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Questions tagged [expect]

Expect is a utility based on TCL. It's primary use is for building automation into interactive environments such as telnet or ssh based terminal environments. It provides the ability to enter commands on a command line and interpret the output.

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How to display output from expect?

I'm trying to read data from a machine that uses a telnet style interface using expect. An interactive telnet session works like this: % telnet 53595 Trying Connected to ...
Elliott B's user avatar
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Can Expect make sure a certain log does not appear?

Expect scripting is great for writing tests that are basically "make sure that running this command causes these logs to be printed". Expect lets you skip past the irrelevant output and look ...
Woodrow Barlow's user avatar
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What's the best way to replay keystrokes on to my terminal?

I find myself having to do a series of ssh in order to get to a particular host. What I currently do is to copy and paste the commands into the terminal, one after the another, like a machine. I'm ...
Jeenu's user avatar
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expect spawn command: Escaping newline (\n) in string

I am trying to use expect to interact with the MATLAB console. Currently I have: #!/usr/bin/expect -f spawn {*}/usr/bin/ matlab -r "fprintf(1, \"The identifier was:%s\\\\n\", \&...
user3711775's user avatar
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expect -timeout vs. "set timeout" in expect: Different behavior

I was testing a expect script and found two different behaviors when using set timeout vs. expect -timeout. Here is a simple example #!/usr/bin/bash sleep 2 echo hello #!/usr/...
user3711775's user avatar
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how to use expect into bash to automate installation

I have a bash that answers the questions that freefilesync asks during installation, using expect: #!/bin/bash tar -xf FreeFileSync*.tar.gz mv FreeFileSync*.run >/dev/null 2>&...
acgbox's user avatar
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passing bash variables to expect script or scripting expect from inside bash

This script is intended to mount the contents of my server at home as a read/writeable drive in mac os. Unfortunately due to the fact that my house has a dynamic public ip address, the ip address of ...
Christian Maxwell's user avatar
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Eternal loop with expect

I want this expect script to run forever (or until "ok" is printed), however it does not and exits right away. #!/usr/bin/expect set timeout 180 spawn ssh -o "StrictHostKeyChecking no&...
michelemarcon's user avatar
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For cycle with expect and variable evaluation

I want to execute a script remotely with expect and a for loop: #!/usr/bin/expect set timeout 10 spawn ssh [email protected] expect "password: " send "pass\n" expect "$ " ...
michelemarcon's user avatar
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Setting and using a variable within a single-line Expect command in a Bash script

I have an array, $HOSTS, which contains a set of hostnames. I have a database table that has a set of IP addresses. I want to go through each IP address in that table and send a command (hostname -s) ...
Kefka's user avatar
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Expect script - sometimes no log generated

I have a simple expect script that supplies password 4 times. I am logging the output to a log file using log_file -a /home/applusr/e291505/logs/ADD.log spawn /home/root/admin/add.mims.user $...
Uday's user avatar
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Is it possible to detach and re-attach to a spawned process using separate expect processes?

I have an expect script that spawns a process, then does some initialization (authentication), then performs some task that needs prior authentication. Considering to extend the script to execute ...
U. Windl's user avatar
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spawn, expect, send aborts during scp transmission

I have a basic scp sending mechanism with spawn, expect and send. However it gets aborted during the scp transmission. Here is the expect command: expect -c "spawn sh -c {scp -r -P 22 /tmp/rootfs/* ...
Daniel's user avatar
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How do I get my expect statement to not output the stdout of the first command?

What I'm trying to do is execute an ssh command that prints out the /etc/shadow file. Obviously that file requires root or sudo permission, and I don't have root creds, therefore I have to use sudo. ...
beechfuzz's user avatar
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Bash automation SFTP script not moving the last file once in a while

I have developed a bash script for moving files to FTP only when a particular CSV is available in remote server. A job from another Data quality tool calls this script. Script is working fine, but it ...
Syam Sundar's user avatar
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Obexctl: Provide different result in terminal and script

I have created a script where I want to send file over bluetooth. For that I took "obexctl" utility. I can transfer file using obexctl utility over terminal. But when I'm trying to incorporate the ...
Nikita's user avatar
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How to toggle outlet power to Eaton ePDU G3 from shell script

