I wanted to re-install Windows 7 and created a bootable USB (using command prompt I restarted my PC and selected primary boot device as USB-HDD (my BIOS also gives options USB-ZIP USB-CDROM and USB-FDD) but it went straight to usual boot. That it to dual boot screen. I thought maybe I chose wrong boot device in BIOS I tired all other options with no luck. Finally I formatted the USB and used Windows 7 USB DVD Download Tool to create a bootable USB. That have not fixed the issue.

I have one idea why I cant boot from flash. I have a dual boot (Win7/Ubuntu) on my machine. That could inter fear with PC`s booting process.

If you have any idea how to fix it or have meet similar problems please share your knowledge.

  • 1
    Did you run the setup.exe that you get when you download that tool? It looks like you have to run that first to extract the boot.wim file properly to a formatted (FAT32) flash drive.
    – Zero
    Commented Aug 23, 2012 at 15:03
  • I used wrong formating for my flash thou it is still strange that installation was affected.
    – Povylas
    Commented Aug 23, 2012 at 17:35

1 Answer 1


The either of the following links would guide you to format your flashdrive in the optimum way

Link 1

Link 2

  • Neither of them helped....
    – Povylas
    Commented Aug 23, 2012 at 19:44

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