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Questions tagged [playlists]

A playlist is a list of media files (usually audio or video) to be played back in a user-specified order (e.g. random, by name, by artist).

2 votes
1 answer

What a correct playlist.m3u8 should contain, or should look like?

24/06/2024: [Presentation of the problem] I had dowloaded some videos from the Internet, few years ago. I obtained many files: a series of files in .ts a single file playlist.m3u8 In my example: A ...
dg lr's user avatar
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Specify output device for multiple files in playlist

I'm running Windows 10 (10.0.19045.4170) which has the ability to forward sound from specific applications to specific audio devices (Settings -> System -> Sound -> App volume and device ...
Zev Spitz's user avatar
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Can someone tell me how to remove or completely disable the playlist function altogether in Pot Player?

I only want to play one single video that I have selected to play from my listing in Download or other file location. I don't want to be presented with a list of other videos that I have watched in ...
Michael Pels's user avatar
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How can I get a video URL list (e.g. YouTube playlist) as a playlist file (for media players)?

Following these steps has gotten me almost all the way: I can get a text file of YouTube URLs from a YouTube playlist by using this ...
hamstar's user avatar
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Expose video streams from M3U playlist through DLNA

Is it possible to somehow expose or share an M3U playlist file via DLNA? I have a playlist in the standart M3U format, like this: #EXTINF:0 tvg-rec="0",Name of channel #EXTGRP:France http://...
yglodt's user avatar
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4 votes
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How to get playlist title with yt-dlp?

I want to get the playlist title of a youtube playlist and store it in a variable in a bash script. I have already tried these things: -e flag but it lists only the video titles -o flag and --get-...
thunderbolt004's user avatar
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iTunes Smart Playlist w/podcasts - not picking up all episodes

Using iTunes for Windows from Microsoft Store. Would rather not use 3rd party programs if there's a way to do what I need with Podcasts. Summary - I have a lot of mp3 files (~1000) from different ...
lonstar's user avatar
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Disabling subtitles within M3U playlists

I have hundreds of playlists, some days-long, that run on my media machine. But if there are MKV files with subtitles VLC is displaying the subtitles all the time. It is distracting and I have to ...
Ali Kayn's user avatar
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Prevent the youtube-dl process fork when downloading metadata for a video in a playlist

Storing the metadata for a video using in a file using youtube-dl can be done in bash by calling youtube-dl -j${video_id} > metadata.json However, when the video ...
fuumind's user avatar
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How to add images to m3u8 playlist entries?

I'm assembling a m3u8 playlist of TV live streams. The streams themselves are m3u8 files on the web. I would like to add icons the the entries of the playlist. Unfortunately I was not successful in ...
user63835's user avatar
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How To Get VLC Multiple Playlists With A Single Instance?

Requirments: I need to get VLC to have the ability to: Add many playlists. Deal with each playlist separately. Have the player remember every playlist play position when moving between them. I need ...
Shadi's user avatar
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PotPlayer playlist Issue

Whenever I play a video in Potplayer, it automatically creates a playlist from all the video files present in the same Folder. That's fine with me, but problem is it always plays the last Video in the ...
satya prakash Panigrahi's user avatar
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MPC Playlist not loading last played media

I have this problem in which I created a playlist with some video files and saved the mpcpl file. Now when I open this mpcpl file, instead of playing from the last position of the last running video, ...
Kai's user avatar
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Is there a way to download the auto generated subtitles of videos in a private / public YouTube playlist?

I found this cool Reddit link here which basically does what the title says, but this stuff felt a bit confusing to me. Can somebody please suggest if there's a better way to download the ...
dongcopter's user avatar
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Using youtube-dl, how do I get the length of an extremely long playlist

Using youtube-dl:s json capabilities together with jq like so: youtube-dl -J --flat-playlist [playlist_url] | jq '.entries | length' I can get the number of videos in a playlist. This does consume an ...
fuumind's user avatar
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How to show the amout of numbers in a playlist in the details view in Windows Explorer?

