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Lost Wordpress site on Raspberry Pi4

Recently my router died and we have installed a spanking new fibre system with a new Google Wi-Fi mesh. Unfortunately the website on my RP no longer loads. I have assigned a new static IP to the Pi on ...
Dave H's user avatar
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Local contained website browse with hostname or dns

I have a webserver on my RaspberryPi with apache2. I can browse the website with pi's local IP address like 192.168.x.x. I want to browse it without IP in my LAN like, How can I ...
Hakan Ulusoy's user avatar
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I port forwarded to my local apache server, but it does not work

I am new to the server running. I recently bought a Raspberry Pi 4 and set up from my Mac. So, I connected via ssh, and set up a file server on my local network. But I want to access my files from ...
Kerimcan Ayaz's user avatar
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Cannot access Apache Server from outside local network

I have a Raspberry Pi 4 with Raspberry Pi OS Lite and I have set up there an Apache server following this tutorial. I have also set up DuckDNS so I can point to my public IP address with a duckdns ...
RabidTunes's user avatar
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Port forwarding to Raspberry Pi web server not working

I'm trying to set up a local web server on the raspberry pi but I can't get port forwarding set up so I can access it outside my local network. I have a Verizon router, and I've set up port forwarding ...
Micah Cantor's user avatar
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Some of Apache's VirtualHosts (the ones with .com domains) stopped responding, but not the others

I have a Raspberry Pi 4 serving 5 different sites. 4 of them are just static, minimal home project sites, and one of them is a snap Nextcloud instance which runs through a reverse proxy. I have every ...
dvilela's user avatar
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My raspberry pi web server cant be accessed from outside my Network

I set up a raspberry pi 4 web server in my home network. I got apache and php running on it and the website can be accessed from within the network but always fails when outside of my network. I can ...
Sokker's user avatar
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Apache Config Issue/Conflict(?)

Raspian 10 (Buster) Apache 2.4.38 lighttpd 1.4.53 I previously installed lighttpd and it was/is running w/out issue. Today I installed apache so I can run ownCloud. I went through the installation ...
rodph's user avatar
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LAMP on Raspberry Pi to host a web server

First question ever on the site. Forgive me in advance for my very limited knowledge on the subject, I am fairly new on hosting web servers, databases, and just Raspberry Pis in general. I want to ...
slurpeehead's user avatar
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Accessing an external hard drive via WebDAV

im new in Linux / Server Administration. I want to access an external hard drive (USB-Stick) through a WebDav client. I'm using a Raspberry Pi in my local network. Is it possible to redirect from [ip]/...
DevOFVictory's user avatar
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Raspberry Pi Able To Be Seen On Local Network, But Not On Public Network

sorry if this is a really noobie question, I am just getting into networking and running a small website kind of as a hobby. So right now I have a Raspberry Pi running the latest Raspbian Stretch ...
Timothy Barrett's user avatar
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HTTPS connection timeout

Forgive me if this isn't the right place to ask, I'm trying to get HTTPS working on my Raspberry pi with Apache installed. But when I try to connect to the domain the connection times out. HTTP does ...
Mihael Keehl's user avatar
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SSL/443 port showing as closed -- Webserver Setup; Apache/Namecheap/DynamicDNS

I am facing a problem with my SSL/443 port. I setup a website which is currently being hosted on Apache, port 80. I do have an SSL certificate and was able to redirect HTTP to HTTPS -- but after a ...
Pseudoremora's user avatar
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What could be limiting my maximum upload file size on my Raspberry Pi LAMP stack?

So I have a LAMP webserver hosted on a Raspberry Pi 3. The Raspberry Pi has a RAID 10 connected to it through a hardware RAID controller. My goal is to be able to upload large files through my ...
Eric F's user avatar
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Can't access locally hosted web server on same network

I have set up a Raspberry Pi as a web server on my local network. Everything has mostly been fine for 2 years until today when I went to check the website and found I am unable to visit the site it ...
user2397282's user avatar
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http server is up, some services report it down

I have an HTTP server which is up and running (and accessible), but some services report it down (isitup, IFTTT which I need it to connect to). Ping shows it up also. I have NO firewall running and ...
Dor Moshkovitz's user avatar
27 votes
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What do I need to do to have my Raspberry Pi host a webpage with dials indicating CPU temperature, CPU load, etc., in real time?

