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48 votes

grub-probe: warning: disk does not exist, so falling back to partition device /dev/sda1

The error messages are misleading. The disk exists, you just don't have access to them. Try running that command with sudo.
Dessa Simpson's user avatar
42 votes

Create Windows 10 USB installation drive with Linux only

The best way to do that currently is to use woeusb woeusb --target-filesystem NTFS --device path/to/windows.iso /dev/sdX There is also a GUI for those that prefer it.
Mathieu Westphal's user avatar
31 votes

Cannot re-enable Bitlocker

The solution turned out to be very simple: Open an elevated command prompt (search, cmd, right click and 'Run as administrator') Go to C:\Windows\System32\Recovery\ Rename the file ReAgent.xml: ...
lorenzog's user avatar
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12 votes

What does GRUB_DEFAULT="1>2" mean?

From GNU GRUB Manual 2.02: default: If the entry is in a submenu, then it must be identified using the number, title, or id of each of the submenus starting from the top level, followed by ...
Fanatique's user avatar
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7 votes

Get a Windows machine to boot again after GRUB broken, Linux and Ext4 partitions erased

Create a windows recovery drive on a usb using the Windows Media Creation Tool. You should not need to format the USB, as it will do this for you. Use the boot menu or BIOS/UEFI to boot from the usb. ...
7 votes

How to UEFI dual boot Windows 10 and Ubuntu?

Apologies for answering my own question but in case it helps someone else in future. As suggested in the comments, I tried the following: Disabling Hibernate in Windows Disabling Fastboot in BIOS ...
Simon Aldrich's user avatar
6 votes

Boot different OS if booted via Wake on LAN with GRUB

I recently found a solution to this problem that works for my use-case. Although this question is rather old, I'm going to post it here for reference: The method requires (root) access to some device ...
arch1t3cht30's user avatar
5 votes

Boot Win10 from an ISO-Image on a certain partition using GRUB2

If you're using UEFI and only looking for a temporary solution (to run the installer), extract the Windows installer contents to a data partition (so it doesn't have a system on it). Make sure to have ...
NorbiPeti's user avatar
4 votes

How to hide recovery partition from Grub2

In the file /etc/default/grub you can add value GRUB_OS_PROBER_SKIP_LIST with a list of space separated UUID@path_to_device to have OS_PROBER skip those file systems. For example: ...
user948930's user avatar
4 votes

EFI and GRUB2 where to get binaries and how to mount the boot system

The names bootx64.efi and bootia32.efi refer to the EFI fallback boot loader program. This program can be anything -- GRUB, the Windows boot loader, an EFI shell, malware, etc. Thus, you should not ...
Rod Smith's user avatar
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4 votes

Installing Windows 10 alongside ubuntu 16.04 and adding to GRUB

Grub is very easy to repair, even without boot-repair (which needs to installed form a PPA or burned to a self starting disk). I would not worry too much about Windows10 destroying GRUB. Actually I ...
catman's user avatar
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4 votes

What are the implications of not installing a Linux boot loader and use UEFI instead?

with the introduction of UEFI, many UEFI firmwares come with a decent boot manager and boot loader This is only half true. (Less than half, depending on your definition of "decent.") There are two ...
Rod Smith's user avatar
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4 votes

Arch Linux: booting in blind mode UEFI

I went through this with my laptop. Grub does require you to initialize the display as well as have UEFI support in the kernel that supports display handoff. Once you do this you should be able to ...
danomac's user avatar
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4 votes

grub-install: error: embedding is not possible, but this is required for RAID and LVM install

Has grub grown in size for some reason and now does not fit in the first 63 sectors of each disk? I know the convention is now to start partitions at 1MB but as I say, this is a very old install that ...
grawity_u1686's user avatar
4 votes

Disallow changing boot option and bash-like command line in grub

Is there any way to block them from changing or having a command line in grub? You can set and then encrypt a grub password: Use grub password command in grub.conf /boot/grub/grub.conf contains ...
DavidPostill's user avatar
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3 votes

grub2-install: error: /boot/efi doesn't look like an EFI partition on a fresh Gentoo install

I just had this issue and found that /boot existed but didn't have my boot partition mounted to it. Just had to mount the boot partition to fix this mnt /dev/sda1 /boot
glitchyme's user avatar
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3 votes

What could be causing Windows updates to fail?

