Is there a way for me to take my current PC and transfer it to a VM running on the same machine or another machine?

I am currently running Windows XP.

  • 3
    You'll get more/better answers if you post on superuser.com instead. :D
    – Ben S
    Commented Sep 21, 2009 at 17:54
  • there too ... I just figure the IT pro site will get better results Commented Sep 21, 2009 at 17:56

5 Answers 5


When using VMWare, there's a tool called VMWare Converter that can make a VM image out of your machine.


You are looking for something called P2V (physical to virtual) most VM solutions have it. But you will get better responses on server fault.


XenConvert did an amazing job on converting out SVN\Build server to a vhd, and its free!


http://technet.microsoft.com/en-us/sysinternals/ee656415.aspx has a tool for converting a physical machine to virtual. Sysinternals has some good tools and you can try it for free, so not much to lose


You don't mention which VM you're using, but I've had some success using the VMware P2V Assistant. I have had a few HAL issues trying to boot (BSOD) images generated from P2V, but they can usually be resolved by removing most 3rd party drivers and replacing HAL.DLL and NTOSKRNL.DLL

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