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Questions tagged [gzip]

`gzip` (or GNU zip) is a file format and corresponding utility for compressing files using the DEFLATE algorithm. The usual extension is `.gz`.

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How do modern browsers deflate .tar.gz files?

Assuming the server is set up correctly, modern browsers are able to automatically decompress .gzip files when they are downloaded. Is the same true for a .tar.gz file? For example, say you have an ...
sme's user avatar
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Extract folder inside large gzip file in windows

I have a 200 gb tar.gz file I need to extract one folder inside this file. I know exact location of the folder need. Is there any way to do that, any third party tools, or any power shell commands ? ...
Ebin Manuval's user avatar
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Compress and provide single-file access to 10 million files [closed]

I have ~10 million small text files and I would like to solve the following tasks: compress all the data; put it all into 1 file to transfer over the Internet; be able to access each single file ...
Denis Kulagin's user avatar
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Why is my .tar.gz larger than the sum of the separately compressed files in it?

I observed the following situation which is somewhat unexpected to me: I have a csv file and a corresponding txt file. Uncompressed, their sizes are 375MB and 5KB. When I compress the csv file ...
der_grund's user avatar
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Not enough disk space to unzip 50 GB file on Ubuntu 16.04: Can I extract and reduce zip file size at the same time?

I have a 50 GB zip file, which contains roughly 50.000 jpg images. The jpgs are, unzipped, around 55 GB. I am on Ubuntu 16.04. But I only have 70 GB disk size on that system. So I get a disk error in ...
tyrex's user avatar
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DD image smaller than drive copied

I took a backup of my server's OS disk through a live USB. Using the command: dd if=/dev/sda bs=512 count=(30 gb worth of sectors) conv=noerror,sync status=progress | gzip -c > /path/to/removable/...
Scu11y's user avatar
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How do I use 7-Zip GUI for Windows to create .tar.gz files?

How can I use the 7-Zip GUI on Windows to create .tar.gz files?
Dherik's user avatar
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Why does gzip -c give different results than gzip?

I am writing unit tests for some code and found that a simple gzip is causing a difference in my results. Upon further investigation I found that gzip gives a different .gz file than gzip -c does. Why ...
drjrm3's user avatar
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Gzip -c over pipe matter?

I saw sometime 2 ways of writting: with and without -c Do the 2 following case output the same and have equal speed ? mysqldump -u root dbname | gzip > test.sql mysqldump -u root dbname | gzip -c ...
Thanh Trung's user avatar
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How to view specific path inside tar.gz?

tar -tf file.tar.gz let's me view inside the whole archive. How do you view a specific path without viewing the whole thing? E.g., I want to view only /path/foo/ Update: This command almost works ...
IMB's user avatar
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Can I decompress a .gzip file with tar?

I downloaded a .gz file with anonymized Census data and around 1 GB compressed. I am unable to inspect it with tar: $ tar -tf census.csv.gz tar: Unrecognized archive format tar: Error exit delayed ...
emonigma's user avatar
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MNIST Dataset - .gz files do not contain "raw" bytes

I am trying to use the MNIST dataset. However, when I download the .gz image file and then unzip it, I get a lot of "compressed" bytes. Here's a bit of it: 'Tπüó<$fi˛˛˛˛Ò∆∆∆∆∆∆∆∆™4CrHr£„˛·˛˛˛˙²˛...
Hazard's user avatar
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Append to compressed log

There is a couple of z-utilities (zless, zcat), which are able to read contents of zipped file in transparent manner. Is it possible to append to compressed log file (in either format, not ...
Tomilov Anatoliy's user avatar
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simple way to extract tar.gz in-place with no hard-drive overhead

I'm working with a tar.gz file (196 GB). This file needs to be extracted (240 GB) in place, and I would like the total disk usage not to go over 240 GB during the process (or close to it as possible). ...
chub500's user avatar
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Looking for the best way to backup and restore a directory of sparse files

We have a directory of sparse files (du returns 240M for one of these files; ls returns 960M). When we copy one of these files over to S3, we end up uploading the entire 960M, and on downloading ...
Jedi's user avatar
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