I'm trying to programmatically toggle power to several outlets on a Eaton ePDU G3 using ssh via Jenkins CI shell script. This is to fire up lidars only during a Jenkins run. It is not clear how to do ...
Dennis Hoer's user avatar
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TCL/Expect script with if/else logic based on host IP address

So I have been using and enjoying /usr/bin/expect for scripts because it can quickly log me into servers since it autocompletes my userid and password. Through some cursory reading, I've come to ...
user1004512's user avatar
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Using expect to try a series of passwords

I'm completely new to using "expect" and clearly don't understand it at all well. My problem is that I used "encfs" to protect some files a while ago, and although I left myself a text file which ...
Toby Eggitt's user avatar
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Expect not exiting non-zero

My real goal is to have a script that will run locally to ssh into a remote server, restart tomcat, and use expect to wait for the "Server startup in" message, or exit non-zero if it sees startup ...
Dave's user avatar
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Which characters require escaping in expect strings?

I know that hard brackets [, ] require triple backslash escaping when used inside expect "..." strings, so I use expect "blah blah \\\[herp derp\\\]" to accurately convey these characters to the ...
mcandre's user avatar
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Does set timeout change each expect statement, or just the final expect eof?

I'm learning to use /usr/bin/expect for the first time, to automate the nightmare that is installing fink from source, as that script has a few dozen prompts, all of which can be answered with the ...
mcandre's user avatar
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how to escape # in my expect scipt while calling password from another file

I have few queries in expect.. I'm using expect script and I need to pick the password from a different file.. 1) I'm able to do it.. but for one of my connection the password starts with # (hash ...
Arulanandam S's user avatar
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How do I send the stdout of a command to an Expect input?

I want to write a shell + expect script that auto-fills my passwords via the LastPass CLI utility lpass. I'm not sure how to accomplish sending the password returned by lpass to the password input in ...
Josiah's user avatar
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Ansible expect not working for multiple prompt values

I need to install nginx agent for openam using ansible. while install the nginx_agent it asking multiple question while run the script, **********************************************************...
Rajkumar .E's user avatar
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Variable expansion and escaping in heredoc syntax

I've got the following script to scrape out the arp table of a switch. No matter how I try to escape everything, quote it or otherwise try I can't get it to work properly. The bash line is interpreted ...
Brando__'s user avatar
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Automating SSH login gives unresponsive remote-shell, dropping back to client-terminal (without errors)

I have a problem with the tool expect under Ubuntu 14.04 LTS. I want to automate ssh logins to some Sophos UTM Firewalls and evelate my rights directly after with "sudo su -" and the correct password. ...
Nyctophilia's user avatar
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How can I set up nautilus to use a ssh connection established by an expect script?

In order to automate a ssh connection, I wrote a script using expect, which works just fine. However, I would like to use this script in the nautilus connect to server function. My idea was to include ...
Daniel Förster's user avatar
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Expect script for telnet communication with DLink router

I am trying to connect to my router through telnet using this script: #!/usr/bin/expect -f set timeout 20 # router user name set name "admin" # router password set pass "admin" # router IP ...
shivams's user avatar
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sending GREP command fails

I'm new to expect scripting and trying to get below script to work. The script logs in to a server and reads a config file ($val in the script) for the values of "cps" and then presents a total value, ...
Dalman's user avatar
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Automating an ssh connection with crontab

I've been struggling to crontab automate a git push process with ssh, and it's proving tricky to setup a key with the ssh agent. Starting with a basic script to test the agent: # set paths (all ...
geotheory's user avatar
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How to handle a condition when an expect script executing another script on a remote host is interrupted?

