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 extracted it to C:\sua32

     Volume in drive C has no label.
     Volume Serial Number is DC46-3C68
     Directory of C:\sua32
    11/18/2014  11:25 AM    <DIR>          .
    11/18/2014  11:25 AM    <DIR>          ..
    11/18/2014  11:24 AM    <DIR>          BaseUtils
    11/18/2014  11:24 AM    <DIR>          docs
    04/01/2008  01:21 PM           170,557 install.htm
    11/18/2014  11:24 AM    <DIR>          manage
    11/18/2014  11:24 AM    <DIR>          SDK
    11/18/2014  11:25 AM    <DIR>          setup
    04/02/2008  02:57 AM            24,120 setup.exe
    04/02/2008  02:57 AM         1,638,912 setup.msi
    11/18/2014  11:25 AM    <DIR>          sources
    04/02/2008  02:57 AM            24,120 upgrade.exe
                   4 File(s)      1,857,709 bytes
                   8 Dir(s)  126,447,235,072 bytes free
I notice it has a setup.exe (which I will run), and it has files that look like they would be the commands but they have no exe extension.

I notice it has a setup.exe (which I will run), and it has files that look like they would be the commands but they have no exe extension.

01/18/2008  06:18 AM           101,888 wc
01/18/2008  06:19 AM           118,784 who
01/18/2008  06:19 AM               591 whoami
             212 File(s)     36,907,662 bytes
               2 Dir(s)  126,443,298,816 bytes free



 extracted it to C:\sua32

     Volume in drive C has no label.
     Volume Serial Number is DC46-3C68
     Directory of C:\sua32
    11/18/2014  11:25 AM    <DIR>          .
    11/18/2014  11:25 AM    <DIR>          ..
    11/18/2014  11:24 AM    <DIR>          BaseUtils
    11/18/2014  11:24 AM    <DIR>          docs
    04/01/2008  01:21 PM           170,557 install.htm
    11/18/2014  11:24 AM    <DIR>          manage
    11/18/2014  11:24 AM    <DIR>          SDK
    11/18/2014  11:25 AM    <DIR>          setup
    04/02/2008  02:57 AM            24,120 setup.exe
    04/02/2008  02:57 AM         1,638,912 setup.msi
    11/18/2014  11:25 AM    <DIR>          sources
    04/02/2008  02:57 AM            24,120 upgrade.exe
                   4 File(s)      1,857,709 bytes
                   8 Dir(s)  126,447,235,072 bytes free
I notice it has a setup.exe (which I will run), and it has files that look like they would be the commands but they have no exe extension.

01/18/2008  06:18 AM           101,888 wc
01/18/2008  06:19 AM           118,784 who
01/18/2008  06:19 AM               591 whoami
             212 File(s)     36,907,662 bytes
               2 Dir(s)  126,443,298,816 bytes free

 extracted it to C:\sua32

     Volume in drive C has no label.
     Volume Serial Number is DC46-3C68
     Directory of C:\sua32
    11/18/2014  11:25 AM    <DIR>          .
    11/18/2014  11:25 AM    <DIR>          ..
    11/18/2014  11:24 AM    <DIR>          BaseUtils
    11/18/2014  11:24 AM    <DIR>          docs
    04/01/2008  01:21 PM           170,557 install.htm
    11/18/2014  11:24 AM    <DIR>          manage
    11/18/2014  11:24 AM    <DIR>          SDK
    11/18/2014  11:25 AM    <DIR>          setup
    04/02/2008  02:57 AM            24,120 setup.exe
    04/02/2008  02:57 AM         1,638,912 setup.msi
    11/18/2014  11:25 AM    <DIR>          sources
    04/02/2008  02:57 AM            24,120 upgrade.exe
                   4 File(s)      1,857,709 bytes
                   8 Dir(s)  126,447,235,072 bytes free

I notice it has a setup.exe (which I will run), and it has files that look like they would be the commands but they have no exe extension.

01/18/2008  06:18 AM           101,888 wc
01/18/2008  06:19 AM           118,784 who
01/18/2008  06:19 AM               591 whoami
             212 File(s)     36,907,662 bytes
               2 Dir(s)  126,443,298,816 bytes free

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Where are the EXEs for Subsystem For Unix Applications so I can use it?

I am on Windows 7 Ultimate.

I have done done start..ctrl panel..programs..turn windows features on and off...and ticked Subsystem For Unix Applications

enter image description here

When I click the start menu, I see it isn't installed but it has enter image description here

I then followed the link in my start menu which went to a webpage to download it. No need to register and it downloaded Utilities and SDK for UNIX-based Applications_X86.exe


 extracted it to C:\sua32

     Volume in drive C has no label.
     Volume Serial Number is DC46-3C68
     Directory of C:\sua32
    11/18/2014  11:25 AM    <DIR>          .
    11/18/2014  11:25 AM    <DIR>          ..
    11/18/2014  11:24 AM    <DIR>          BaseUtils
    11/18/2014  11:24 AM    <DIR>          docs
    04/01/2008  01:21 PM           170,557 install.htm
    11/18/2014  11:24 AM    <DIR>          manage
    11/18/2014  11:24 AM    <DIR>          SDK
    11/18/2014  11:25 AM    <DIR>          setup
    04/02/2008  02:57 AM            24,120 setup.exe
    04/02/2008  02:57 AM         1,638,912 setup.msi
    11/18/2014  11:25 AM    <DIR>          sources
    04/02/2008  02:57 AM            24,120 upgrade.exe
                   4 File(s)      1,857,709 bytes
                   8 Dir(s)  126,447,235,072 bytes free

I notice it has a setup.exe (which I will run), and it has files that look like they would be the commands but they have no exe extension.

01/18/2008  06:18 AM           101,888 wc
01/18/2008  06:19 AM           118,784 who
01/18/2008  06:19 AM               591 whoami
             212 File(s)     36,907,662 bytes
               2 Dir(s)  126,443,298,816 bytes free


I ran setup.exe

and it installed to C:\windows\sua

 Volume in drive C has no label.
 Volume Serial Number is DC46-3C68

 Directory of C:\Windows\SUA

11/18/2014  12:05 PM    <DIR>          .
11/18/2014  12:05 PM    <DIR>          ..
11/18/2014  12:06 PM    <DIR>          bin
11/18/2014  12:04 PM    <DIR>          common
11/17/2014  05:52 PM    <DIR>          dev
11/18/2014  12:04 PM    <DIR>          docs
11/18/2014  12:06 PM    <DIR>          etc
11/18/2014  12:04 PM    <DIR>          help
11/16/2014  11:11 PM    <DIR>          net
11/18/2014  12:05 PM    <DIR>          opt
11/16/2014  11:11 PM    <DIR>          proc
11/18/2014  12:05 PM    <DIR>          svr-5
11/16/2014  11:11 PM    <DIR>          tmp
11/18/2014  12:05 PM    <DIR>          usr
11/18/2014  12:04 PM    <DIR>          var
               0 File(s)              0 bytes
              15 Dir(s)  126,443,307,008 bytes free


It includes these files in C:\Windows\SUA\bin>

01/18/2008  06:18 AM           101,888 wc
01/18/2008  06:19 AM           118,784 who
01/18/2008  06:19 AM               591 whoami

I see no exe extension, and no special shell

How are these meant to run? Or, how am I meant to run these?

I can rename or copy a command e.g. who to who.exe and run it but surely that's not how i'm meant to run it.

How am I meant to run these?