
How can I get an email after an application execution is completed in windows?

I have tried using Task Scheduler, however I am not able to figure out what event ID or how to configure email.

If not going wrong, log and source are selected as "application".

Can you please help?

2 Answers 2


There won't be an event log entry made because the program completed unless the program specifically makes a log entry to announce it's done; which 99% of programs don't do (thankfully).

Instead, create a batch file or script (PowerShell is probably easiest) to launch the program, wait until it's done, and then email you.

Then run that batch/script instead of running the program directly (either manually or via a scheduled task).

  • I agree that scripting is easy to implement, in either PowerShell or CMD. However, an alternative worth investigating is NirCmd from NirSoft (nirsoft.net), which has a huge number of options, including launching a command when another completes. There is an advantage is that NirCmd can run without a task-bar presence. There are a number of other very useful utilities on the site, and they are all freeware.
    – AFH
    Commented Jun 13, 2014 at 21:45
  • @AFH Seems reasonable, why not add that as an answer? :) Commented Jun 14, 2014 at 17:59

I agree that scripting is easy to implement, in either PowerShell or CMD.

However, an alternative worth investigating is NirCmd from NirSoft, which has a huge number of options, including launching a command when another completes. There is an advantage is that NirCmd can run without a task-bar presence.

There are a number of other very useful utilities on the site, and they are all freeware.

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