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Questions tagged [github]

Git repository hosting service - May be better on Web Apps or Stack Overflow

-1 votes
0 answers

Is there a search URL for that automatically goes to the first repository search result? [closed]

In browsers you can specify search URLs where if you add a search term after them it will search it, for instance if you add as a search engine, you can use it in ...
Oneechan69's user avatar
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How do I remove unnecessary links from sitemap in ASTRO build site [closed]

I have site build in ASTRO and integrated with github, i hav issue how to edit sitemap where i need to exclude some links that are not to be indexed like "tags" "author" and more. ...
Christa Baez's user avatar
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Is there a way to show .mlx file on GitHub?

I created a script with Live Editor in Matlab, i.e. mlx file. I would like to push this file to my repository in GitHub in a way that people can read it without download. Is there a way ?
HelpNeederStudent's user avatar
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Tar extract doesn't work on Zip repos with submodules [closed]

Tar extract doesn't work on Zip repos with submodules: curl -L -o ~/Downloads/ tar -xvf ~/Downloads/ -...
Ridhwaan Shakeel's user avatar
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What does gpg: skipped "user": no secret key mean?? (How to solve)?

I am doing a git commit and I am getting the following error: gpg: skipped "user <email>": No secret key gpg: signing failed: No secret key error: gpg failed to sign the data fatal: ...
E Alexis MT's user avatar
1 vote
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What to do when you get "DiscardVirtualMemory could not be located" error once GitHub Desktop is installed

This will happen to those who are still using Windows 7 for whatever good reason. Full error message will be, The procedure entry point DiscardVirtualMemory could not be located in the dynamic link ...
TheNightwalker's user avatar
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Cannot connect to GitHub on Mac

I'm using Mac Ventura 13.6.6 and git version 2.39.3 (Apple Git-145). Due to my location, I have to use VPNs to use Google, GitHub, etc. It has been working well. Since several days ago, I realize that ...
SoftTimur's user avatar
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How to fix Github Error 403?

I want to push commits in GitHub. The url to the repository is I used: git commit -m "my commit" file then: git push -u origin main I got ...
HelpNeederStudent's user avatar
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How do I monitor my hugo site deployed using github pages using custom domain using zabbix/promethus/grafana/monit?

Is it possible to do? I��d love to learn monitoring systems. I know that you need access to the linux server in order to do it. But I'd love to know if it's possible or not? https://webapps....
achhainsan's user avatar
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Where to put cacert.pem certificate file so that ddev composer will use it? Getting "self signed certificate in certificate chain" error

I am using WSL2 with Ubuntu, following the procedure here: When I get to the line ddev composer create "drupal/recommended-...
MrSnrub's user avatar
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How to install Azure Cognitive Services Speech from source

I want to install Azure Cognitive Services Speech SDK in Python. On a Macbook, I can run: python3 -m pip install azure-cognitiveservices-speech and it works. On an iMac, the same command throws: ...
emonigma's user avatar
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GitHub: What is the effect of the "Ask admin for access" in Pull Requests?

I noticed that on a pull request not by oneself, and not in a repo where you have access under Reviewers there is this notice: Still in progress? Learn about draft PRs (i) Clicking on "Learn ...
Daraan's user avatar
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Get GitHub Asciidoc to recognize a file link to a Windows NAS share

I have a Windows NAS drive that has lots of shared folders and documents, and I want to link to them from a GitHub Wiki written in Asciidoc. Intuitively, the link would be this: link:file://my.corp....
James Madison's user avatar
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Github Copilot CLI npm version vs gh cli version - what to use in future

There seem to be 2 variants of Github Copilot for CLI: NPM: part of GH CLI:
dermoritz's user avatar
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What is the likely source of unexpected clones of newly opened GitHub repo? [closed]

This is a soft-question in that the answer will necessarily either include a probabilistic break-down of likely sources, or it will be speculative. However, I am curious to know what automated (bots), ...
JAP's user avatar
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Long time SSH key to github stops working, and now github tests welcome me as org_name/other_project

A ssh key that had once worked with Github stopped working and nothing I did would fix it. All Git requests would die with the standard git: fatal: Could not read from remote repository In github, I ...
wruckie's user avatar
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GitHub Actions Workflow: Remote server upgrade / reboot and continue to the next step

