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Questions tagged [github]

Git repository hosting service - May be better on Web Apps or Stack Overflow

2 votes
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Can not do anything with GitHub remotely

Now, my version is 10.14.3 Beta (18D32a). Since I updated the previous version, As long as I run git clone or git push command, it will lead to: fatal: unable to access '
NeZha's user avatar
  • 41
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Error while connecting source code management in Jenkins

My Jenkins is installed on a remote server and I can access it through a particular URL. When I try to add source code management as git and provide the URL of my git repo, it gives me an error: ...
TAJINDER SINGH's user avatar
1 vote
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Git : How to change repo's owner name?

I'm currently working on my last semester git project, and my teammate is the one who created the initial repo on git. He then sent me an invitation to join the repo as a collaborator. Currently ...
FeatherAndInk's user avatar
-1 votes
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Having difficulty uninstalling git from Windows computer

Whenever I attempt to uninstall git from the control panel, I get this error message: Problem is, I don't know where I can download this file: unins000.exe. Can anyone help me?
NyameChu's user avatar
1 vote
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curl to download file located at github

I would like to donwload openjdk11 using cURL from github but the download stops just after few seconds, this is what I tried: curl -o openjdk11.tar.gz
akuma8's user avatar
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Restore previous version of my comment on GitHub

I've added a comment to an issue report on GitHub. It was relatively significant with a lot of Markdown formatting in it. Then I tried to make a minor edit in it, but due to the some bug of GitHub or ...
Sasha's user avatar
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How can I sign this Google CLA and get my PR accepted without having to re-commit my changes?

I fixed an issue for an open source project and am required to sign this CLA before the PR can be merged. A repository owner has approved the PR, but the CLA isn't showing as signed. Details I use ...
user3.1415927's user avatar
0 votes
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Installing TorChat on Kali Linux

I Have a problem with installing Torchat on my Kali Linux this is my version Linux ******* 4.18.0-kali2-amd64 #1 SMP Debian 4.18.10-2kali1 (2018-10-09) x86_64 GNU/Linux. In the Github site I ...
Bradass_FaLLaG's user avatar
3 votes
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What does the name after the colon in GItHub ssh address mean?

For example, [email protected]:JohnCoates/Aerial.git in this command, I think git: username in GitHub Unix server host name /Aerial.git: directory . So, what is :JohnCoates? Generally, ...
Hidehiro NAGAOKA's user avatar
-1 votes
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Markdown doesn't work on Github suddenly [closed]

I posted for my project as usually, but found it didn't parsed by Github. It displays markdown as is. Why and how to fix? Project is here:
Dims's user avatar
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Github push from PHP webserver using shell_exec() backticks

I have a Github repository that I use via with a client to help keep all the changes for their website synchronized. The GitHub repo contains a webhook that automatically pushes all our ...
Vince's user avatar
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Git list of Files with more than 'n' modifications of last commit with respect to current dirty state

With a huge repository, it becomes challenging to track changes. Github displays one statistic per file (total number of lines modified; includes add or deleted as well). Can we list that statistics ...
Porcupine's user avatar
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Can a new collaborator see previous commits/histories/logs?

I have been working on a repository of github on my own for 2 years . Now, I'm going to add a new collaborator. Before adding him, my question is whether he will have access to previous commits/...
SoftTimur's user avatar
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Different ways to install / clone a repository

When using github, I know that I can clone a repository by doing something like: git clone but I have also seen things like: pip install git+https://github....
user1551817's user avatar
2 votes
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Unable to fetch particular commit hash from gerit error: Server does not allow request for unadvertised object

I have updated manifiest file with clone-depth=1 and when I try to do the repo sync I am getting the below error. Our gerit config has all the required setting changes for shallow clone The error: ...
Sunil Dasappanavar's user avatar
4 votes
1 answer

How to use the standard login dialog instead of the GitHub Login dialog in TortoiseGit?