Here's my problem. In mp3 files and other audio formats, when metadata is inserted, and you open Windows Explorer and set the view to Details, you can see the information for each track. I'm using ...
Lifesaver's user avatar
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How can i play different music playlists through different output sources on the same media player?

How can I play different music playlists through different output sources on the same media player? So one Bluetooth speaker playing nirvana. Headphones playing Led Zeppelin. And network speaker ...
Ethan's user avatar
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How to make a playlist xspf from a directory with python for VLC?

I need to make with python a program that generate a playlist xspf taking a directory of local music for VLC, thanks for the help.
alex jair Burbano Becerra's user avatar
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2 answers

How to create playlists of local media files without relying on paths?

I'd like to create playlists of locally stored media files, and synchronize these playlists between my devices (desktop/laptop/phone.) However, there's one major point of friction: due to some changes ...
p-lucero's user avatar
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Formatting output from playlist-only download from youtube-dl

In reference to question youtube-dl; How download ONLY the playlist, NOT the files therein Can i get output like the following : | video title
Neel's user avatar
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Dynamic Output m3u8

In FFMpeg i can put a dynamic directory ? for example : ffmpeg -rtsp_transport tcp -stimeout 5000000 -i "rtsp:website" -vf scale=640:360 -c:v libx264 -crf 21 -preset veryfast -g 25 -...
Francis bn's user avatar
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Where does Groove Music store playlists?

I've set up a clean installation of windows 10 but i have my old disk image backed up, I restored all the music by simply adding their folders back but I also want my playlists, anyone knows where ...
Ahmed Taha's user avatar
3 votes
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How to fix VLC sorting playlist wrongly?

Scenario: VLC 3.08, the playlist have more than 20 tracks and is sorted as follow 1. VideoA 2. VideoB (...) 11.VideoX 12.VideoY (...) 20.Video Z (...) Problem: The sorting by title ends up like this ...
Layon Tavares's user avatar
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How to translate a WMP playlist back to English?

I'm using WMP on Windows 10 to manage my .MP3 playlists, and a certain album has gotten itself 'stuck' in a Japanese translation. Presumably it did this after I clicked to update the album info. I ...
InteXX's user avatar
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Copy files from foobar playlist to other location

I have compiled a playlist in foobar audio player. My files lie in nested folders. There's a common root. Then there's a folder to distinguish the origin of the files (bought from amazon, iTunes, ...
Bernhard Döbler's user avatar
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3 answers

VLC Playlist with random selection from folders

I would like to make a simple playlist in VLC where the first file is loaded randomly from folder "A", then the second one randomly from folder "B", then loop from beginning and load different files ...
emo_apostolov's user avatar
27 votes
5 answers

How do I download ONLY the YouTube playlist, NOT the files therein?

In youtube-dl, I'm trying to get only the playlist content (should be 600+ entries) from a URL, thus: youtube-dl -i -v --flat-playlist --skip-download
user985675's user avatar
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VLC and playlist with individual volume control

It seems impossible but I have to ask anyway. Is it possible to create a playlist that will make VLC play a set of files at individual volume level? I am fiddling with the Audio compressor (not very ...
morganF's user avatar
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Multiple Powerpoint files Playlist functionality in VB?

My goal is to be able to play back a set of separate Powerpoint .pptx files stored within a directory via a form of playlist which will define the order of files. Assuming this is only possible via ...
Clogwyn's user avatar
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12 votes
8 answers

How to prevent automatic jumping to the next track?

I need to play a list of mp3 files one by one. I mean I need to go to the next track manually. I tried to do so in PotPlayer, WMP and VLC. All of them jump to the next track after playing the current ...
Real Dreams's user avatar
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vlc - video and playlist simultaneously like windows media player

I like a lot of the features that offers VLC player but i didn't achieve to have see eithrt the video and the playlist in the same window, and without the library folders, only the video and the ...
akerbeltz's user avatar
6 votes
4 answers

How can I make VLC only play the song I double click?

