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Questions tagged [utc]

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2 answers

EXIFTOOL, track creation date, and timezone

I am trying to make sense of the QuickTime/TrackCreateDate value obtained for a file created by camera recording on an iPhone 15, latest OS. In this case, I was in Japan at the time. According to ...
Dennis 's user avatar
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Excel - UTC to EST Formula

I have a UTC timestamp that looks like this in Excel: 2022-10-28T18:12:23.603Z I need the information to appear as 10/28/22 hh:mm:ss AM/PM format but I need it to come out in EST timezone. Right now, ...
Sheri Morgan's user avatar
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WHat is wrong with gmt-5 and gtm+5 timezone files in linux [duplicate]

I am in EDT time zone and I would like to use GMT-5 to convert time to EST (GMT-5 and EST should be the same I think). But GMT-5 results in +5hr offset from UTC which I would expect GMT+5 should be ...
user3143318's user avatar
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Windows Time Sync issues cmd.exe & svchost running

I have a strange issue that is happening with our time syncing error for a computer at work. Randomly the PC changes time to a year,few minutes, hours back. Example: before the glitch it will be ...
MrPeachyPenguin's user avatar
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How can I remove the letters “UTC” from the time in a column of cells with date and time entries?

I have cells in a spreadsheet with the date and time in UTC (over a thousand of them). I want to remove the letters UTC as I need to import the document elsewhere and it doesn’t work with the letters ...
Eleopd's user avatar
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Changed UTC time dumps after reboot in Arch Linux

I use Arch Linux OS with Linux 5.4.61-1-lts kernel, x86-64. I noticed, that my UTC time is wrong: [tao@dc ~]$ timedatectl Local time: Sun 2020-08-30 12:15:41 EEST Universal ...
GeneralTao's user avatar
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How to convert UTC to typical date format in Excel?

I have this UTC column called Timestamp. It looks like this. 2019-06-27T23:01:12.1024861Z How do I convert it so it looks like this in Excel? 06/27/2019 23:01:12 If there is a formula that would ...
Brigitte1Trick's user avatar
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Debian still using UTC

/etc/localtime is a symlink to Budpaest /etc/timezone is Budapest root@server:~# cat /etc/adjtime LOCAL root@server:~# date Sun Aug 6 06:58:42 UTC 2017 So all my crons using UTC, how can I use ...
Patrik Laszlo's user avatar
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Format Excel datetimes with fixed widths and typical software formats

How can Excel be used to format dates with fixed widths using formats typical to software applications (MySQL DATETIME format, ISO 8601, RFC3339)? While it would be "nice" to convert to UTC, I am ...
user1032531's user avatar
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Windows 8 is reseting time after set to UTC

I changed timezone like suggest in this answer But every hour Windows is reseting the time. I disabled sync from internet but the problem continues How can I solve that error?
gvd's user avatar
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exFAT file timestamps

I use external SD cards to backup important data on my PC. I typically use "Robocopy /mir /ndl" so that I get on the SD card a true picture of what's on the disk. Twice a year, when the clocks change,...
akis_t's user avatar
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2 answers

Does Windows 10 support UTC as BIOS time?

EDIT 2015-SEP-30: Seems I actually ended up with localtime enabled in Linux somehow, probably as a consequence of a reinstall some time ago. I switched Linux to UTC and now my configuration seems to ...
Dylan's user avatar
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Do Windows 7 time zones work correctly?

As you see below, I changed the Windows clock time-zone from UTC +3:30 Tehran to UTC +1:00 Windhoek. As 3:30 - 1:00 = 2.30, I expect the time to change -2:30, But it change -1.30 : Before : After : ...
Jean's user avatar
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4 answers

A Windows clock to show both UTC and local time?

I'm working on windows 7 x64 and searching for a way for a setting, or replacement app of, the tray clock (on the taskbar corner) to display both UTC (or GMT) and my local time. Cause: I read log ...
n611x007's user avatar
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Does Google Chrome have some primary key in its cookies database?

I am writing some scanner for Google Chrome cookies, as stored in a SQLite database. It also has an option to delete cookies, however I didn't find any ID field. The most similar is creation_utc, I ...
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