
I need to get VLC to have the ability to:

  1. Add many playlists.
  2. Deal with each playlist separately.
  3. Have the player remember every playlist play position when moving between them.

I need these three requirements altogether, without having to open more than one instance of the player.

I thoroughly looked up the Internet with no luck. I know some players can do some of what I need but I need the whole functionality especially number 3.


How to make VLC a "Real" Multiple Playlists Management player with a single instance?

  • 1
    Short answer? I just read the docs and it looks like you don't. I suggest you get programming. :) and modify the code to do what you need. I can tell by your SO profile that you should have these skills. What a great opportunity to flex them! Commented Mar 5, 2022 at 17:54

1 Answer 1


There is a feature request for this at Restore playlist state when re-opening app, but no solution.

The official VLC position is that bookmarks help save positions. Read this for example :
How to Remember Video Playback Position in VLC to Resume Later.

Unfortunately, this doesn't help you with your problem. You might need to look for another player that has this feature.

  • In fact, I am open to the idea of using another media player. I already tried players like MP3 Player, Music Bee, and some others. They have good multi-playlist functionality, but none of them as far as I know supports remembering the play position when moving between these playlists. The problem is that SE won't allow asking about software. I will keep looking as far as I could.
    – Shadi
    Commented Mar 6, 2022 at 9:59

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