I have a single user system and I want to set my home directory not to /home/username, but to /home. How can I do it so nothing would blow up?

It would be fine, if the solution would avoid something like linking /home/username to /home.

Any ideas?

  • 4
    I'm the only user of my Kubuntu laptop and my Debian router; still I use /home/kamil. IMO changing the default is not worth the hassle, unless you have a good reason (but then compare XY problem). Let's suppose you did the change and everything works. Then you install a program that uses /home/$USER where it should use $HOME. Or it adds a non-system user for whatever reason and takes a subdirectory of /home over. Or you want to create another user to test something. My point is the idea may backfire in the future. Maintenance burden. Commented Feb 13, 2020 at 6:21

2 Answers 2


See the usermod command:

-d, --home HOME_DIR
The user's new login directory. If the -m option is given, the contents of the current home directory will be moved to the new home directory, which is created if it does not already exist.

Otheriwse, I agree with Kamil's comment, you are probably shooting yourself in the foot, and if you want to avoid a directory level, /username would probably be a better idea since that leaves /home available.

  1. Warning: one problem with setting /home as a main_user1's HOME is that such user may trample over the content of /home/other_user2/ and /home/other_user3/

  2. Adding to the answer form @xenoid, it is likely necessary to identify and update the ~/.bashrc and other scripts that may set the value of $HOME environment variable.

  3. The reason for your desire to set a non-conventional directory would be useful for a possibly better alternative.

I would likely create a link /myhome -> /home/my_userid

And invoke some programs like this:

HOME=/myhome XYZ_program

Which exports the desired variable and value only to the program being spawn.

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