I have a question about this repository, I downloaded the zip source code from this link, I edited the bestStream.txt file in the config folder, and now I want to create an .exe file (like the one in the release) with my modified file. How can I create it?

  • Have you read the installation instructions on GitHub? There is a section on creating a compiled version.
    – doneal24
    Commented Feb 13, 2023 at 1:43

1 Answer 1


There are pretty good instructions available on how to compile the application. I recommend to take a look: https://github.com/LeagueOfPoro/CapsuleFarmerEvolved/wiki/Advanced-Installation-for-Windows

Running from source code

  1. Download and extract the latest source code available from the Releases tab or via git clone https://github.com/LeagueOfPoro/CapsuleFarmerEvolved.git
  2. Generate the config files as required by the application - see Configuration for details.
  3. Run pipenv install to install the required dependencies.
  4. Run pipenv run python ./src/main.py to start the application.

Compiling the application

If the application is running from the source code, you can also compile it into a single executable file using pyinstaller.

  1. Run pipenv install to install the required dependencies.
  2. If you have not already, generate the config files as required by the application - see Configuration for details.
  3. Open a terminal in the root directory of the project (you should see src and config directories if you type dir).
  4. Run setup/windows.bat (CMD/PowerShell compatible).
  5. The compiled executable will be in the build directory. You can quickly start it with ./build/CapsuleFarmerEvolved.exe
  • Suggestion - Please edit your answer and put a summary of instructions here. Otherwise, your answer is in danger of being deleted. Commented Feb 13, 2023 at 10:21

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