I am on Windows 7 Ultimate.

I have done done start..ctrl panel..programs..turn windows features on and off...and ticked Subsystem For Unix Applications

enter image description here

When I click the start menu, I see it isn't installed but it has enter image description here

I then followed the link in my start menu which went to a webpage to download it. No need to register and it downloaded Utilities and SDK for UNIX-based Applications_X86.exe

 extracted it to C:\sua32

     Volume in drive C has no label.
     Volume Serial Number is DC46-3C68

     Directory of C:\sua32

    11/18/2014  11:25 AM    <DIR>          .
    11/18/2014  11:25 AM    <DIR>          ..
    11/18/2014  11:24 AM    <DIR>          BaseUtils
    11/18/2014  11:24 AM    <DIR>          docs
    04/01/2008  01:21 PM           170,557 install.htm
    11/18/2014  11:24 AM    <DIR>          manage
    11/18/2014  11:24 AM    <DIR>          SDK
    11/18/2014  11:25 AM    <DIR>          setup
    04/02/2008  02:57 AM            24,120 setup.exe
    04/02/2008  02:57 AM         1,638,912 setup.msi
    11/18/2014  11:25 AM    <DIR>          sources
    04/02/2008  02:57 AM            24,120 upgrade.exe
                   4 File(s)      1,857,709 bytes
                   8 Dir(s)  126,447,235,072 bytes free


I notice it has a setup.exe (which I will run), and it has files that look like they would be the commands but they have no exe extension.

01/18/2008  06:18 AM           101,888 wc
01/18/2008  06:19 AM           118,784 who
01/18/2008  06:19 AM               591 whoami
             212 File(s)     36,907,662 bytes
               2 Dir(s)  126,443,298,816 bytes free


I ran setup.exe

and it installed to C:\windows\sua

 Volume in drive C has no label.
 Volume Serial Number is DC46-3C68

 Directory of C:\Windows\SUA

11/18/2014  12:05 PM    <DIR>          .
11/18/2014  12:05 PM    <DIR>          ..
11/18/2014  12:06 PM    <DIR>          bin
11/18/2014  12:04 PM    <DIR>          common
11/17/2014  05:52 PM    <DIR>          dev
11/18/2014  12:04 PM    <DIR>          docs
11/18/2014  12:06 PM    <DIR>          etc
11/18/2014  12:04 PM    <DIR>          help
11/16/2014  11:11 PM    <DIR>          net
11/18/2014  12:05 PM    <DIR>          opt
11/16/2014  11:11 PM    <DIR>          proc
11/18/2014  12:05 PM    <DIR>          svr-5
11/16/2014  11:11 PM    <DIR>          tmp
11/18/2014  12:05 PM    <DIR>          usr
11/18/2014  12:04 PM    <DIR>          var
               0 File(s)              0 bytes
              15 Dir(s)  126,443,307,008 bytes free


It includes these files in C:\Windows\SUA\bin>

01/18/2008  06:18 AM           101,888 wc
01/18/2008  06:19 AM           118,784 who
01/18/2008  06:19 AM               591 whoami

I see no exe extension, and no special shell

How are these meant to run? Or, how am I meant to run these?

I can rename or copy a command e.g. who to who.exe and run it but surely that's not how i'm meant to run it.

How am I meant to run these?

  • 1
    Have you tried simply running C:\Windows\SUA\bin\whoami? A file does not need to be named .exe to be executable.
    – slhck
    Commented Nov 18, 2014 at 12:59
  • @slhck Just tried it, it didn't run. It said 'c:\windows\sua\bin\whoami' is not recognized as an internal or external command, operable program or batch file. (out of interest, what, if any, setting do you have that can make extensionless files run as executable?)
    – barlop
    Commented Nov 18, 2014 at 13:41
  • No idea; I'm a Unix person :) But I'd also guess you need to add the bin directory to your PATH. And maybe then these executables just work.
    – slhck
    Commented Nov 18, 2014 at 13:57
  • @slhck no. you don't need to add the directory to the path if (as you suggested earlier) you give the absolute path(or if you are in the directory and do .\command. i'm largely a windows guy but I know many *nix commands. I already took into account re the path. I just tried adding it to the path, no difference.
    – barlop
    Commented Nov 18, 2014 at 14:04
  • Do you have Bash or KSH on the start menu somewhere? That works for me.
    – dsolimano
    Commented Nov 18, 2014 at 14:14

1 Answer 1


While there are only two EXE files in c:\windows\sua\bin (just cat32.exe and fileinfo.exe) and a load of commands that would run but are missing an EXE extension!)

C:\Windows\SUA\bin>dir Volume in drive C has no label. Volume Serial Number is B411-D580

 Directory of C:\Windows\SUA\bin

17/11/2014  11:09 AM    <DIR>          .
17/11/2014  11:09 AM    <DIR>          ..
18/01/2008  06:09 AM           172,032 at
18/01/2008  06:09 AM           172,032 atq
18/01/2008  06:09 AM           172,032 atrm
18/01/2008  01:45 AM           396,288 awk
18/01/2008  05:41 AM           115,200 banner
18/01/2008  01:45 AM           105,472 basename
18/01/2008  06:09 AM           172,032 batch
18/01/2008  07:01 AM           141,824 bp
18/01/2008  06:05 AM            46,605 c89
18/01/2008  06:05 AM           117,760 cal
18/01/2008  06:05 AM           140,800 calendar
18/01/2008  01:45 AM           118,784 cat
18/01/2008  01:45 AM           155,648 cat32
18/01/2008  01:45 AM           155,648 cat32.exe

There are EXE files for not all but most of the commands, in c:\windows\sua\common

C:\Windows\SUA\common>dir *.exe
 Volume in drive C has no label.
 Volume Serial Number is DC46-3C68

 Directory of C:\Windows\SUA\common

01/18/2008  04:42 AM            97,280 basename.exe
01/18/2008  05:05 AM           135,168 cat.exe
01/18/2008  05:05 AM           134,144 chgrp.exe
01/18/2008  06:19 AM           121,856 wc.exe
              29 File(s)      4,773,376 bytes
               0 Dir(s)  126,438,662,144 bytes free


There are some e.g. awk which don't have an exe file but are in c:\windows\sua\bin and you don't have to rename them to run them, they run from an SUA shell e.g. start..programs..subsystem for unix..c shell then ls /bin and awk shows there.

Also, I hadn't noticed initially but installing SUA does add C:\windows\sua\common\ and c:\windows\sua\usr\lib\" (with a trailing backslash oddly enough), to the path.

Related followup question now answered - In Windows SUA(System for Unix Applications), I cannot get KSH to run commands. Even ls fails

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