I have forked a repo from say user1/repo1 to me/repo1.

Another user has forked the same repo from user1/repo1 to user2/repo1.

I have read access to both repo. I can confirm because i can open the code in browser. I have cloned the forked version of my repo to local.

Now i want to fetch changes from user2/repo1/branchA. user2/repo was not in my remote list. So i added it using

git remote add https://github.com/user2/repo1.git

Verified using

git remote -v

and it shows the remote.Now when i am trying to fetch using

git fetch user2 
git fetch user2 branchA
git fetch user2/branchA

nothing works and i get fatal: repo not found

Also tried cloning the repo directly from link user2/repo1 to local using

git clone https://github.com/user2/repo1.git

but unable to do so. Github wont allow me to create a fork of another fork as i already have forked one version of the repo.

Already looked answers:



and various others as i am searching this from 4-5 hours.

  • From what you've described, things should be working. Can you clone user2/repo1 to you local machine?
    – heavyd
    Commented Sep 5, 2017 at 19:21
  • @heavyd no i am unable to clone it using https , "git clone github.com/user2/repo1.git" Commented Sep 5, 2017 at 21:04
  • Are you sure the repo exists? Is it a private repo? If so, you would need to authenticate your git client.
    – heavyd
    Commented Sep 5, 2017 at 22:14
  • yes it exists and its private repo. my git client is authenticated using my account Commented Sep 6, 2017 at 4:35
  • 1
    You can't use SSH authentication with an http:// repository, you must use either a SSH repository URL or if you must use HTTP you can generate a personal access token.
    – heavyd
    Commented Sep 7, 2017 at 16:45


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