I'm in the beginning of developing a workflow yml script. The main idea is to have a manually triggered "remote server" build file, to set up all the necessary applications in a "Host ...
Jorge Mauricio's user avatar
2 votes
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Setting GitHub Actions Secrets on Docker container build/run command, but encountering a parsing issue

I'm in the early stages of building an automated pipeline. Still in the exploring phase. Right now, I'm struggling with setting the environment variables for the container I'm going to run my app. The ...
Jorge Mauricio's user avatar
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Issues with my WiFi accessing just GitHub

This happened randomly but I can't get access to GitHub. I tried using the app on my phone and logging in through my browser, through my iPad, etc. Nothing works. I've tried pushing changes via ...
Kai's user avatar
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Pushing to a Gitea repo as a "Sign in with GitHub" user

I've set up an account on a Gitea instance using the "Sign in with GitHub" feature, and that account has been given write access to a Gitea repository. When I try to push local changes to ...
Vectornaut's user avatar
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How to retrieve past Github GPG keys?

Github's public GPG key very recently (2024-01-16) expired. I have deleted my locally stored public key copy of that key and cannot verify old commits of our repo. Now to retrieve the Github public ...
Fab1n's user avatar
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Is it acceptable to use the masked GitHub email address when generating the SSH key for GitHub? [closed]

GitHub provides the masked address I can use in form of [email protected]. According to the website below I should start generating the key with ssh-keygen -t ed25519 -C "...
Zoltan King's user avatar
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Exact steps for cloning KeePassXC database for correctly generating TOPT codes?

How can I migrate a KeePassXC two-factor-authentication TOPT code generation from one Linux machine to another? This answer seems to suggest that copying the database should suffice and work out-of-...
MRule's user avatar
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Running GitHub Actions unders specific, existing Windows user

I am trying to run a GHA workflow in a GitHub-hosted runner for Windows (windows-latest) under a specific, already existing Windows user instead of the default C:\Users\runneradmin. Options involving ...
JSalazAlt's user avatar
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How to install github cli extension in a custom folder?

I have installed github cli on my Windows 11 machine. Then I installed copilot extension by following the instruction at Github copilot extension, that is, gh extension install github/gh-copilot It ...
Phalgun's user avatar
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What are lb-140-82-[XXX]-[XXX]-[a-z]* links?

While scanning some program network activity, I've found that it sends a request to After a quick search I've found out that there are more similar links. The IPs in ...
oBrstisf8o's user avatar
2 votes
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Connecting to github via ssh, times out without response

When I try to connect via SSH to GitHub from my Ubuntu 22.04 server (i just want to pull from a private repository) I get timeout. I've seen similar questions to mine but non of the possible solutions ...
Carles Fitó Negre's user avatar
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how to see tags for all commits in git-log from range of tags

I'm creating a changelog generator that works for our specific use-case. If I'm understanding how git works, when I git log <tag> or git log <tag1>..<tag2> (or use ...) the returned ...
cloaked1's user avatar
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Github icon explanation [closed]

I have a question regarding the icons on the right of this photo, namely what do they mean exactly? I am talking about the green + sign in a square and the yellow dot in a square. Can someone please ...
eat.code.sleep.repeat's user avatar
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Github Change author / email of squash and merge

Unfortunately GitHub used a wrong email when I used the "Squash and Merge" function for merging a branch into another. The commits / pushes from my working station were done with email A (...
Gobliins's user avatar
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Can I make a Github action to highlight parts for review, like print debug statements?

There are a couple of potential issues which I would like to get highlighted when I make a PR / read a PR on Github: print logger.debug pytest.xfail Those all have valid cases, but quite often those ...
Martin Thoma's user avatar
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Java 17 is required instead of Java 11: Android CI-CD GitHub Actions

I have started to implement the CI-CD using GitHub Actions and integrate lint into main.yml, but I am getting errors like: Run ./gradlew lintDebug Downloading
Alex's user avatar
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Download from github using curl and batch file

I'm currently writing a script in which I need to download the latest version of yt-dlp.exe from Github. Since the script will need to work on multiple machines, I opted to use curl as the downloader. ...
Flaver-D's user avatar
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git-show-branch output showing in my git prompt

When I navigate to the directory of my git repo, my command line shows me a lot of stuff. It looks like the output of git-show-branch. I've tried to edit my git config file to change the default for [...
chargerstriker's user avatar
3 votes
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Make GitHub navigation pane always visible using local JS/CSS such as GreaseMonkey

GitHub redesign of late made it much less usable since 2/3rd of screen real estate is no longer used: If you press on hamburger menu button, a useful sidebar appears, but it would disappear if you ...
alamar's user avatar
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Where is github api reference?