VLC Media Player adds a song to it's default playlist when you double-click that file in Explorer. If I'm jumping around quickly, that playlist becomes large and unwanted. Is there a way I can ...
ProfK's user avatar
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Play files with double click instead single click in playlist of VLC

There is any option to change this behavior? I'm using VLC in Kubuntu.
LogoS's user avatar
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How to download entire Youtube playlist videos without installing any software? [closed]

Installing a software puts a restriction that you need admin priviledge, which is not possible all the times, hence is there an online solution to download entire youtube playlists?
Niyati's user avatar
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VLC stops after playing a song

I'm playing from My Music that's not from playlist but from the media in ~\Music In Windows it goes on playing the second item in the directory tree after the first is done, but in Fedora VLC stops ...
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Save a YouTube playlist of all videos from an uploader

The only way I know to automatically generate a playlist of all videos from an uploader is adding "&list=UL" at the end of url of any video from the uploader. Usually I can copy a playlist into ...
李東翰's user avatar
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Windows media player overwrite on new edited playlist

I don't know what's wrong with Windows Media Player metadata over playlists. When I trying to relocate some new songs to its new location using notepad++ (So that it could find and play them), ...
Armin's user avatar
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Display currently playing track at the top of Foobar's playlist

When playing the currently playing song is not at the the top and the playlist is scrolled down to show some of the previously played songs. I'd rather see the upcoming songs than any of the ...
Abert Scoot's user avatar
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Youtube-dl viewster playlist language selection

I am trying to download a playlist ( using youtube-dl but If I download -f best it gives me a 720p video in japanese dub with Spanish or French subtitles ...
Atemu's user avatar
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VLC Playlist with Folders fails

I have a playlist that consists of two folders. I have random and repeat active on VLC 2.2.4 When I click to play the playlist it expands one folder only - and once it gets to folder two it expands ...
Morten Repsdorph Husfeldt's user avatar
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Playing all files in a folder in VLC?

I want to watch all files in a folder with multiple mp4s using VLC Media Player. When I right-click on a folder there are two options: play with vlc media player add to VLC media player's Playlist ...
User's user avatar
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Copy all files contained in a *.mpcpl (Media Player Classic Playlist) file

I have a Windows Media Player Classic Playlist file with thousands of songs selected from many folders on HDD. I want to copy all of those files to my USB flash drive. How can I do that? Is there an ...
Alexander Abakumov's user avatar
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Where does iTunes store its playlists?

I have a drive that won't boot anymore, but I put the drive in an enclosure and I can access it fine. So, I want to pull out my iTunes playlists, but I can't load up iTunes to export them. Does ...
GiH's user avatar
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Open file with VLC without adding to playlist?

When I open WAV files individually from Windows Explorer to open in VLC, it adds each newly open file to the VLC playlist instead of simply discarding the previous file and playing a new one. How do ...
vertigoelectric's user avatar
6 votes
5 answers

Prevent VLC from looping playlist

I'm trying to prevent VLC from looping back to the beginning of a playlist when I hit "next video". Is there a way to disable it from playing the first video in a playlist if you click "...
migmigson's user avatar
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How to share a music playlist containing both commercial and non-commercial recordings

I want to use a music streaming service (preferably Google Music) to legally share a playlist with a 100+ member choral group. The playlist comprises good recordings of pieces we're currently ...
Mike Ellis's user avatar
8 votes
2 answers

Dynamic Spotify Playlist of my Top Tracks on

Is there anyway to create a dynamic Spotify Playlist which automatically updates with the Top 100 tracks from my account? I know it's possible to create a playlist of my loved tracks ...
Curtis's user avatar
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VLC Playlist with Settings

Is it posible to store playlists in VLC Player with e.g. shuffle and repeat selected. I have a playlist where I would rather have it start with a random track than having it start with the first ...
Morten Repsdorph Husfeldt's user avatar
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Import iTunes Playlist to Spotify

I decided to get back into Spotify knowing how versatile the app is. The problem I am having is that there is no simple way to import iTunes playlists in the newest version ...
Simple Sandman's user avatar
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Create a M3U Playlist With MP3 Music Files

I would like to create an m3u playlist for my website which will be at domain/music/Playlist.m3u (example). I need to put the mp3 files in the directory domain/music/ in the playlist so that it will ...
Josh's user avatar
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