I am good with Unix commands and scripting, but I have nearly no web experience. I have a script that grabs metrics I’m interested in, like CPU load or system temp and updates a file every 10 seconds. ...
jake9115's user avatar
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raspberry pi, start a script from another PC, Server

I've got a server (raspberry PI 3 "A") which functions as a webserver. Additional I've got a client (raspberry PI 3 "B") with a camera connected. I've created a script on the client, which creates ...
Greg's user avatar
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Need help on apache2 permissions

This is what I'm trying to do: change the default directory of apache2 from /var/www/html to /media/pi/storage/root_folder/ I have followed this tutorial >
johndoe666's user avatar
9 votes
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How to have multiple servers on one IP address

I am having trouble figuring out how to have multiple servers (that do different things) on one IP address. I would like the subdomains to point to different applications. Let me give an example of ...
monarch8's user avatar
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Page not found on webserver in my raspberry pi

I wrote a simple rest api few weeks ago, this api working good into my webserver (bitnami - localhost), and also to my pay hosting. Now I setup a webserver with the raspberry, I'm a linux newbie and I ...
Sevengames Xoom's user avatar
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MedaiWiki server publicly inaccesible on Raspberry Pi

I'm having trouble publicly accessing a MediaWiki server that I have set up on my Raspberry Pi. I am getting a "connection timed out" error when trying to visit the server remotely. It is however ...
Max Gillett's user avatar
4 votes
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Apache serves an old SSL certificate

I'm hosting a webpage with Apache on a Raspberry Pi (Debian), and can't seem to get the server to issue the current certificate. I generated a self-signed SSL certificate in /home/pi/ssl/ with: ...
geotheory's user avatar
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X-Sendfile ownCloud 404 error

I have a problem with X-Sendfile on Apache on Debian with ownCloud. When I want to download single file I got an error: The requested URL /owncloud/index.php/apps/files/ajax/download.php was not ...
david8's user avatar
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Cannot connect to internal IP address from external IP address

I just installed the Apache2 webserver on my Raspberry Pi, and tried to forward port 80 & 443 to it. It has the internal IP The Raspberry Pi is behind two routers. (router-IP 192.168.1....
cuzyoo's user avatar
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403 error when port forwarding

I have created a static ip on my bthub - I have then used port forwarding with my raspberry pi device with all the major ports (ie 21,22,80, etc) I have set the bt firewall like this: ...
maxisme's user avatar
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How to configure apache with domain name in raspberry pi

i have a raspberry pi(IP: connected to my PC(IP: via LAN port. PC is connected to a router(IP: i got raspberry to get connected to router, i bridged the ...
Rajamoorthy's user avatar
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apache one subdomain not working

I have my apache server set up and working with my domain name and one subdomain. Today I tried to add a second subdomain and for the life of me cannot get it to work. If I go to, I get ...
LEGEND383's user avatar
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Raspberry Pi as server - stuck with users and groups

I just installed an apache2 server with php5 and mysql on my RPi (Raspbian Wheezy). I followed this tutorial: tutorial link Everything went well, even the file transfer via FTP (FileZilla). I ...
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Raspberry Pi: mvoe home & var folders to USB HDD?

I have a Raspberry Pi running raspian. I've installed Apache2, PHP & MySQL. Apache & MySQL are both configured to use sub-directories of /var. I'd like to use a directory on my USB HDD ...
doni49's user avatar
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macbook apache server is always reachable with ip

I have a very weird problem going on here. I have a macbook where I have apache php etc installed on. Now every time I got to my IP adress ( extern ) I get to see my files. This is not just annoying ...
Reshad's user avatar
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Unable to serve modestly large files on Raspberry Pi with Apache and also with Nginx web server

I've installed Apache on a Raspberry Pi. If I create a js file in /var/www with nano, it works fine, and is served correctly if I open http://x.x.x.x/test.js directly in a browser. However, if I copy ...
bretttolbert's user avatar
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apache "wait" 30 seconds before sending reply for some pages

I use a raspberry pi for hosting some webservice (like owncloud or gitlist). Recently I added tiny tiny rss, everythings is working fine except that apache wait 30 seconds to send the reply of php ...
eephyne's user avatar
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Apache2 and PHP5 repository down?

I've recently been trying to get PHP and Apache on my Raspberry Pi as to make it a web server but when I try to apt-get them from their respective repositories, it gives me a bunch of '404 not found'. ...
Cole's user avatar
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My server is not receiving any php uploaded files

I have a local LAN server running on a Raspberry Pi (apache2) with PHP installed. I know that PHP is working, because I wrote a test file, echo "Hello, World!" and it worked. But, whenever I upload a ...
Rees's user avatar
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Dokuwiki on Raspbian “wheezy” (Raspberry Pi)

I've installed the dokuwiki via apt-get. The first call to http://localhost/dokuwiki give me "403 Forbidden" as response: Achtung! HTTP/1.1 403 Forbidden You don't have permission to access /dokuwiki ...
cupakob's user avatar
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