was killed by the out-of-memory (OOM) killer by the kernel. One can check dmesg for confirmation. I requested improvement of the feedback of emerge at ...
Kalle Richter's user avatar
1 vote

How to repair an SD card which shows incorrect size?

Perhaps this utility - F3 by Digirati will be of use. I can not test it at the moment but among other things it promises: f3probe is the fastest way to identify fake drives and their real sizes. ...
Spikolynn's user avatar
  • 232
1 vote

Gentoo LDFLAGS optimizations really needed?

When doing LTO builds, it is important to pass the same optimization flags to both the compiler and the LTO linker. This does not mean just -On, but actually all other optimization flags. When you ...
anonymous's user avatar
  • 106
1 vote

uname -a gives wrong version of kernel in gentoo?

My kernel date and # given by uname -a were showing the first kernel I built, despite me building much more recent kernels which could be seen in /boot. My problem was that /boot was not being mounted ...
JShorthouse's user avatar

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