I was able to fix the problem by making the Windows 10 partition active and hiding the Linux partition using a Grub4DOS memory stick. I found that Windows 10 wants to park files wherever the active ...
puzzl3's user avatar
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3 votes

Edit boot menu when booting from a live CD

For about every live cd I've ever used, you can press "tab" (also try "space" or one of the "F" keys) and click "e" to edit the boot options before you fire it up. Yes, this even works with ...
Suzitux's user avatar
  • 31
3 votes

String manipulation in Grub2

The regexp command can be used to do limited string manipulation. untested example: regexp --set base "(....)00" "$reg" if [ "$base" !=...
Hello71's user avatar
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3 votes

Does Grub2 support Memtest86+ iso files?

Six years late to this party, but seeing as I couldn't find the answer anywhere either, here's what I did to work it out. Mount the memtest ISO Look at mount-point/isolinux/isolinux.cfg Convert ...
linuts's user avatar
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3 votes

How do I determine the partition number for a extended partition in grub 2

The naming conventions for GRUB2 are described in the manual: The relevant example from the manual is: (hd0,msdos5) This ...
Bob's user avatar
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3 votes

grub entry for console only

After more searching and some trial and error, I arrived at the following which has the desired behaviour. In particular I added linux boot parameters text single 3. menuentry 'Ubuntu console' --...
stewbasic's user avatar
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3 votes

Linux Mint failed to install in UEFI mode

Let me try to answer this with a bit more background and formatting than in comments. When a computer boots it needs to start somewhere. It needs some kind of instructions. For some CPU's that means ...
Hennes's user avatar
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3 votes

How can I boot Fedora from an ISO file in GRUB 2?

From another iteration of some Google searching, this link seemed like a good trail: askubuntu - Grub2/ISOBoot#Example_ISO_Menuentries Led me here: askubuntu - Grub2/ISOBoot/Examples#Gparted When ...
Pysis's user avatar
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3 votes

Grub/Ubuntu: Couldn't find suitable memory target after kernel upgrade

I just ran into the same issue. It was because my initial ramdisk was too large. I don't know how big is too big, but my new kernel's initrd was about 10 times bigger than the default ones from Ubuntu....
Jim Gallagher's user avatar
3 votes

How to avoid encrypted boot partition password prompt in LVM- arch linux

You're getting double password prompt because your /boot partition is encrypted. First, GRUB prompts for password because it needs to load the kernel from encrypted /boot. Then kernel prompts for ...
gronostaj's user avatar
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3 votes

What does GRUB_DEFAULT="1>2" mean?

Take note that for syntax like "1>2", the index starts from 0. So if the 3rd item is a submenu inside which the 2nd item is the default you want to boot, then it should be "2>1&...
xuancong84's user avatar
3 votes

systemctl hibernate AND reboot?

You can reconfigure the existing 'hibernate' mode to reboot instead of powering off in /etc/systemd/sleep.conf: [Sleep] HibernateMode=reboot Or you can do the same to the 'hybrid-sleep' mode (which ...
grawity_u1686's user avatar
3 votes

Return to efi setup from grub commandline

"EFI Shell" is a different thing from the firmware setup screen. It refers to a MS-DOS-like interactive command line shell that runs within the EFI environment. The EFI Shell works ...
grawity_u1686's user avatar
2 votes

From GRUB2, boot an ISO in an LVM2 logical volume

Inspired by this simple solution for Ubuntu, I used the following, which works for loading a Fedora 27 KDE iso and a Ubuntu 17.10 iso. I just appended the following lines in the file /etc/grub.d/...
erik's user avatar
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