Scenario: VLC 3.08, the playlist have more than 20 tracks and is sorted as follow

1. VideoA
2. VideoB
20.Video Z

Problem: The sorting by title ends up like this

1. VideoA
2. VideoB
20.Video Z

How to sort by title properly without having to drag and drop every time I play a new playlist?

  • VLC just seems to use ASCII sort rather than Natural sort. I'd say it's a no fix. You'll have to compensate by using 2-digit numbers. 01, 02,… etc
    – Tetsujin
    Commented Apr 12, 2020 at 7:36
  • you can select the list of 10, 11, 12 ..etc then drag them to the end of the list.
    – vanduc1102
    Commented Oct 17, 2022 at 21:39

2 Answers 2


Folder listing test files

Folder listing test files

Media -> Open Folder -> testing

Media -> Open Folder -> testing

View upon opening folder, notice it follows Windows file order

View upon opening folder, notice it follows Windows file order

Clicking on the title bar causes the problem you see, both when ascending and descending

enter image description here



Using the opposite of the file naming scheme above produces much better results when using the title bar, both ascending and descending

example_1 example_2


Always start with letters and end with numbers when naming files in the future, your much less likely to run into sorting problems, I do remember you said you have bunch of stuff using the naming scheme already though, so for those just make sure you open the folder in VLC, instead of say for example highlighting the files in file explorer and right clicking add file to VLC, if you do that you'll encounter the sorting problem again. Even better would be to add metadata as well instead of relying on the file names, a number of plugins for VLC can add metadata automatically without you needing to do it by hand (VLC extensions). You can also, if you decide you want to rename those files still, use a batch renamer, it makes the process much faster and easier (perhaps F2 Utility, note I don't use a Mac myself, so I got it from this list of suggestions here: alternatives, apparently the Mac OS already has a basic bulk renamer as well, CNET).

Hope that solves your problem, I know Macs might handle this stuff differently so let me know if this didn't help.

  • 2
    The default sorting by title is what creates the problem. Instead going from 1 to 2 it goes from 1 to 10 all the way to 19 before going to 2 then goes to 20 and so on. It does not =/ Commented Apr 11, 2020 at 23:25
  • Huh, you can right click on the playlist and try sort by: title ascending, title descending. What playlist list view mode are you using? Is it detailed list? You could try going into Tools-Preferences and hit reset preferences at the bottom. In Tools-Preferences-Advanced-Main Interfaces-Qt has options that might be relevant but I didn't see any that would fix the problem and you can check playlist options in there as well.
    – Kyle
    Commented Apr 12, 2020 at 1:02
  • You might also want to try another file naming style and see if that changes anything, I run a Plex server on my PC and I use the file naming style suggested by the TVDB. For example Horizon s01e01 - name of episode | Horizon s01e02 - name of episode
    – Kyle
    Commented Apr 12, 2020 at 1:06
  • 1
    @Kyle - It would take you a whole 5 minutes to test ;)
    – Tetsujin
    Commented Apr 13, 2020 at 9:24
  • 1
    @Kyle Ty, though it's not optimal, the automator alternative looks like a less troublesome workaround. Commented Apr 19, 2020 at 10:47

The thing about the VLC playlist order (be it by name or path) is that it takes the bits values of the individual numbers as references for the order instead of properly converting the number into an actual number (also known as an "integer" or "int" in programs).

VLC doesn't read "numbers" as we do and use the same method to order numbers as it does with letters or other symbols.

So, from VLC view as an app, that 1, 2, 3, 4, etc. is not a number, but a symbol and number symbols seems to have a priority over other symbols, hence the order will place, first, all file with a name/path that starts with 0, them 1. then 2 and so on. If 2 file has the same value, it check the 2nd symbol and order from that up until all file have been compiled in the order.

The order in priority, in bits, is usually numbers, then universal symbols, then letters, then other symbols and letters depending on the system base language.

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