I have cells in a spreadsheet with the date and time in UTC (over a thousand of them).

I want to remove the letters UTC as I need to import the document elsewhere and it doesn’t work with the letters UTC.

For example, I want to change this:

2021-03-04 0:51:31 UTC

To this:

2021-03-04 0:51:31
  • Ctrl f (brings up find window)... replace utc with nothing.
    – Isolated
    Commented Mar 5, 2021 at 5:37
  • Of course!!! Brilliant, thank you so much ---that was so easy, to use Find & Replace (with nothing) in an instant @Isolated. It worked
    – Eleopd
    Commented Mar 5, 2021 at 19:06

2 Answers 2


I do not have a Microsoft Excel on my PC at the moment, so I can not try out any solution for Excel, but if it is a one-off problem you are trying to resolve, I would suggest you to use the following tool:


  1. Type in: "UTC" in the Input Regular Expression text field (without the quotation marks).
  2. Paste your entire column with the dates in the text area.
  3. Below the Options label, tick Invert Match.
  4. Click the Process text button on the bottom of the form.

It will return with a new page containing your date column without the UTC postfix.

I hope it helps.

  • Thanks for offering this possible solution. Unfortunately it returned noting tin the form at all
    – Eleopd
    Commented Mar 5, 2021 at 19:01
  • You might have used a lower-case "UTC" pattern in the search bar. I would suggest you to use upper-case (exactly as it appears in your quoted example above) or tick the "Ignore case" in the options.
    – Tony
    Commented Mar 6, 2021 at 20:34

Successfully answered by @Isolated. simply use the Find & Replace command (Ctrl+H) in Edit, Replace UTC with <nothing/leave blank> and 'all cells, or all sheets or formatted display' It worked for me


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