For the last few weeks I have been trying to configure a wired access point. Eventually I want this to be wireless, but I thought best start with wired. Below are some details


  • Broadband connection – Cable modem
  • Router A - Linksys WRT54G V8 -> Configured as wireless
  • Router B - Linksys WRT54G V2.2 -> Attempting to configure as wired

Current Status

Router is configured for DHCP. The wireless network is and has been working for longtime. I am trying to add another wired access point.

Current Network Configuration

  • Router A IP: 192.168.x1.y1
  • Router A DHCP server: enabled
  • Starting IP address 192.168.x1.y150
  • Maximum number of DHPC user 50

Basic Wireless settings

  • Wireless Network Mode: Mixed
  • Wireless Network Name (SSID): Router_A
  • Wireless Channel: 6
  • Wireless SSID broadcast enabled
  • Wireless Security Mode: WEP (Testing)

New Network extension

Wiring Considerations: Wired Ethernet CAT cable from Router A LAN port to Router B LAN port

  • Router A settings are the same
  • Router B Internet Connection Type : Automatic Configuration - DHCP
  • Router B IP: 192.168.x1.254
  • Router B DHCP server disable
  • Starting IP address 192.168.x1.100
  • Maximum number of DHPC user 50

The above was primary followed from “How to Convert to Be an Access Point

I also have tried Converting Cheap Router to Wireless AP Instructions

I posted the same question on "Configuring a Wired Access Point", and was suggested that I try superuser forum.

I also have read the following post "Incorrect configuration of Linksys WRT54GL as wired router with Linsys WRT54GS as wireless access point"

I hope someone can shed some light on what is wrong in my setup.

  • 1
    Are you trying to create a wireless bridge such that Router B takes data from wired clients and forwards it over WiFi to Router A? Or do you have a cable between Router A and Router B, and you simply need a network switch at Router B's location to share it with other wired clients? Commented May 23, 2014 at 16:10
  • 1. There's no such thing as a wired access point unless you consider a switch a wired access point. 2. Stop using Router B as a router and start using it as a switch. 3. Alternately you could use Router B as a wireless bridge, but in any event you need to stop using it as a router.
    – joeqwerty
    Commented May 23, 2014 at 16:12
  • You should have DHCP disbaled on Router B, other than that the setup looks good. What kind of problems are you having?
    – heavyd
    Commented May 23, 2014 at 16:13
  • @DarthAndroid, its pretty clear from the "New Network Extension" section that there is a cable from Router A to Router B.
    – heavyd
    Commented May 23, 2014 at 16:15
  • 1
    Please update the question to use the correct terminology.
    – Ramhound
    Commented May 23, 2014 at 16:32

1 Answer 1


Cascading Router to another Router

The following configuration is considered to be LAN-WAN configuration.


  1. Note the current configuration on a Main Router - Router_A (On Windows machines access the command prompt and execute a ipconfig/All Command)
  2. Reset the Router B if it has been previous configured to factor setting, connect a computer using a CAT able to an Ethernet port of Router B
  3. Using a web browser access the setup page of Router B. For Linksys WRT54G enter at the URL.
  4. Enter a different IP address for Router B. Example: If Router A is then select for Router B.
  5. Make sure the DHPC server is enabled for the Router B.
  6. Save the setting.
  7. Unplug the CAT cable from the Computer and Router B.
  8. Connect the one end of CAT to Router A LAN Ethernet port and other end to Router B WAN port.
  9. Power Cycle the Router B.
  10. Connect the CAT cable between the Router B Ethernet port and the second computer.

Note: Router B can be configured to be a wireless router.

More detail information can be found here for LINKSYS WRT54G routers.

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