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Questions tagged [utc]

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92 votes
3 answers

Does Windows 7 support UTC as BIOS time?

Since I live in Germany, my timezone is GMT+1 (or GMT+2 in the summertime period). Previous Windows versions were not able to have the hardware clock set to UTC, and the Windows time to the local ...
mru's user avatar
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108 votes
2 answers

Does Windows 10 support UTC as BIOS time?

EDIT 2015-SEP-30: Seems I actually ended up with localtime enabled in Linux somehow, probably as a consequence of a reinstall some time ago. I switched Linux to UTC and now my configuration seems to ...
Dylan's user avatar
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45 votes
2 answers

Does Windows 8 support UTC as BIOS time?

Is there any way to use Windows 8 with time in UTC in BIOS? I know there is a way to do it in Windows 7 (in this question: Does Windows 7 support UTC as BIOS time?), but this solution makes my system ...
Roren's user avatar
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49 votes
4 answers

A Windows clock to show both UTC and local time?

I'm working on windows 7 x64 and searching for a way for a setting, or replacement app of, the tray clock (on the taskbar corner) to display both UTC (or GMT) and my local time. Cause: I read log ...
n611x007's user avatar
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3 votes
3 answers

Windows XP clock set incorrectly after resume from sleep

I dual boot Linux and Windows XP on my laptop. I added the following registry key in XP to support Universal Time from the BIOS: HKLM\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\TimeZoneInformation\...
lajos's user avatar
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1 vote
1 answer

Windows 7 wake from sleep and UTC?

I've been having problems with windows 7 waking from sleep after one minute or so on my laptop. I also have ArchLinux installed on this computer. A while back I tried a registry tweak to get windows ...
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