Im using an expect script to say xyz.exp to login to a remote host and execute another script Now most of the times runs fine, but there is a scenario where if a certain condition is ...
user417721's user avatar
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file exists not working in expect script

I'm trying to check if a particular line exists in filename on a host. So only if the particular pattern is found from the grep command a dummy.txt will be created. Then I want to check if dummy.txt ...
user417721's user avatar
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Bash function only works when password manually input

At work I have to run the following function everyday. The function works fine when I am prompted for the password. However, I tried to hardcode my password so that I don't have to enter it in each ...
N Klosterman's user avatar
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Simple Expect program to send a key when the program yields some text

I need to run this program: Luis@Windu /cygdrive/c/Temporal/Expect$ oclhashcat64 ../Test.hccap -m 2500 -a 3 ?d?d?d?d?d?d?d?d oclHashcat v1.31 starting... Device #1: Bonaire, 1024MB, 1050Mhz, 12MCU ...
Sopalajo de Arrierez's user avatar
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expect + how to verify if dir exists and if not how to create it

I write expect script that login to remote machine and run there some scripts But I need also to verify the following Verify if directory /var/cti/adm/APP exists If APP not exists under adm ...
maihabunash's user avatar
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How do I build a script shell to send cmd via telnet and log only results?

I would like to make a shell script that can call a range of IPs via telnet, to send a command, and write the result to a file.
Simon's user avatar
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Timeout does not work in expect script

I created the following expect script in order to automate logging into a VPN: #!/usr/bin/expect set PASS [lindex $argv 0] set timeout 10 spawn vpnc expect : {send $PASS\r} ...
THE_BIG_EXPERT's user avatar
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Not able to copy a file via script from local host to remote host

I am trying to write a script that can copy a file from local host to remote host. And then i want to execute that script from local host. But I am not able to copy. I googled and found the below code....
Aakash Goyal's user avatar
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Trying to reboot ADSL modem via expect script

I'm trying to create a Linux script which can reboot my ASDL Modem. Here is my rebootModem.exp file : #!/usr/bin/expect set userName admin set pass admin set command reboot #It is modem reboot ...
Hamed Kamrava's user avatar
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Using EXPECT script with a $ in the password

I'm trying to set a variable in a Linux bash script which includes a $ symbol, i.e. password is Gl@d1us$123 so PASS="Gl@d1us\$123". I can preceed the $ with a \ and it works fine, but when it calls ...
Andy Kendall's user avatar
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Unbuffer swallows the exit status of killed process

The expect "unbuffer" command seems to swallow the exit status of its child if the process is killed. Is there something that can be done to stop this behavior? It does not swallow the exit status if ...
frankc's user avatar
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expect command in ubuntu

I've searched all over SuperUser, but couldn't get the solution. Here is a script that am using for ssh using expect. I'm using ubuntu and I've installed expect using aptitude install expect. #!/usr/...
CodZilla's user avatar
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Linux: ssh command works outside bash script, but not within script?

I am having problem with the following command: echo "Pass for router:" read -s pass /usr/bin/expect - << EXPCT spawn ssh -l root 'opkg list-installed' > list-installed.txt #...
FernandoSBS's user avatar
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Problems using EXPECT is a BASH shell script

This is the code (bash script): echo "Pass for router:" read -s pass /usr/bin/expect <<EOD spawn ssh -l root 'opkg list-installed' > list-installed.txt #echo @pass expect "*...
FernandoSBS's user avatar
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couldn't execute "mysql": no such file or directory, using autoexpect

I have the following file: exp.exp #!/usr/bin/expect db_host='localhost' db_name='webui_dev' db_user='root' db_pass='rootpass' new_db_name='db_2011' expect <<EOF log_user 0 spawn mysql -h ...
Andrey Yasinishyn's user avatar
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Expect not working using -c arguments

So I have an expect script like this that works: #!/usr/bin/expect spawn scp [email protected]:* . expect { password: {send "mypassword"; exp_continue} } Based on the man page for expect, I think I ...
Gordon Seidoh Worley's user avatar
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Expect and sudo timeout

I have a main shell script that prompts the user for his password. I then would like to call an expect script while passing the password to it. This expect script will run 3 sudo commands. I know the ...
Codrguy's user avatar
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Bash/expect script to log in via ssh and port knocking. SSH Keys not possible

My login server is behind a firewall that uses port knocking to allow entry. The login-flow is Enter in port knocking command. This requires my external IP to be entered. When prompted, enter in my ...
Zach Melnick's user avatar
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how to run a local script in remote server using expect and bash script

I want to make a script that will connect to a server and do some CRUD operation on the server and again return to local. I do not want to upload the script to server.. I have made a script that ...
user1760929's user avatar

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