I have some GitHub repositories. When I want to push some commits to the server I have to authenticate myself by using username and password (I don't want to change to another authentication method ...
agabrys's user avatar
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How to get email notification for every git push issued on any github hosted repo

Let's say there is one github repo. (Public/Private) Many developers are working on same repo and doing git push. Now is there any way so once any user commits on that repo.I get email notification ...
Jeegar Patel's user avatar
3 votes
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Jenkins & GitHub Enterprise Servers API endpoint error - requires POST

TL;DR: This is a bug. There is a bug report. I am trying to set up the API endpoint for Jenkins to know how to communicate with a GitHub Enterprise ...
jeremysprofile's user avatar
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Differentiate between Department and Project group in Gitlab

As a Gitlab Admin, I have to create different Groups for different departments and add members to it. Some Departments conatins Sub-Departments so I create Sub-Group in Gitlab for it. As of now ...
Rajana Deepak's user avatar
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Git - 2 repositories

What I want to achieve? I have 2 repositories (GitHub): first, second. Both share an identical folder /root with 1 .git subfolder. /root has /root/a and /root/b subfolders. So folder tree looks ...
Altaula's user avatar
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How to build imapsync for windows?

I need to migrate a lot of IMAP accounts to a new server and imapsync seems like a good tool to do it. They have a github repo but there are no instructions on how to build it for Windows (although ...
IlmarsL's user avatar
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How do you download files from Github via Batch?

So, I am making an "Assistant" that is completely command line based. I recently decided to move from hosting files on One-drive to GitHub. I had made links so it would be easy to change the ...
user473470's user avatar
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Using Google Fonts in the windows boot image

How do I install Google Fonts inside the boot image of my windows? So that I am able to install/update all computers with the fonts pre-installed.
Woww's user avatar
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Can access Github via browser but not via git commands

I work in a bank which seems to be blocking Github (they use svn with internally hosted repos): H:\>git clone Cloning into 'linux'... fatal: unable to access '...
Avery235's user avatar
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Batch: Word counter [duplicate]

How to make a counter that counts a word "parent", from an external file, then divides it by 2 and after that "echo's" this to a document? This is a file that will be downloaded, thats why it should ...
godzillamesel's user avatar
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Git merge 2 branches

I'm just starting to use GIT, and i'm trying to understand if i'm correct. Let's say we have branch Master, branches Bug1, Bug2 If i want to merge branch Bug1 into Bug2, i would do something like: ...
Rost's user avatar
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How to add remote submodule to my github project?

For example: How do they do it? I tried next but it just downloaded module locally (didn't appear on github): git submodule add git submodule update --init --...
user25's user avatar
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74 votes
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Read Only access to GitHub repo via SSH key

I want to generate an SSH key with only READ permissions to be used with my GitHub account is it possible? or should I create another account with only read permission?
jibe's user avatar
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How to uninstall vim on mac?

I installed vim on my Mac by using the git clone command: cd vim/src make However now I want to remove it and re-install vim via homebrew. Could any expert tell me ...
Dyckia's user avatar
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MS Word document shows question mark symbol � on GitHub [duplicate]

I am hosting an HTML file, created using MS Word, on GitHub. For some reason, when I open the site, it shows question mark symbols in place of other symbols. You can look at it yourself. I have no ...
Gurpreet Singh Matharoo's user avatar
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Why do I keep getting "Authentication Failed" on Github when running through the Win10 Linux subsystem?

I'm on a machine running Windows 10, with Developer Mode enabled and the Linux Subsystem installed. When I switch into bash, I am trying to run a simple clone command from git: git clone https://...
soapergem's user avatar
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37 votes
4 answers

Git push failing with Fatal: HttpRequestException encountered

lt is really strange that when l try to use git push today,error reports Fatal: HttpRequestException encountered and requires me to enter username and password. l have tried git pull and git clone ...
Rosmee's user avatar
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How to handle symbolic link in my git repo

I have two git repos, A and B under separate paths. There is a sub-folder in one repo (A/subfolder) that contains some data files. On my local machine I have a symbolic link in B to access these ...
Jeff's user avatar
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Why is ssh ignoring my ~/.ssh/config? Cannot commit to github

I have configured OpenSSH to use a specific key when I login to github.... [mpenning@mudslide .ssh]$ pwd /home/mpenning/.ssh [mpenning@mudslide .ssh]$ ls -la | grep config -rw-r--r-- 1 mpenning ...
Mike Pennington's user avatar
4 votes
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npm install can't access folder (no Permission)

i'm trying to install storjshare-daemon on ubuntu and i'm following the guide but when i'm using npm it keeps showing the same error , i try everything like setting public key on github and Check ...
y.h.'s user avatar
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What should we do when we change a machine?

