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Which characters require escaping in expect strings?

I know that hard brackets [, ] require triple backslash escaping when used inside expect "..." strings, so I use expect "blah blah \\\[herp derp\\\]" to accurately convey these characters to the ...
mcandre's user avatar
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Does set timeout change each expect statement, or just the final expect eof?

I'm learning to use /usr/bin/expect for the first time, to automate the nightmare that is installing fink from source, as that script has a few dozen prompts, all of which can be answered with the ...
mcandre's user avatar
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How to handle a condition when an expect script executing another script on a remote host is interrupted?

Im using an expect script to say xyz.exp to login to a remote host and execute another script Now most of the times runs fine, but there is a scenario where if a certain condition is ...
user417721's user avatar
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file exists not working in expect script

I'm trying to check if a particular line exists in filename on a host. So only if the particular pattern is found from the grep command a dummy.txt will be created. Then I want to check if dummy.txt ...
user417721's user avatar
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Expect not working using -c arguments

So I have an expect script like this that works: #!/usr/bin/expect spawn scp [email protected]:* . expect { password: {send "mypassword"; exp_continue} } Based on the man page for expect, I think I ...
Gordon Seidoh Worley's user avatar
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how to run a local script in remote server using expect and bash script

I want to make a script that will connect to a server and do some CRUD operation on the server and again return to local. I do not want to upload the script to server.. I have made a script that ...
user1760929's user avatar