I have created a static ip on my bthub - 31.xx.xxx.17

enter image description here

I have then used port forwarding with my raspberry pi device with all the major ports (ie 21,22,80, etc)

enter image description here

I have set the bt firewall like this:

enter image description here

Then on the raspberry pi the local ip - 31.xx.xxx.21 has been set like this:

enter image description here

I have then edited the /etc/network/interfaces on my raspberry pi to:

auto lo

iface lo inet loopback
iface eth0 inet static

address 31.xx.xxx.21
network 31.xx.xxx.16
broadcast 31.xx.xxx.23
gateway 31.xx.xxx.17

iface eth0 inet dhcp

When I enter the ip 31.xx.xxx.21 locally the index page works perfectly. But when I enter 31.xx.xxx.17 locally I get a 403 error. And remotely nothing appears!! I have had it all working fine a week ago but I have sinced moved from a wifi connection on my raspberry pi to an ethernet one and everything has broken! Why?


When I access my public ip it works fine too! But that is not going to be static is it?

  • Depends on your ISP. Turning your router off then back on will help you determine if you have a dynamic ip. When the router turns back on it will most likely get a different ip. In other cases it may take up to 24 hours before your router gets assigned another ip.
    – Tim Jonas
    Commented Jan 3, 2015 at 14:53

1 Answer 1


Check that iptables or firewall if you have one to make sure raspberry pi is not blocking incoming connections. Try accessing another service like ssh from another device to see if web server program is blocking remote connections. It could also be a firmware bug in the router. Caused by switching from WiFi to Ethernet it's uncommon but possible. If it's not too much hassle setting up your router again you could try resetting the router to defaults.

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