I have always been developing a big project in one machine. I use github to do version control. Now, I just got a new machine. I want to develop the project on the new machine. I am wondering what's ...
SoftTimur's user avatar
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Why does GitHub Desktop lose formatting in some files?

For some files, even though the formatting is preserved in the IDE (I use Sublime Text Editor btw), when I make a change and then open up Github Desktop to check for changes, the formatting is all ...
asprin's user avatar
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why does ssh to github require the git user?

I'm trying to run the following command: ssh -vT [email protected] I first realize it did not work (permission denied), because I don't have a public key saved on my personal github account. After ...
barrrista's user avatar
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Is a github port 59249 request valid

I'm on macOS Sierra and keep getting requests to allow port 59249. When I look at the request details, I see that it appears to come from github: I am using github ...
JESii's user avatar
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FreeRDP 2.0 in Windows is failing silently

Just downloaded the more recent binaries (static compilation) for Windows from: Extracted to a folder and launch the executable: ...
ZEE's user avatar
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SSH Github Permission denied (publickey)

I have been having trouble over the last few days trying to connect to a github account. I have: Followed the guide to generate keys and add to github Followed the troubleshooting guide on ...
I am not smart's user avatar
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Unable to fetch from another fork of same repo github

I have forked a repo from say user1/repo1 to me/repo1. Another user has forked the same repo from user1/repo1 to user2/repo1. I have read access to both repo. I can confirm because i can open the ...
Shubham Singla's user avatar
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Non-interactive git pull asks for private key password with agent set-up

Goal: non-interactively pull a github repo with a nodejs script using the child-process module Setup: On my linux box I've set up github to work with ssh to the point were I can pull and push without ...
Paul Beaudet's user avatar
31 votes
5 answers

What does the git error message "Server does not allow request for unadvertised object" mean?

I am trying to do a checkout from github, and I got this error message: [user@arch ~]$ git clone --recursive Cloning into 'tcpflow'... The authenticity of host '...
vy32's user avatar
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How to speed up GitHub pull/fetch with my Wifi router?

I've a 50MBPS internet connection. Everthing is pretty fast except GitHub requests. If I connect via my mobile phones hotspot, it goes pretty fast. What could be the reason for this slowness? I don't ...
Ashish Singh's user avatar
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Firefox No-Script ABE block oauth over on intranet site

This is the ABE SYSTEM rule: Site Accept from Accept from SELF #Accept ALL Deny OAuth works if I uncomment Accept ALL. If not, I get an error. JavaScript Console: [ABE] &...
Mikhail Moskalev's user avatar
1 vote
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git - Does cloning without pack resume when interrupted?

I'm using repo to download android source code. I noticed most of the projects are downloaded with the remote compressing of objects into a pack file and then simply getting the pack file and ...
bharat.f4's user avatar
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Problems in building a Github Android project

This is a follow-up question here. I was initially trying to just install the .apk executable, but now I am trying to build the project located at: It is ...
Tina J's user avatar
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Meaning of the lock and strange symbol in GitHub Desktop client

What does that two symbols mean in GitHub Desktop client? Here is a screenshot: If someone knows the name for the second symbol, write it here please. I mean symbols on the left of the projects ...
Yaroslav's user avatar
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Github Unable to write new index file

When committing my code to GitHub, I get the following error. GitHub.IO.ProcessException: fatal: Unable to write new index file Here is my log:
torbenrudgaard's user avatar

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