My topology looks like this:

    - Router 1 (LAN;
        - PC 1 (
        - Router 2 (WAN; LAN;
            - PC 2 (

And I need to enable windows file sharing between PC 1 and PC 2. And when I go to "Network" in Win7 Explorer, I want to see my PC 1 and PC 2 there on both computers.

My Router 2 redirects ports 445 and 137-139 to PC 2. This way, I managed to get it working somewhat. I can access the PC 2 from PC 1 by entering IP directly "\\\". But I cannot access the PC 2 from PC 1 by typing it's computer name, and I also don't see it in "Network". It goes the same when accessing PC 1 from PC 2 ... I can use IP, but not name.

I tried using DMZ on Router 2 but that did not helped one bit. I tried turning PC 2 Windows Firewall off, but that also did not helped. When both computers were connected to the same router, it all worked fine. But the topology changed recently. So how can I get it working again? Thanks.

PC 1 is Win7, PC 2 is WinVista.

  • Why is your network set up this way?! Why not flatten it? Dual NAT sucks. (Your setup is very broken. How would a packet from to ever get to router 2?) Commented Mar 6, 2013 at 0:54
  • Because some PCs don't have Wifi and the Wifi router (Router 1) is not accessible by multiple cables.
    – Paya
    Commented Mar 6, 2013 at 0:56
  • So why not connect the Internet access to router 2 and use router 1 just as a switch and access point? Or connect router 1's wired port to router 2's LAN port and connect other wired machines to router 2? Or something that makes sense. Commented Mar 6, 2013 at 0:57
  • Router 1 is also modem, I cannot move it around. To access Router 2 subnetwork, I just need to address Router 2 WAN address ... I need to get running the file sharing and other incoming connections are not required. But I would need to use port redirecting otherwise obviously.
    – Paya
    Commented Mar 6, 2013 at 1:00
  • So connect router 2's LAN port to router 1's wired port. Disable router 2's DHCP server. Connect wired machines to router 2's other LAN ports. You will never be happy with a dual-NAT setup. Commented Mar 6, 2013 at 1:01

1 Answer 1


Get rid of double NAT. You can use routers as switches and access points by connecting them LAN-to-LAN.

  • Related discussion is in the comment section of the question.
    – Paya
    Commented Mar 6, 2013 at 21:05

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