I feel dumb, but I cannot find the GitHub API reference. The has a bunch of Guides, the "Getting started" mentions some "Rest API Reference Documentation&...
darkdiatel's user avatar
4 votes
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Do I need two ssh keys for one account with two emails (work and personal)?

Here's my situation: I have one GitHub account. It was always my personal account, with my personal email. Recently my company switched to GitHub and I decided to use the same account (it was allowed, ...
Ish Thomas's user avatar
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Typing backtick in GitHub on Firefox does not create a full-width character

Whenever I type backticks in the GitHub comment textbox, the next character will always be shown in the same spot as the backtick, as if the width of the backtick character is 0. This only happens on ...
zjeffer's user avatar
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Best way to automatically update docker container to latest image version from a Github action?

I have a server that I deploy many of my personal projects to. These projects are stored & built on Github and deployed automatically via Github actions. I originally did this via the SSH Deploy ...
Gradyn Wursten's user avatar
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Why did GitHub site change?

Some time ago (long enough that I have forgotten the details), I successfully set up SSH authentication for my GitHub repository (along with corresponding keys in RStudio). It worked fine. But ...
Russ Lenth's user avatar
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How can I jump to Firefox's search field when browsing on

Firefox 111.0-1 OS: linux 6.2.6.arch1-1 If I am browsing on and hit CTRL + K, using the browser's search will not work. Hitting CTRL+K the first time opens up some spotlight-/albert-like ...
henry's user avatar
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How to disable github device tracking and email verification on signin without 2FA? [closed]

2FA is already disabled, Github is asking for email on every signin. I am traveling for the next few years so nearly every time I sign in will be from a different location, device, or even country. I ...
superuser's user avatar
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How can I create .exe file from github repository?

I have a question about this repository, I downloaded the zip source code from this link, I edited the bestStream.txt file in the config folder, and now I want to create an .exe file (like the one in ...
PoroFarmer's user avatar
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Unauthorized access to Github

I am trying to build the application Roda and following this guide: After some time I run into this: [ERROR] Failed to ...
Paul Bergström's user avatar
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gh (GitHub's CLI): the -w flag no longer opens a browser window from WSL

I'm on Windows 10 Pro, I run headless Ubuntu in WSL and in Ubuntu I run this command: gh pr create -w Initially, the -w flag used to open a create PR link in the browser on the host OS. But it no ...
lolmaus - Andrey Mikhaylov's user avatar
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Any Chrome extention to hide seleted GitHub issue and remember rule when back? [closed]

Sometimes I need review issues in a GitHub repo to learn examples and experience. Since there are so many issues, I want to mark some of the issues as useless, some are importance or add some icon to ...
Mithril's user avatar
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Is there a way to find out which of my github repositories have github pages enabled?

I don't want to check 200+ repositories manually, and I'm not seeing anything in gh documentation how to get it from the API. Is there any automated way to get this information?
taw's user avatar
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`git push` behavior differs according to my "login directory" using VSCode Remote SSH

I'm using VSCode's Remote SSH utility to access a VM hosted on Google Cloud. My local machine is a Mac. There, I have a few GitHub repositories I'm working on. I had some issues yesterday and ended up ...
Wasabi's user avatar
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Is there any way to activate IntelliSense for TypeScript files in

This morning I came across It looks very promising, but what I'd really like to use it for is TypeScript with active IntelliSense. I can see that can create new .ts files. But, ...
Rounin's user avatar
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Easy way to include screenshots in PRs via githubs `gh` CLI?

I write PRs on a daily basis. Lately I've been using the GitHub CLI to do things like gh pr create on the command line and then write the body in my favorite editor. Sadly, I almost always want to ...
Chris's user avatar
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